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LeBron James "I don't believe I have played for a super team"


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Jul 16, 2013
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That's based on a full 82 games from whomever the replacement is. LeBron sits out games.

If LeBron goes a full 82, those Cavs are a 58-60 win team. So, you're losing around 20 wins a year. I think he's that good.

Crowder is their starting SF and missed most of the season.


Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
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cant stand LBJ the crybaby. but if rumors are true, i will really hate him if he goes to LA


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Apr 17, 2013
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Of course he doesn't believe it. Hes an egomaniac in denial.

And compared to the rest of the TRASH teams in the NBA (There can barely find an all star) if its not a "superTeam" hes playe on in Cleveland what is it exactly??

Golden State


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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They do. But it takes more in general.

Mark Aguirre averaged 20 for his career and won a ring. His career is more worthy imo and hasn't made it in the 24 years he's been retired.

Aguirre should be in the hall. I don't remember the exact circumstances, but he got himself a really bad rep as a cancer, etc. and that has been held against him.

Imo, that's why he's not in the hall. Lots of politics in those selections.


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Before this Finals lost wasn't he saying this, "is the best team I could be on" or something like that?


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Keep rationalizing it any way you have to KD, everyone knows what happened. Has all the relevance of a stacked little league team championship.


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Aguirre should be in the hall. I don't remember the exact circumstances, but he got himself a really bad rep as a cancer, etc. and that has been held against him.
Imo, that's why he's not in the hall. Lots of politics in those selections.

Mark Aguirre ?

He scored a lot early in his career with a Dallas team that at first wasn't very good -- then later really underachieved in the playoffs. But he was just a scorer.

Once he became a roll player on the Pistons, he was more effective. He would play about 15-20 minutes / game ... score about 12-14 points / game ... and it worked. (but he was hardly a HOF player)

I'd pick Webber, Hardaway & "skinny" Shawn Kemp before Aguirre. (I'd pick Alex English first -- but if Alex made it -- Mark should have a chance)


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Yeah, I don't like that definition at all. People's primes, team fits, etc have to be factors.

I know a lot of people have the Celtics Big 3 with KG, Pierce and Allen as a Superteam but if you look back at that team it might actually be one of the worst NBA champions in recent memory. So superteam? Eh, maybe they could've been but that has to be more to it.

Now that I think about it and have looked up their playoff record that season, I think you're right about the Celtics not really being a super team. That Celtics team had two series go 7 games and two that went 6 games. They were really more like a veteran team that was just getting by the competition because of experience and shooting.


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I think in order to be classified as a "super team" you need 3 HOF worthy players on your roster.

Just look at the Showtime Lakers. They had Magic, Kareem, Worthy and Wilkes who are all HOFers. The Warriors arguably have 2 locks right now in KD and Curry. Two fringe guys in Klay and Green who's longevity will determine if they get in.

Lebron had Wade and a past prime Ray Allen. Bosh doesn't get in the HOF. Then he has Kyrie and Love, who at their current trajectory I think Kyrie has a solid case but Love is on the outside looking in, imo.

So it's close, but there have been far more "super" teams than Lebron has played on, imo.

I don't think Curry is a lock yet, unless you are counting his projected performance for the rest of his career.. He needs at least a few more seasons of high level play to cement a HOF resume, IMO.


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Mark Aguirre ?

He scored a lot early in his career with a Dallas team that at first wasn't very good -- then later really underachieved in the playoffs. But he was just a scorer.

Once he became a roll player on the Pistons, he was more effective. He would play about 15-20 minutes / game ... score about 12-14 points / game ... and it worked. (but he was hardly a HOF player)

I'd pick Webber, Hardaway & "skinny" Shawn Kemp before Aguirre. (I'd pick Alex English first -- but if Alex made it -- Mark should have a chance)

Hall of Very Good for Aguirre, IMO.


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Jul 2, 2013
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Big numbers get you into the Hall.

I agree. He's likely gone.

The Cavs can't simply stand pat and try again next year. They'll get the same result.

Cavs obviously aren't trading Lebron or Kyrie. So Love is the asset that will get them the biggest return.

Didn't help Chris Webber.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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Mark Aguirre ?

He scored a lot early in his career with a Dallas team that at first wasn't very good -- then later really underachieved in the playoffs. But he was just a scorer.

Once he became a roll player on the Pistons, he was more effective. He would play about 15-20 minutes / game ... score about 12-14 points / game ... and it worked. (but he was hardly a HOF player)

I'd pick Webber, Hardaway & "skinny" Shawn Kemp before Aguirre. (I'd pick Alex English first -- but if Alex made it -- Mark should have a chance)

Yeah, he should be there. So should the guys you mentioned, especially English.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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He's pulling an Obama and acting ignorant. At least KD admitted his team was a super team. Either he's playing ignorant or in denial. Kobe and MJ could win championships with just one other all star but not LBJ.
I don't like LeBron much, but truthfully - I don't think he has played for a super team either. He has played with some all star players like Wade and Bosh, but I really don't think Irving as much of an all star as Wade or Bosh. I do agree, however that both Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant were better players. That might deceive a lot fans though because athletically, LeBron was stronger, faster and simply gifted. What LeBron has lacked is the ball iq and fast thinking to make decisions on the court - that both MJ and KB had. Both MJ and KB in my opinion had killer instinct and ability to close games better.

That being said - LeBron hasn't missed a finals in the last 8 years, and that by itself is impressive and has to be recognized. The dude just hasn't had the team to win with. He missed the Robert Horry's and Derek Fishers that could simply drain a three point shot in half a second to win the game.


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Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I don't like LeBron much, but truthfully - I don't think he has played for a super team either. He has played with some all star players like Wade and Bosh, but I really don't think Irving as much of an all star as Wade or Bosh. I do agree, however that both Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant were better players. That might deceive a lot fans though because athletically, LeBron was stronger, faster and simply gifted. What LeBron has lacked is the ball iq and fast thinking to make decisions on the court - that both MJ and KB had. Both MJ and KB in my opinion had killer instinct and ability to close games better.

That being said - LeBron hasn't missed a finals in the last 8 years, and that by itself is impressive and has to be recognized. The dude just hasn't had the team to win with. He missed the Robert Horry's and Derek Fishers that could simply drain a three point shot in half a second to win the game.

Great post