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LMAO At Boston


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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I'd never heard of Stevens before he got the job but I like what I've seen so far.

Actually, I think you guys got a good one. He's a good young coach and as the C's add young, talented players, they will all learn together. Just have to make sure you don't miss on too many of those draft picks. If you don't, then LogicMan is right and you'll be back in the hunt in 5-7 years. If you do miss though, then it will be a bit longer. That's how it goes building mainly through the draft.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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I would not say a gift but yes, Danny made a amazing great deal. It's not something you can expect from every GM, and lakers fans never could imagine Mitch pulling off these deals.

Instead of being jealous start by getting rid of the fools running the show in la. There has to be GM talent that the lakers could get that could pull off similar deals.

That said, all these great deals did require Danny to accumulate assets. The next GM in la has to start with that first. Who will that be ?

Lakers fans couldn't imagine Mitch pulling off these deals? Really?!? Ever hear of Pau Gasol? It was also Mitch who unloaded Bynum at the right time.

And I'll take re-building the way the Lakers are planning over the Celtics "build through the draft" approach any day. You act like every player the C's draft will magically turn into Bird, McHale and Parrish.

Building through the draft is why the C's were irrelevant for 20 years until McHale sent Ainge a 7 foot angry gift. I don't care if you want to call it a gift or not. Everyone else see's it for what it was. That deal was all McHale, Ainge just had to be smart enough to say "Thank you".

How did he do at adding more pieces so you could get more than 1 title?


Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
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Trojan, Danny has almost 4 picks per year over the next 5 years. I am guessing that 50 percent will never be drafted by Boston and will be used to acquire a current star like Love. The plan will be using current young gems like sully and Bradley, drafting a few more , then using 10 or so picks to get that second centerpiece to all surround rondo.

I do see only one way the lakers can be relevant . They must acquire a centerpiece free agent to replace Kobe. The only player of that caliber is Lebron. If they can't sign him they need to figure out how to rebuild and not have a mediocre/ Kobe led team over the next few years.

Once again, losing Howard, and also trashing him afterwards did la no favors. Perhaps they need new owners. Stupid stupid


Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
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Well, also, throwing away picks for 40 year old injured vets. That was also stupid

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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Well, also, throwing away picks for 40 year old injured vets. That was also stupid

I am still complaining about that - please don't get me started on the stupidity of that one

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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Lakers fans couldn't imagine Mitch pulling off these deals? Really?!? Ever hear of Pau Gasol? It was also Mitch who unloaded Bynum at the right time.

And I'll take re-building the way the Lakers are planning over the Celtics "build through the draft" approach any day. You act like every player the C's draft will magically turn into Bird, McHale and Parrish.

Building through the draft is why the C's were irrelevant for 20 years until McHale sent Ainge a 7 foot angry gift. I don't care if you want to call it a gift or not. Everyone else see's it for what it was. That deal was all McHale, Ainge just had to be smart enough to say "Thank you".

How did he do at adding more pieces so you could get more than 1 title?

I will happily admit that Gasol was a very nice gift to our Los Angeles Lakers. Next whine by the Celtics fans please:lol:


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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$ 16,709.00
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Trojan, Danny has almost 4 picks per year over the next 5 years. I am guessing that 50 percent will never be drafted by Boston and will be used to acquire a current star like Love. The plan will be using current young gems like sully and Bradley, drafting a few more , then using 10 or so picks to get that second centerpiece to all surround rondo.

I do see only one way the lakers can be relevant . They must acquire a centerpiece free agent to replace Kobe. The only player of that caliber is Lebron. If they can't sign him they need to figure out how to rebuild and not have a mediocre/ Kobe led team over the next few years.

Once again, losing Howard, and also trashing him afterwards did la no favors. Perhaps they need new owners. Stupid stupid

You better have someone to hold Danny's hand with all of those picks. His buddy gifting him a superstar doesn't make him Jerry West, no matter how badly you want it to.

As for the Lakers, they'll be just fine. They'll have a high draft pick this year, they'll make a strong offer to Lebron (who won't come) and likely add a solid vet or 2. I wouldn't be at all surprised to see Love, Westbrook and whoever they get in the draft as centerpieces by 2016/17. They also have a few pieces on the current team that look like they will make for solid role players in the future as well.

