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Let's Talk NFL Rookie of the Year


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Tyreek Hill has quietly been very productive as a WR, in addition to his return ability, the past two weeks. Reminds me of a young Desean Jackson.

As for ROY I still think the best player is clearly Zeke and it's not even remotely close right now for me.
The Hill/Maclin Chiefs combination definitely reminds me of what the Eagles tried to do with Maclin and Jackson.

Really makes me think the Chiefs need a new QB if Nick Foles is able to step in. Foles couldnt pass the ball to save his life in STL. Then again, the Rams and QB play...


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Jul 15, 2013
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my 2 cents says
Dak Wentz tie
and before any of you philly guys get on me about Wentz I wanted Dallas to draft him been watching him for 3 years at NDSU and he will end up a great QB barring injury IMHO

Hank Kingsley

Jun 27, 2014
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I think it will be Zeke in a runaway......Dak looked really pedestrian last night, and I get a feeling as the season moves on, youre gonna see defenses make him look like that a few more times, Zeke will not be really slowed by anything but injury

Pedestrian until it mattered. Then he was lights out. The tying drive was very impressive given they had to have it and Elliot had the 60 yards run called back for a penalty.


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Aug 19, 2014
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Good post. I will only say that you can't take away the long pass to Dez and then compare the YPA. that is being disingenuous. Why not take away the long incompletions too? Might as well say if Dak threw a TD in the red zone earlier in the game instead of an Int he would have had really great stats???

I only did that to show how misleading that particular stat can be which is why I am not fond of it and think it is an overrated stat. There were a couple critical drops that happened on the Eagles side that I could have pointed out a key one was Agholor in the red zone that should have been a first down that could have turned a field goal into a TD or the 3 (maybe 4) interceptions that Dak got away with or the one Wentz got away with.
I didn't because that type of stuff happens every week and I was not trying to take away from the game itself because overall it was a really good game.

The game is 4 qtrs and the Cowboys played all 4 of them and the Eagles did not. The game was well in hand but in the end the Eagles got outcoached. Jason Garret made better decisions in the end. I still believe the difference is the weapons and I may be in the minority. The Cowboys are loaded and that is not a knock against Dak. Dak made plays with his feet yesterday that allowed receivers to get open so he could make a play. I don't want to take that from him because he made the plays when they counted and should received the accolades for it.


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Aug 19, 2013
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I only did that to show how misleading that particular stat can be which is why I am not fond of it and think it is an overrated stat. There were a couple critical drops that happened on the Eagles side that I could have pointed out a key one was Agholor in the red zone that should have been a first down that could have turned a field goal into a TD or the 3 (maybe 4) interceptions that Dak got away with or the one Wentz got away with.
I didn't because that type of stuff happens every week and I was not trying to take away from the game itself because overall it was a really good game.

The game is 4 qtrs and the Cowboys played all 4 of them and the Eagles did not. The game was well in hand but in the end the Eagles got outcoached. Jason Garret made better decisions in the end. I still believe the difference is the weapons and I may be in the minority. The Cowboys are loaded and that is not a knock against Dak. Dak made plays with his feet yesterday that allowed receivers to get open so he could make a play. I don't want to take that from him because he made the plays when they counted and should received the accolades for it.
5 Qtrs:thumb:


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Jul 22, 2013
Texas by the Grace of God
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I wonder how Scandrick eats with those hands.

yep...4-12 Dallas playing two rookies and having the worst defense in the NFC east is now all of sudden the most talented team in the east.


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Aug 19, 2014
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I wonder how Scandrick eats with those hands.

yep...4-12 Dallas playing two rookies and having the worst defense in the NFC east is now all of sudden the most talented team in the east.

The Cowboys are loaded on offense and it all starts with Zeke. As Jason Garrett said.....it starts with Zeke. Get him going and the offense will be fine. I have not checked yet but will in a few but I guess the question remains if the Cowboys played a good offense yet. GB can be good but they are full of injuries and were not healthy when they played the Cowboys. So maybe the defense has not yet been truly tested. However their offense obviously can handle a fight.


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Jul 22, 2013
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The Cowboys are loaded on offense and it all starts with Zeke
Lets give a little credit to the Cowboys drafting and certainly their vision.

More folks trashed Dallas for the Elliott pick than not. It was all about Dallas's pathetic defense and what were they thinking taking a RB at 4. Dallas's line was loaded going in to this draft. I didn't hear one football fan talk about their offense being loaded


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Aug 19, 2014
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Lets give a little credit to the Cowboys drafting and certainly their vision.

