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Aug 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Some of you may remember how much I like Leary and how much better I think he is/can be than Bernardeau et al, but I was thinking. Maybe it's just a lot easier to play next to T Smith than Free? I still hope (and think) Leary wins the job because it's always best to have a young guy good enough to win a job and hold it for 10 years. But, I am rethinking my stance on him being WAY better than MB. Maybe it isn't quite the slam dunk I was thinking. MB sucked early in the year, but after Waters was injured he played pretty well the rest of the year. With the two of them, Martin and the new guy whose name I can't spell yet we are looking better than we have at Guard in a LOOOOONNNNNGGGG time. Still think the best thing for this team next year is to move Martin to RT to bookend with Smith and with Frederick in the middle. Then find a combo of two of those 3 (or 4 with Free) to play the Guard spots or even bring in a guy if needed. Damn I like our OL this year



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Jul 17, 2013
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Depending on how good our guard play and overall line play is this year, I'd be inclined to keep Martin at RG. It feels like Free will be let go at the end of the year. Not that it can't be done, but why switch out two positions when only one is needed? The great thing that Martin brings this team is the ability to kick outside if need be. From what I've seen of Parnell, there wasn't a lot of separation between him and Free anyway. Just pick up a RT to battle him for the job next year.


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Aug 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I think he is as good at RT as he is showing at RG and I'd prefer my good OL at RT than at RG. If we move him to RT we have two in house options to play RG, including the guy who was pretty good for the second half of last year. Also, its easier to find a FA for a decent price to play RG than it is RT. None of those guys that i see as RGs can play RT. Parnell has been horrible last year and so far this offseason and I won't be surprised if he is cut this year. So if you don't have Free there next year, who are your options? Weems? He may be a player, but he isn't assured to be as good as our options already on the team at RG.

So for me, since i see Martin as a comparable option at both spots, it's twofold. First off I see our options to replace an open spot at RG better than at RT and second if I am going to have a spot on the OL that isn't that strong I'd rather it be RG than RT


I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
Las Vegas, NV 89129
Hoopla Cash
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The OL and WR group we have is why I'm not ready to concede the season before it begins. Just let a couple guys on the DL step up and we are a GOOD playoff team.

Now call me a homer but with Melton, Crawford and Selvie I think we have enough there to be middle of the pack on defense.


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Aug 19, 2013
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IMO it all comes down to Romo. I think the rest of the team is good enough to get him to a week 17 game that matters again. Will he be healthy enough and good enough to win it this time is my question.


I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
Las Vegas, NV 89129
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IMO it all comes down to Romo. I think the rest of the team is good enough to get him to a week 17 game that matters again. Will he be healthy enough and good enough to win it this time is my question.

I really hope it doesn't come down to week 17. That shits getting old.


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Aug 19, 2013
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I really hope it doesn't come down to week 17. That shits getting old.

Maybe I'm a glutton for punishment, but I do. I think we can make the playoffs, but I don't think we are good enough to have clinched after 16 weeks. So I'll take the déjà vu scenario right now if offered


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Jul 7, 2013
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Maybe I'm a glutton for punishment, but I do. I think we can make the playoffs, but I don't think we are good enough to have clinched after 16 weeks. So I'll take the déjà vu scenario right now if offered

:L me too ....

I think our offense is good enough ........ I got no faith in this defense ...... They will have to prove me flat out wrong to think otherwise

I will be happy as fuck if they do though ..... I just dont see it.

and to be honest .... as bad as our defense was last year ...... I think it's gonna be worse this year

Thursday night though might give me that boost of faith MIGHT

UK Cowboy

Happy Father's Day T-Roy
Aug 9, 2013
Longview, Texas
Hoopla Cash
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We can make the playoffs if some guys step up on defense. Crawford, Melton, Carter, Mo, JJ. That's 5 guys who are either coming off injury or an inconsistent season. The defense doesn't have to be the Steel Curtain. If they can just hold onto the double digit 2nd half leads they are given, this team wins 10 games. If Romo is healthy, and if Murray stays healthy, this offense could be top 2-3 in the league


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Jul 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I have to say I'm worried about the Cowboys OLine. If Martin is a stud you guys are set. The Eagles have a really good OLine but the MAJOR difference is Peters, Evan Mathis and Herremans are all over 32. If Martin is good you guys are set for a friggin decade. I think Philly has a two year window. Luckily our RT is young and good and our C is young and great but that all ends once Peters and Mathis leave.

UK Cowboy

Happy Father's Day T-Roy
Aug 9, 2013
Longview, Texas
Hoopla Cash
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I have to say I'm worried about the Cowboys OLine. If Martin is a stud you guys are set. The Eagles have a really good OLine but the MAJOR difference is Peters, Evan Mathis and Herremans are all over 32. If Martin is good you guys are set for a friggin decade. I think Philly has a two year window. Luckily our RT is young and good and our C is young and great but that all ends once Peters and Mathis leave.

