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Let's Talk NFL Rookie of the Year


Surprise Motherfucker
Apr 17, 2013
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And your point is? Just because he faced better defenses than Wentz does not mean he has faced a good one. Neither QB has faced any good defenses IMO. Dak has the advantage of playing behind one of the best if not the best offensive line in the NFL. That helps him a lot. I am not sure if you watched the Eagles/Skins game but you can see the difference between the two. The Skins have no shot of getting to Dak with their front four....not going to happen. Without Lane Johnson...Wentz was a sitting duck. He had lineman in his face before he would finish his drop back.
I am sure you were saying the same thing before Dallas whipped Cinci and GB. All I heard was wait until Dak plays a real defense in Cinci oh wait until Dak plays a real defense in GB. Blah Blah Blah people keep moving the goalposts to try and discredit him because he dominated both games. :rolleyes2:


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Aug 19, 2014
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I am sure you were saying the same thing before Dallas whipped Cinci and GB. All I heard was wait until Dak plays a real defense in Cinci oh wait until Dak plays a real defense in GB. Blah Blah Blah people keep moving the goalposts to try and discredit him because he dominated both games. :rolleyes2:

And I assume you are just here to pick arguments. I have not once said that Dak has not been playing great. I have even said I can see the reason people say he is better and have no problem with it. I think otherwise but that is just one persons opinion.

Before the Cowboys/Packers game I have already been on record saying the Packers pass defense was horrible. Here is a link to the thread and the post I made. It was two weeks ago. I never said wait until Dak plays a good defense in GB because I think GB's defense sucks.

Why the Vikings didn't overpay for Sam Bradford...

They did well against the Packers but they have one of the worst pass defenses in the NFL.

I have not commented on the Bengals defense this year but I am not impressed. I can't even remember the last time I commented on the Bengals defense.

so my original opinion still stands unless you have something to rebutt my actual comments or are you going to just keep pulling shit out of thin air?


I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
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Dak is playing great football. I personally can't see why anyone is getting upset if they choose Carson or Dak. My opinion is based on what I have seen from both QB's. We can argue this back and forth but the bottom line is that until Dak faces a seriously good defense he is going to be treated like the second coming. It is sad to me because Zeke is the one that really should get the accolades. He is the driving force behind the Cowboys offense and when Dez come back they are going be even better. Dak is not going to be asked to carry the team on his shoulder like Carson is right now.
Funny, you seem to be upset with those picking Dak.


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Aug 19, 2014
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Funny, you seem to be upset with those picking Dak.

How do you figure? It is not bothering me that Dak is being picked over Carson Wentz. What does bother me is that I believe Zeke Elliot does not get near the credit he deserves. Surely all you Cowboys fans are not this obtuse?
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Resident Fake Asian!
May 12, 2013
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This is easy as of right now:

Zek- Dallas

Dak goes to the bench when Romo comes bac

Wentz doesn't have the talent around him to help his cause!

Here's the darkhorse, Jared Reed in Seattle! The big boy out of Bama is fitting really well, and as much as I hate the Seachickens this kid is in the perfect system! Now I gotta go wash my mouth out...


I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
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How do you figure? It is not bothering me that Dak is being picked over Carson Wentz. What does bother me is that I believe Zeke Elliot does not get near the credit he deserves. Surely all you Cowboys fans are not this obtuse?
Oh, maybe the constant rebuttal to every post suggesting Dak has played better.


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Aug 19, 2014
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Oh, maybe the constant rebuttal to every post suggesting Dak has played better.

You have me confused with someone else. I do not make constant posts about how Carson or Dak has played better. My opinion is that Carson Wentz is the better QB. I think he is doing better based on what he has to work with and actually said that if the situations were reversed Carson Wentz may be putting up MVP numbers. No way that can be proved and probably a bit much to even suggest for any rookie.

My replies that I can see where people chose Dak and while I disagree with it don't see anything wrong with it.