As for losing Howard, that was a Howard problem, not a Laker problem and pretty much everyone (including upcoming FA's and their agents) knows this except you.

In fact, the Lakers are one of 2 teams (the other being the Knicks) that Love has expressed the most interest in playing for.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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I will happily admit that Gasol was a very nice gift to our Los Angeles Lakers. Next whine by the Celtics fans please:lol:

True, but considering the player that Marc Gasol turned out to be, the Grizzlies got a lot closer to fair market value than the T-Wolves did.


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Jun 17, 2013
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I like what Danny is doing. Were in position for a lottery pick this year and I know he has plans to land a star with all the picks we've collected. We robbed the Nets so badly I almost feel bad for them. Add one star to Rondo, AB, Green, and Sully and we would be a contender. I could see Danny moving one of the 4 if the deal is right.

I don't see the Celtics being down for too long.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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$ 16,709.00
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I like what Danny is doing. Were in position for a lottery pick this year and I know he has plans to land a star with all the picks we've collected. We robbed the Nets so badly I almost feel bad for them. Add one star to Rondo, AB, Green, and Sully and we would be a contender. I could see Danny moving one of the 4 if the deal is right.

I don't see the Celtics being down for too long.

Truth to tell, I think that both teams will be back a lot sooner than the other teams fanbase wants to admit.

And that will be a good thing for the league.


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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We're in that valley now and get over the hump sooner vs later. Let them have their cracks and jokes we got a history rich with success and this funk only happens a couple times every 30 or so years.


Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
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Trojan, the gasol deal was great. But it now looks like it was one lucky deal. Mitch and the lakers have depleted the assets, played games with stu Jackson, trashed players AFTER they rejected their offers, and given the reigns to a player old and who is sucking up nearly 50 percent of cap.

Lets not even get started on the coach. A major major set of changes is coming.m if your a Mitch and dantoni lover get prepared. The decisions are obvious.

They must acquire Lebron. An all all press will take place.


Apr 18, 2013
Los Angeles
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Come on now Logic. Pretty ridiculous to conclude that the Lakers only hope is acquiring Lebron. I would love to have him, but he isn't the only player in the NBA.

I agree that the Lakers fucked up not resigning Dwight. That was the start of the rebuild/reload plan. That has set them back a few years. It's not going to be as quick of a process as hoped.

With the way things are going this season, the Lakers will be in position to draft a potential superstar player. In the summer of 2015, they have cap room for possibly a top PF (go ahead and trade for Love Danny boy. He ain't resigning in Boston). In the summer of 2016, they'll have the cap room for another star. I could easily see a big 3 of Love, Westbrook, and Wiggins starting the 16/17 season.

Deep in the valley now, but the peak will be in reach again.


Apr 18, 2013
Los Angeles
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Danny boy has done well acquiring draft picks. What he does with them is to be determined. I wouldn't crown him as some grand genius though. He still needs to turn these assets into something that will make them contenders again.


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Jul 2, 2013
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Lakers fans couldn't imagine Mitch pulling off these deals? Really?!? Ever hear of Pau Gasol? It was also Mitch who unloaded Bynum at the right time.

And I'll take re-building the way the Lakers are planning over the Celtics "build through the draft" approach any day. You act like every player the C's draft will magically turn into Bird, McHale and Parrish.

Building through the draft is why the C's were irrelevant for 20 years until McHale sent Ainge a 7 foot angry gift. I don't care if you want to call it a gift or not. Everyone else see's it for what it was. That deal was all McHale, Ainge just had to be smart enough to say "Thank you".

How did he do at adding more pieces so you could get more than 1 title?

The Celtics problem really, know that I think about it, was having been owned for such a long time by
someone who knew a lot more about the restaurant business than the basketball business.

John Y. Brown Jr. did good things for the KFC chain but made mostly BAD decisions on basketball-related matters
such as hiring coaches or GMs.


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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John Y. Brown Jr. did good things for the KFC chain but made mostly BAD decisions on basketball-related matters
such as hiring coaches or GMs.

love their Popcorn Chicken....that would explain the franchise lackluster run from about '86 to '08.


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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The plan will be using current young gems like sully and Bradley, drafting a few more , then using 10 or so picks to get that second centerpiece to all surround rondo.

and what if the rumors become a reality and they trade Rondo?