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Kobe: Cleveland making the same mistake the hornets did


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Jul 18, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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James wasn't bigger than the heat??? LOLOLOLOLOLOL. That's why the Heat signed James Jones. Cause LBJ said to.


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How about if we continue to laugh about you all the time......? Do we win or lose....?

I see you finally found your way to this site and making friends like you always did back on FN...!!! :clap:

He offers nothing here.
Case of big penis syndrome that Cavs fans currently have.
I suspect he'll be gone soon or banished to fouled out.


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While I agree that those Lakers teams had more talent, therefore Kobe had more help. Lebron essentially told the Cavs FO who to get. Then, when he couldn't win with the guys that he wanted and got a coach fired, he left for Miami to play with 2 other star players. The closest Kobe ever came to that was "get me some help or I'm gone". He didn't get into telling the Lakers who to get.

In "his" letter, Lebron said that he knew the team was young and it was going to be awhile before they were going to be winning any titles, then the first thing he does is start lobbying for Kevin Love, even though it meant losing some of those young players that he was supposedly looking forward playing with and mentoring. I wonder how the mentoring of Wiggins is going right about now?

Nothing necessarily wrong with any of that, it's his career, he can go where he chooses and if the Cavs want to make him the de-facto GM, that's their business. But let's not pretend that Lebron has been straightforward and honest re: his dealings with either the Cavs or the Heat. Or that if things don't go according to plan, that he won't be off to his next destination, even though it was his plan that failed.

Once again the FN dimwits do what they always do. You can't sign FA's that aren't FA's. If the superstar says go get me some help, the help needs to be at the END OF THEIR CONTRACTS. Actual FREE AGENTS! The Cavs can't contact Kevin Durant and ask him to come here. You can only sign the guys who are available. The Cavs tried in the years before LBJ left. Signed numerous FA's. They didn't work out. But, that's the possibility when signing FA's. It isn't a sure thing.

What is a sure thing is that the Lakers are going to stink. Another sure thing is the Knicks are going to be at best a .500 team. Another sure thing is the Heat are going to struggle to make the playoffs. Another sure thing is these are the teams with a chance to win it all.

Cavs, Spurs, Clippers, OKC, Chi. I guarantee the 2015 champ will be one of those teams.


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Jul 18, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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He offers nothing here.
Case of big penis syndrome that Cavs fans currently have.
I suspect he'll be gone soon or banished to fouled out.

Give me that logic again.

Originally Posted by TurnUpTheHeat
I can't say he was dishonest, because he basically said nothing.
He was deceitful though, because his decision really wasn't one, let alone last minute.

Holy crap, try to follow TurnUpTheHeats logic. (if there is any) He can't say LBJ was dishonest since he said nothing. (pretty hard to be dishonest when you make no statements) But, he was deceitful? (its hard to deceive when you make no statement) Because his decision really wasn't a decision. (now that's really special high intellect logic there) And, his decision that wasn't was not last minute!!! OMG, don't give this guy anything sharp.


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Jul 18, 2014
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There is no reason to really come to this site just as there was no reason to go to FN. Except the stupidity and comedy. I'll just let the NBA seasons speak for themselves. Cavs, NBA champs.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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LOL, Cleveland is a Hell Hole says the moron. Probably never lived here and if he did, the IQ of Cleveland went up dramatically when he left. Listen to that logic. I started the personal attacks AFTER he said Cleveland was a hell hole. Wow, that's just spectacularly stupid.

James/Bosh/Wade had the trio thing figured out long before Riley was involved.

The Miami fans were/are pretty ticked off that he left although he didn't leave with an ESPN special announcing he was taking his talents to Lake Erie.

He has opt out clauses, JUST LIKE HE DID WITH Miami. And, he has already stated that HE WON'T LEAVE HERE AGAIN.

1.) The personal attacks and namecalling need to stop or you won't be here to worry about what anyone says about Cleveland.

2.) Make up your mind. First you say that "Riley orchestrated a coup by getting the big 3". Now you say that James/Wade/Bosh had the trio figured out long before Riley was involved". So which is it? Did he "orchestrate a coup" or did James/Wade/Bosh just tell him what to do like Lebron is doing with Gilbert?

3.) Of course, Miami fans weren't happy that he left. Who'd be happy that their team just lost the games best player? Miami fans also said that they didn't want him to stay if he was going to have opt outs every season like he has set up in Cleveland. And no, it's not the same opt out as he had in Miami. In Miami, he had an opt out after 4 years. In Cleveland he has an opt out after 1 and apparently has said he's not signing anymore long term deals.

