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Monday Night Football: Last MNF game of 2022 Season, Bills @ Bengals, Jan. 2, 8:30 PM ET


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Apr 17, 2020
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There isn't going to be a fair outcome short of elongating the season or mass union action. The only question is what is most equitable. Punishing the Chiefs effectively makes no real sense. H2H is a tiebreaker, not the primary means of determining standings in the regular season.

If it were me I'd yeet/reschedule the pro-bowl so the game can be played and we have an actual result.
No one is punished if the standings remain the same.


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Aug 9, 2011
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Whose fault is it that the Bengals have 1 more loss than the Bills & Chiefs?
Wouldn't have been after last night if we won. So because we are getting down to the end of the season, it is t he Bengals fault they hadn't caught up yet?

I guess that would make the Lions fans feel good if cancelled week 18 right now and all of a sudden you don't have your f'n chance to play the Packers and hope for a Seahawks loss.


Jul 14, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Nobody will be required to forfeit the game. Not sure who started this fantasy, but it's a silly suggestion.

Yes it was a very silly suggestion.

Fountain City Blues

Love Everybody
Jul 2, 2013
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No one is punished if the standings remain the same.
You effectively changed the rules regarding the standings and win %. You can't really say that's fair when the Chiefs did nothing. That was the players and coaches deciding not to play in Cincinnati last night. I don't know how you can really punish the Chiefs for that one and give "credit" for something that hasn't happened.

By rule, the Chiefs were technically the 1 seed at the time of the game being played. Why should they be the 2 seed now? The Bills didn't win. And if anyone is at risk of being awarded a loss without a game being concluded, it's the Bills.

Your beef should be with the NFL, not the Chiefs holding the 1 seed as of this second.


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Point being - you said it NEVER happened before - it has..so the NFL should have been better prepared...

It has? Teams have declined to continue playing before? When was that?


Offensive Line Consultant
Aug 9, 2011
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A couple of points here:

1) Having the teams play on Wednesday would be disastrous for the Bengals. When teams play on 3 days rest, they are always playing another team on 3 days rest (the Thursday games that always suck). Have you ever thought about what would happen if a team played on Thursday against a team that did not have a game the prior Sunday? They would get destroyed - Players have maintained for years that they are not right on 3 days rest. So, if the Bengals lost to the Bills on Wednesday, they'd basically lose the AFC-N on Sunday and be on the road in week 1. Not fair. It would also be a competitive advantage for NE as they would have a good shot to upset Buffalo.... In this case, the only real winners are Baltimore and New England.

2) The league is not going to cancel games this weekend. January football is one of the reasons why the league wanted 17 games (18 weeks). It gets cold in much of the country, there are no more holiday activities, and television ratings go through the roof. Giving up a full slate of games and leaving nothing on the networks is not going to please the TV folks - Even if you "made up" a week later, the networks and league have accounted for those weeks and have other things scheduled. It also kills momentum for the season and impacts the short attention spans of casual fans.


Well-Known Member
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Yeah, I mean - in the end, the Bengals could have been complete un-empathetic dicks and said "You know what - we're want to finish this game here and now" - and then what....The onus was likely always on the Bengals to side with the Bills to get that game suspended, because the NFL likely would have been like "Welp - Bengals said they're good to play - so we're going to play"....LOL


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Aug 9, 2011
Greenville, Ohio
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Whose fault is it that the Bengals have 1 more loss than the Bills & Chiefs?
Tell me, do fans of the Packers, Lions, Steelers, Dolphins think that one more game in the season means nothing either and it is fine to go ahead and disregard it?

Or how about the 49ers who are trying to get that #1 seed in the NFC?

Would that game against Carolina and Tampa Bay of meant anything if it doesn't get played this last weekend? Does that game the Jags have against the Titans not mean anything to Tennessee where they can just say, lets end the season now, no need to play a 17th game.

Your response is f'n laughable, but as long as it doesn't concern your fucking team, who the F cares, right?


Offensive Line Consultant
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The big winner with calling the game "no contest" is the Chiefs. Does anyone believe the league would be upset about giving Mahomes a better chance to be in the Super Bowl? The guy is a ratings machine - Which is why they flex their games to primetime.


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It has? Teams have declined to continue playing before? When was that?
You inferred that there wasn't an injury where someone nearly died - there was. The fact that in 1971 they decided to play and in 2022 they both decided to not play doesn't change the fact that there was a previous massive injury/death on the field - football related - that should have tipped someone off in the last 50+ years that maybe it could happen again, and maybe they should have a plan in place in case it does..

You cannot be this dense....there was a massive injury on the field - it should have at least triggered someone to think "Hey, what happens if they hadn't played that game - we should probably have something in place in case that happens again because, you know, NFL is pretty damn violent".

If you don't think that shouldn't have occurred to someone - you are dumber than the NFL.


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Aug 9, 2011
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"We"? Bwahahaha! "We" will just play 3 games in 10 days says the fat middle-aged man with zero athletic ability. Hilarious.
I am obviously not part of the team, but I am a fan. I assume you use WE when referring to the Eagles from time to time. As I have something invested in this team, even though it is not my body. I am suggesting the best scenario to make it fair. May destroy the Bengals and Bills seasons, but it is what it is if this game is being considered not being made up.


I'll shit in your shoes.
Jul 7, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I wonder...if they had polled all the Bills players and told them there wasn't time to reschedule the game. would they prefer to play or forfeit, what would the outcome have been?


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2020
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Of course I am a Bengals homer you dumb ass. Same as you are an Eagles homer. It is called being a fan of your team and not just allowing everyones suggestions to F your team in the playoffs. If the Eagles were in this exact same position you would be on the same train as me. Perhaps if my team had 7 Lombardi's like the Patriots, I wouldn't be bitching, but they do not.
If I was being Eagles Homer guy here I’d be lobbying for what will probably happen. The Eagles matchup much better with the Chiefs than the Bills and Bengals because the Bills and Bengals have a live defense. I’d be arguing against what I’m arguing if I was being a Homer. You can dig through my posts to check me on this. I’ve said a couple times I think the Chiefs match up is better for the Eagles. You may disagree with me but I’m at least on record with that thinking.


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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You inferred that there wasn't an injury where someone nearly died - there was. The fact that in 1971 they decided to play and in 2022 they both decided to not play doesn't change the fact that there was a previous massive injury/death on the field - football related - that should have tipped someone off in the last 50+ years that maybe it could happen again, and maybe they should have a plan in place in case it does..

You cannot be this dense....there was a massive injury on the field - it should have at least triggered someone to think "Hey, what happens if they hadn't played that game - we should probably have something in place in case that happens again because, you know, NFL is pretty damn violent".

If you don't think that shouldn't have occurred to someone - you are dumber than the NFL.

I inferred nothing of the sort. You read what you wanted to read. Read it again.