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- #21
I am the Lizard King
Tied game!
Same amount of loses as Orlando now. Might fall to 5th most ping pong balls and also reduces the chance the Lakers keep their pick by a ton. Right now Lakers have almost a 20% chance to lose the pick. If they fall to 5th they will have a 35% chance to lose the pick. All this sucking and losing to help the 76ers out. Unacceptable.
Come on guys. It's the most rigged system in pro sports. You really think the league isn't gonna fix it so that not only do you not move down. .. you'll in all likelihood move up. Look at how it all worked out for Cleveland!
Hangman, I am not sure where you are getting your stats but we are still in fourth position and 3 games behind Orlando. We have a record of 19-51, Orlando is 22-51, and Philly won tonight so they are 18-54. If Philly wins two more and we lose the same, we will take over third position. So I am not quite sure where this 5th position stuff is coming from.
Lakers win with help from refs. I'm ok with that. Didn't want to win this one anyway.
I think he's saying since we've got the same amount of losses as Orlando, it becoming a larger possibility that we'll fall to 5th than actually catch 3rd worst. The discrepancy is records is just because the teams haven't played the same amount of games to date.
3rd worst is ideal because the likely hood of dropping out of the top 5 is almost nil. But that's looking unlikely since we managed to win both games against the two teams we're fighting for that spot.
4th worst is survivable. You could still move down to 6th but the chances of 2 teams below you moving into the top 3 is pretty small.
5th worst is the second worst case scenario we could have (the first being 6th thru 14). It's a pretty good chance 1 team below you will move up into the top 3, bumping us to 6th and thus losing the pick.
We need this pick this year. There's some decent prospects at the top. We're starting to flirt with disaster a bit right now. I think we're still ok but its getting a tad uncomfortable.