I'll also add that Miami fans have shown far more class in losing Lebron than some Cleveland fans have shown in getting him back.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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Once again the FN dimwits do what they always do. You can't sign FA's that aren't FA's. If the superstar says go get me some help, the help needs to be at the END OF THEIR CONTRACTS. Actual FREE AGENTS! The Cavs can't contact Kevin Durant and ask him to come here. You can only sign the guys who are available. The Cavs tried in the years before LBJ left. Signed numerous FA's. They didn't work out. But, that's the possibility when signing FA's. It isn't a sure thing.

What is a sure thing is that the Lakers are going to stink. Another sure thing is the Knicks are going to be at best a .500 team. Another sure thing is the Heat are going to struggle to make the playoffs. Another sure thing is these are the teams with a chance to win it all.

Cavs, Spurs, Clippers, OKC, Chi. I guarantee the 2015 champ will be one of those teams.

I think everyone here understands how free agency works. My point was that what Lebron said in "his" letter and what he has actually done since signing with the Cavs are two different things. In his letter he said that he knew the team wasn't championship ready, that he would have to be patient and that he was looking forward to leading/mentoring these young kids. Then he gets to Cleveland, starts demanding Kevin Love and having the Cavs FO start signing what is basically the Heats bench from 2012.

As I said, nothing necessarily wrong with that, but it makes his letter seem a bit disingenuous.

As for the Lakers, tell me something I don't know. Difference is, once Lebron leaves Cleveland again or retires, Cleveland will no longer be a "destination franchise". The Lakers, in the end, will be just fine.
Dec 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Didn't read much of the last few points, but one thing is for sure: Cleveland really is a hell hole.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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Give me that logic again.

Originally Posted by TurnUpTheHeat
I can't say he was dishonest, because he basically said nothing.
He was deceitful though, because his decision really wasn't one, let alone last minute.

Holy crap, try to follow TurnUpTheHeats logic. (if there is any) He can't say LBJ was dishonest since he said nothing. (pretty hard to be dishonest when you make no statements) But, he was deceitful? (its hard to deceive when you make no statement) Because his decision really wasn't a decision. (now that's really special high intellect logic there) And, his decision that wasn't was not last minute!!! OMG, don't give this guy anything sharp.

Really isn't that hard to figure out. Had Lebron told the Heat that he wasn't leaving and then left, that would have been blatantly dishonest. However, dragging things out after he knew he was gone, playing the spy vs. spy crap and having a secret meeting with Dan Gilbert is definitely deceitful.


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Jul 18, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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1.) The personal attacks and namecalling need to stop or you won't be here to worry about what anyone says about Cleveland.

2.) Make up your mind. First you say that "Riley orchestrated a coup by getting the big 3". Now you say that James/Wade/Bosh had the trio figured out long before Riley was involved". So which is it? Did he "orchestrate a coup" or did James/Wade/Bosh just tell him what to do like Lebron is doing with Gilbert?

3.) Of course, Miami fans weren't happy that he left. Who'd be happy that their team just lost the games best player? Miami fans also said that they didn't want him to stay if he was going to have opt outs every season like he has set up in Cleveland. And no, it's not the same opt out as he had in Miami. In Miami, he had an opt out after 4 years. In Cleveland he has an opt out after 1 and apparently has said he's not signing anymore long term deals.

I'll also add that Miami fans have shown far more class in losing Lebron than some Cleveland fans have shown in getting him back.

James/Wade/Bosh are the ones who cooked the broth and Riley then jumped in. Illegally. Everyone knows it. He and his agent Wade circumvented NBA rules against tampering.

Tell the idiots who bash Cleveland that the name calling must end. Those are the morons who ALWAYS start it.

I get why. When your lives are miserable, you need to bash someone, something, or somewhere else to make your life feel better.

I'll take Cleveland all day any day. No hurricanes, no landslides, no wildfires, no earthquakes, and the cost of living is extremely reasonable. We've got fresh water everywhere too.


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Jul 18, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Really isn't that hard to figure out. Had Lebron told the Heat that he wasn't leaving and then left, that would have been blatantly dishonest. However, dragging things out after he knew he was gone, playing the spy vs. spy crap and having a secret meeting with Dan Gilbert is definitely deceitful.

A secret meeting that everyone knows about. Not much of a secret huh? Dragged it out? There are specific time lines that free agency is REQUIRED to follow. The lack of NBA knowledge here is just spectacular.
Dec 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Seriously, where were all these Cavs fans last year?