It will be worth watching to see how the Eagles try and build up their team the next couple of years. It's interesting to me that the coach sort of adjusted his scheme to the NFL game his first year instead of going all out quack attack. As he brings in more of ''his'' type of players, it will be interesting to see if he tries to run his system exactly how he did in college. The jury is still out as to whether that will work IMO


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Jul 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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We talked about this before. Some think film will slow down the Birds and Foles. I'm of the opinion that we are a run first team and a spread formation team like many others. Chip really isn't doing anything new. The spread has been around for a while especially in New England and the run game has been working sincee the inception of football. There's really nothing unique Chip is doing.


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Jul 7, 2013
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We talked about this before. Some think film will slow down the Birds and Foles. I'm of the opinion that we are a run first team and a spread formation team like many others. Chip really isn't doing anything new. The spread has been around for a while especially in New England and the run game has been working sincee the inception of football. There's really nothing unique Chip is doing.

I wouldnt say it's been around for that long ..... but it's creative ....

stretch the field make everyone think you will pass ... then run ... kinda like the old run and shoot ... just well .... different and maybe better
I think defenses will figure it out ..... might be wrong ..... run and shoot never won anything either ....


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Jul 15, 2013
Dallas Texas
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Went back and reread the scouting on Martin and its a mixed bag on him being a tackle in the NFL his arms are to short and his torso is not the typical "long" type that is looked for.

With that being said I will hold out on moving him to tackle till after the season.


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Aug 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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:L me too ....

I think our offense is good enough ........ I got no faith in this defense ...... They will have to prove me flat out wrong to think otherwise

I will be happy as fuck if they do though ..... I just dont see it.

and to be honest .... as bad as our defense was last year ...... I think it's gonna be worse this year

Thursday night though might give me that boost of faith MIGHT

Pretty much no chance we have a great defense, but I think we can make the playoffs if we are even a little below average. We just can't be the worst in the league again of course. But , I don't see us being as bad as last year though. We literally were pulling guys off the steet every week. Ware wasn't himself and Lee wasn't there. So those losses don't make us worse. The big thing will be Hatcher because he was IMO an All Pro last year. We need Melton to play at a high level and we need someone else to get at the QB even if it is in waves. This year our depth is way better than last year, especially on the DL. Look at the names that started for us last year. It was amazing how decimated we were. So even if we are playing guys like Mincey and McClain it's a lot better than what we had last year.

To me the main key will be health and Romo. If he plays a good portion of the 2nd and 3rd preseason games I'll be very happy. If he skips one or both of them I am going to really get concerned.


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Aug 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I have to say I'm worried about the Cowboys OLine. If Martin is a stud you guys are set. The Eagles have a really good OLine but the MAJOR difference is Peters, Evan Mathis and Herremans are all over 32. If Martin is good you guys are set for a friggin decade. I think Philly has a two year window. Luckily our RT is young and good and our C is young and great but that all ends once Peters and Mathis leave.

That's exactly why I said all off season we may grab an OL in the first (the guy I predicted was Lewan, not Martin) and why I wanted Martin after the way the draft fell to us. The draft is about building a team, not a season. We put 3 corner stones on this OL that should be studs for 10 years. Not too many teams can say that. This line should protect our aging QB and then move right into protecting a young QB in a few years. Imagine if Leary takes another step forward this year and Weems develops like the team seems to think he could? The future is so much brighter than when Garrett first took over even if the present doesn't look that great.


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Aug 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Went back and reread the scouting on Martin and its a mixed bag on him being a tackle in the NFL his arms are to short and his torso is not the typical "long" type that is looked for.

With that being said I will hold out on moving him to tackle till after the season.

I've always scratched my head at the amount of weight put on the whole arms are too short thing. I fully understand why it's important, but it's one thing out of a million factors that make a guy a good tackle. It's even a step below thinking a 40 time is one of the most important determining factors of a players ability. I don't think the scouts pay nearly as much attention to those things as the "gurus" and fans that want to put together their mock drafts. Anyway, I don't think there is any way we would move Martin before the end of the season. It would take a couple of huge injuries for us to even consider that.


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Jul 22, 2013
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great thread....darn shame the jerry grabs at a boob carries. But then again....the cartoon network as ratings with the nation I suppose

this line is looking like a difference maker from past seasons. All we need is a healthy Romo and a middle of the pack defense. Slap me and call me stupid....I think it's possible, but that's what a fucking fan would think in early August


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Jul 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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great thread....darn shame the jerry grabs at a boob carries. But then again....the cartoon network as ratings with the nation I suppose

this line is looking like a difference maker from past seasons. All we need is a healthy Romo and a middle of the pack defense. Slap me and call me stupid....I think it's possible, but that's what a fucking fan would think in early August

That would have to be a really significant upgrade to climb to middle of the pack especially with Lee out and your rookie OLB out for 2 months. But the Saints sure turned it around quick. Remember how god awful they were not that long ago.

To be honest I think Dallas would be better off having a season like the 2012 Eagles. THey could spend a high 2nd and 3rd on defensive talent while getting a franchise QB in round 1 to groom behind Romo. In the long run 3-13 would be waaay better then 8-8 for the fourth straight year. It leads to a sucky season for one year and possibly a significant upgrade for several years.
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