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Jul 22, 2013
Texas by the Grace of God
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it's good to agree to disagree
maybe it becomes clearer when Dallas plays a team with a good defense...:eek:

10 to play....I'm sure it will get clearer


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Jul 22, 2013
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Oh, maybe the constant rebuttal to every post suggesting Dak has played better.
he's just making conversation
It's really not fair, when phill was 3-0 the talent was about the same. Now? Dak has a huge talent around him difference. LOL....onward philly fans


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Aug 19, 2014
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he's just making conversation
It's really not fair, when phill was 3-0 the talent was about the same. Now? Dak has a huge talent around him difference. LOL....onward philly fans

Depends on who you are talking to. I stand by my choice that Carson Wentz is the better QB. I did not think that Dak was doing great early on but did think he was doing well. I believe then and I still believe that Dak has a better situation. However....if you recall I did also say that just because he has a better situation he still needs to make the plays. They are just not given to him. This is not playstation. I even conceded that the Eagles have faced weaker defenses. I still think Dak needs to face some adversity and what I mean he needs to spend a game dealing with a lot of pressure and see how he handles it. I do not want to wish a game on him like Carson just had but it would be nice to see how he holds up against it. Even if he does poorly it does not mean he is going to suck. As I stated previously I think that Carson is going to be a real stud QB and I don't see anything that does not suggest Dak will not be a stud either.


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Jul 22, 2013
Texas by the Grace of God
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I stand by my choice that Carson Wentz is the better QB.
so you've said a few times here
How anyone could say for sure at this point is beyond me, but it's your topic. Just not seeing this lack of adversity and weak defenses you spin to. I know how each QB were viewed coming into this last draft and I wouldn't cry if Wentz wins the award.


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Aug 19, 2014
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Well there you go, you win.

Never said that. You Cowboys fans sure are sensitive this week. This is a football forum right? Each thread created is so a discussion can be had. So people can discuss different view points. I am not even trying to be declared a winner. I am merely stating my opinion. I am not trying to change anyones mind. I could care less if you agree with me or not. We all are entitled to our opinion. You don't agree. Good for you. Just say so. The world will still continue to exist afterwards.


I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
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Never said that. You Cowboys fans sure are sensitive this week. This is a football forum right? Each thread created is so a discussion can be had. So people can discuss different view points. I am not even trying to be declared a winner. I am merely stating my opinion. I am not trying to change anyones mind. I could care less if you agree with me or not. We all are entitled to our opinion. You don't agree. Good for you. Just say so. The world will still continue to exist afterwards.
Sensitive? Another word that could be directed back at you. Read the thread it's not just Cowboys fans leaning Daks way, but you have challenged all who don't agree with you. Early on you said Dallas would trade Dak and a 1st for Wentz, before the season I as a Cowboy fan would jump at that trade, however seeing Dak play I'd probably keep what we have. I'm not to keen on throwing away 1st round picks, and while Wentz very well may be the better QB, I wouldn't say he's all that much better off of the small sample size we've seen.


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Aug 19, 2014
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Sensitive? Another word that could be directed back at you. Read the thread it's not just Cowboys fans leaning Daks way, but you have challenged all who don't agree with you. Early on you said Dallas would trade Dak and a 1st for Wentz, before the season I as a Cowboy fan would jump at that trade, however seeing Dak play I'd probably keep what we have. I'm not to keen on throwing away 1st round picks, and while Wentz very well may be the better QB, I wouldn't say he's all that much better off of the small sample size we've seen.

I think you need to go back and read the entire thread because you are way off base. Yes I have debated the topic but I don't recall challenging everyone who did not agree with me. I merely continuted the discussion.

Now here is a challenge for you. Go and find the post where I said Dallas would Trade Dak and a 1st for Wentz. I never have nor would I ever suggest something so stupid.


I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
Las Vegas, NV 89129
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I think you need to go back and read the entire thread because you are way off base. Yes I have debated the topic but I don't recall challenging everyone who did not agree with me. I merely continuted the discussion.

Now here is a challenge for you. Go and find the post where I said Dallas would Trade Dak and a 1st for Wentz. I never have nor would I ever suggest something so stupid.
My apologies, it was PhoenixEagles who brought up the trade idea. In my defense all you Eagle fans look alike.


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Jul 19, 2013
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My apologies, it was PhoenixEagles who brought up the trade idea. In my defense all you Eagle fans look alike.

We do look alike. Want to find 25,000 Cowboy fans? Go to a Lakers or Yankee game.