I'm guessing twenty-two #1 picks in four years and the return of the 2nd best player in the NBA really has a way of bringing out the diehards!


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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James/Wade/Bosh are the ones who cooked the broth and Riley then jumped in. Illegally. Everyone knows it. He and his agent Wade circumvented NBA rules against tampering.

Tell the idiots who bash Cleveland that the name calling must end. Those are the morons who ALWAYS start it.

I get why. When your lives are miserable, you need to bash someone, something, or somewhere else to make your life feel better.

I'll take Cleveland all day any day. No hurricanes, no landslides, no wildfires, no earthquakes, and the cost of living is extremely reasonable. We've got fresh water everywhere too.

Look, I'm no Heat fan, but let's no make shit up (there's a thread for that). Nothing illegal re: what the Heat did. There is no league rule against players trying to work things out to play on the same team together and one of them telling the GM; "Hey, we can get this guy". What would be illegal is if Riley had met with Lebron and Bosh while they were still under contract with the Cavs and Raptors. If you have some evidence that shows he did that, you should probably contact the FO's of Cleveland and Toronto because they likely have some compensation coming.

As for the namecalling, it was started by you and has been. You just don't like the fact that everyone isn't joining you in hanging banners before a game has been played, are criticizing Lebron and making valid points about what the Cavs are doing.

If you are unable to have a debate without getting butthurt and resorting to namecalling, etc., then message boards may not be your thing.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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A secret meeting that everyone knows about. Not much of a secret huh? Dragged it out? There are specific time lines that free agency is REQUIRED to follow. The lack of NBA knowledge here is just spectacular.

The meeting was secret at the time it happened. Everyone knowing about it after it already happened, doesn't mean it wasn't secret at the time. Really not that difficult to figure out.

Lebron was the first FA with an opt out to do so and was among the last to announce his decision, so yes, he dragged it out after he already knew what he was going to do.

And I agree, you do have a spectacular lack of NBA knowledge.


Jul 14, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Didn't read much of the last few points, but one thing is for sure: Cleveland really is a hell hole.

I'm no fan of the city of Cleveland, lived in East Cleveland back in the day. But I have to ask...have you ever stepped foot in Cleveland? Not stirring things up, just an honest question.


Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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I'm no fan of the city of Cleveland, lived in East Cleveland back in the day. But I have to ask...have you ever stepped foot in Cleveland? Not stirring things up, just an honest question.


Dec 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 500.43
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I'm no fan of the city of Cleveland, lived in East Cleveland back in the day. But I have to ask...have you ever stepped foot in Cleveland? Not stirring things up, just an honest question.

Had a 22 hour stop over at Hopkins International a few years back.

Almost got mugged at the designated smoking area outside and probably had the worst meal i've ever had in Lakewood.

Oh, and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame smelled of feet!


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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James/Wade/Bosh are the ones who cooked the broth and Riley then jumped in. Illegally. Everyone knows it. He and his agent Wade circumvented NBA rules against tampering.

Tell the idiots who bash Cleveland that the name calling must end. Those are the morons who ALWAYS start it.

I get why. When your lives are miserable, you need to bash someone, something, or somewhere else to make your life feel better.

I'll take Cleveland all day any day. No hurricanes, no landslides, no wildfires, no earthquakes, and the cost of living is extremely reasonable. We've got fresh water everywhere too.

You know what the odds are of getting hit with any of the natural disasters are that you listed?

Also, I was in Ohio when an earthquake hit. It was going on at the exact time the space shuttle blew up. I'll never forget it.
I have also lived through numerous tornado warnings.
Shit happens sometimes.

WINTER happens always. When I'm watching the news between October and May, I have NO DOUBT I'm living in the better place.

Also, cost of living is relative. In Cleveland I could barely get by. Opportunity just isn't there for the most part.

That's why I took a risk and left when I was still young. Best move of my life.
Cost of living now doesn't matter to me.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Had a 22 hour stop over at Hopkins International a few years back.

Almost got mugged at the designated smoking area outside and probably had the worst meal i've ever had in Lakewood.

Oh, and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame smelled of feet!

In Cleveland, that's not feet. It's the smell of sweat stuck in the women's fat rolls.:nod:

Karmas coming your way.
Ask Braxton Miller.
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Jul 14, 2014
Hoopla Cash
$ 420.04
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I never liked you!:pound:

Just kidding Mecca! How are ya today? I was just fine until I saw an article that Braxton Miller won't play this year. DAMMIT