More folks trashed Dallas for the Elliott pick than not. While at the time It was all about Dallas's pathetic defense and what were they thinking taking a RB at 4. Dallas's line was loaded going in to this draft. I didn't hear one football fan talk about their offense being loaded

I did not mean it as trash talk. When I say the Cowboys are loaded on offense that is how I see them. Good QB. Great Offensive Line, Great RB, Very good WR's (as a collective unit) and a very good TE. I don't see a weakness on the offense.

This is not little league. They are loaded because they made the right decisions. I thought that went without saying.

At the time I thought top 5 was too high for a RB. However....many of us Eagles fans wanted Elliot before we moved up to #2 and thought he could very well fall to us. The Cowboys drafting him was a suprise to me to honest.


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Aug 19, 2014
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not if they keep winning they haven't

defense is effort and few teams give more effort than the 11 Dallas runs out on defense.
THAT's coaching

I think the Cowboys weakness is the defensive line. I thought the linebackers were pretty good. The secondary was suspect because you never knew if they were going to play to their potential. Wentz did not get pressured to much last night. His receivers just suck....yes some of the credit should go to the Cowboys defense but if we are being honest with the time Wentz had at times someone should have gotten open. Not even Deion Sanders could cover someone forever.


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Jul 22, 2013
Texas by the Grace of God
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I think the Cowboys weakness is the defensive line. I thought the linebackers were pretty good. The secondary was suspect because you never knew if they were going to play to their potential. Wentz did not get pressured to much last night. His receivers just suck....yes some of the credit should go to the Cowboys defense but if we are being honest with the time Wentz had at times someone should have gotten open. Not even Deion Sanders could cover someone forever.
We must not have watched the same game cause 99% of the time Wentz had the ball out at 6 or 7 yards. All those completions and you still are at 4 yards per attempt? That is game plan to me much more than receivers not being able to get separation.


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Jul 22, 2013
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best part for this cowboy homer was the 3rd qtr when philly got up two score...the eagles started talking noise between plays and feeling real good about themselves.


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best part for this cowboy homer was the 3rd qtr when philly got up two score...the eagles started talking noise between plays and feeling real good about themselves.

My favorite was hearing Collinsworth meander his way around who he is shit talking. Eagles couldn't do anything right in the 1st, then Dallas couldn't for the 2nd and 3rd, then in the 4th and OT Dallas was the greatest team to grace the field again. :pound:


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We must not have watched the same game cause 99% of the time Wentz had the ball out at 6 or 7 yards. All those completions and you still are at 4 yards per attempt? That is game plan to me much more than receivers not being able to get separation.

yes I watched the entire game. I don't think it was game plan. With the exception of the slants on most pass plays Wentz did not go to the 1st option on that route. He always had to go to #2 or #3. The Cowboys played man most of the game. That is how you beat the Eagles. Wentz will kill you if you go zone. Force the receivers to make plays and they cannot. It is not just the Cowboys.....all teams can beat the Eagles this way. Wentz took what they gave him and they did not give him much.


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Aug 19, 2014
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IMO PDay the Cowboys weakness is the front 4. Keep a TE in to block to give Wentz some extra time just in case and let the receivers get open. We do not have the players that can do that.

If the Eagles had Dez Bryant the game would be different. Now I am not saying this to say Dak is not any good because he is. I am not saying he has to have weapons to succeed because he really does not if I am going to be honest. The plays he made in the 4th with his feet were spectacular. Having weapons helps him not have to do it on his own but he gave the receivers time to get open. The got open and he was able to get it to them. So go to the Eagles side of the ball. Wentz escaped pressure some last night too. The difference is he had no one get open.

Back to the point I was trying to make before I let myself get sidetracked.... :-)

Dez Bryant is a stud. He forces defense to account for him and there isn't a single corner in the NFL that can cover him one on one. That is my belief. You put someone like him on the Eagles and things open up. Beasely was open all day but we got a lot of pressure on Dak early forcing bad throws. But as I said in an earlier post. You can't keep a team like the Cowboys shut down for 4 straight quarters. When you have the chance to put them away you need to do it. They will eventually strike. They proved that last night. A field goal would have been huge. The backwards pass was the turning point in the game. Even if you gain zero yards we kick a field goal and I think the Eagles win. The Cowboys needed 2 scores. Instead we get zero points. Let them tie the game and now have to try to drive with shitty weapons to get a go ahead score. Not going to happen.


Oct 31, 2016
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Dez can be the worst thing to happen to the Cowboys

His return, Beasley, Williams and Witten become invisible, and Dak has his worst game by far

Could be just the one game, but I think its something to keep an eye on, sometimes trying to keep the superstar happy can be a detriment to team chemistry

more important than the Cowboys not spreading the ball around in the pass game...might be how much do they get away from the run? they need to keep handing the ball off...not sure Dez will love that


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There sure is a lot of "if Philly had Dez" in this thread.