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Kobe: Cleveland making the same mistake the hornets did


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Apr 19, 2013
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i want LBJ to be a king in the NBA like MJ, Kobe but LBJ gets too much help.


Jul 14, 2014
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I DESPISE the Lakers...

But, even I have to say :finger: " That's your Assssssss, Mr. Postman"!

Don't nobody say nothing bad about the Magic Man!




Jul 14, 2014
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Not a Earvin fan and think he's slightly overrated due to only playing one end of the floor.

He didn't earn any points with this tweet a year ago when he was butt hurt (no pun intended) that LeBron didn't have him top 3 all-time.

Earvin Magic Johnson@Magicjohnson

2:35 PM - 22 Aug 2013

Magic Johnson fires back at LeBron for not having him in top three | ProBasketballTalk

Magic didn't even mention KAJ who has won 6. KAJ was the fucking offensive cog for those Lakers championship teams of the 80's.

Wow Magic was overrated?:bullshit:


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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Wow, really buddy?

No one will mistake me for a Kobe "fan", ever. Just ask any Laker fan. But, this thread has been blown ridiculously out of proportion, just like any Kobe/LeBron.

Clearly these comments were primarily intended to be as praise for Wiggins, not a slam of the Cavs or even to build himself up.

The main people that care about the Kobe/LeBron debate are the overzelous fans like yourself. Kobe and LeBron themselves don't give two shits.

If Hurricane is sticking up for Kobe, you KNOW that the OP messed up. :lol:


Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
Oct 18, 2012
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i want LBJ to be a king in the NBA like MJ, Kobe but LBJ gets too much help.

Kobe had more help than him by far with those teams with Shaq. Those teams had so much depth and a great bench as well.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
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Kobe had more help than him by far with those teams with Shaq. Those teams had so much depth and a great bench as well.

While I agree that those Lakers teams had more talent, therefore Kobe had more help. Lebron essentially told the Cavs FO who to get. Then, when he couldn't win with the guys that he wanted and got a coach fired, he left for Miami to play with 2 other star players. The closest Kobe ever came to that was "get me some help or I'm gone". He didn't get into telling the Lakers who to get.

In "his" letter, Lebron said that he knew the team was young and it was going to be awhile before they were going to be winning any titles, then the first thing he does is start lobbying for Kevin Love, even though it meant losing some of those young players that he was supposedly looking forward playing with and mentoring. I wonder how the mentoring of Wiggins is going right about now?

Nothing necessarily wrong with any of that, it's his career, he can go where he chooses and if the Cavs want to make him the de-facto GM, that's their business. But let's not pretend that Lebron has been straightforward and honest re: his dealings with either the Cavs or the Heat. Or that if things don't go according to plan, that he won't be off to his next destination, even though it was his plan that failed.


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Jul 22, 2013
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Kobe had more help than him by far with those teams with Shaq. Those teams had so much depth and a great bench as well.

im not buying that. yeah shaq was shaq. arguably most dominant center ever. but kyrie is light years better than fisher was. fisher was a clutch shooter but wasn't going to blow by anyone. I think what everyones getting at is the team was already going to be pretty solid with LeBron, irving, waiters and the bunch...he just ensured they are above everyone else by adding another all star.

just like in Miami. there will be several games where LeBron doesn't do much at all in 2nd half because love and irving have taken over with him on the bench.


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Apr 18, 2013
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While I agree that those Lakers teams had more talent, therefore Kobe had more help. Lebron essentially told the Cavs FO who to get. Then, when he couldn't win with the guys that he wanted and got a coach fired, he left for Miami to play with 2 other star players. The closest Kobe ever came to that was "get me some help or I'm gone". He didn't get into telling the Lakers who to get.

In "his" letter, Lebron said that he knew the team was young and it was going to be awhile before they were going to be winning any titles, then the first thing he does is start lobbying for Kevin Love, even though it meant losing some of those young players that he was supposedly looking forward playing with and mentoring. I wonder how the mentoring of Wiggins is going right about now?

Nothing necessarily wrong with any of that, it's his career, he can go where he chooses and if the Cavs want to make him the de-facto GM, that's their business. But let's not pretend that Lebron has been straightforward and honest re: his dealings with either the Cavs or the Heat. Or that if things don't go according to plan, that he won't be off to his next destination, even though it was his plan that failed.
It was slim pickens on who was available. Also...... if LeBron wanted and got Mike Brown fired (for a criteria for him to stay) don't you think he would have stayed since Brown was fired in May?

How was he not honest with the Heat? And please, don't bring up "not 5,6,7" that's a shoddy argument.

No chance of him playing for another team.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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It was slim pickens on who was available. Also...... if LeBron wanted and got Mike Brown fired (for a criteria for him to stay) don't you think he would have stayed since Brown was fired in May?

How was he not honest with the Heat? And please, don't bring up "not 5,6,7" that's a shoddy argument.

No chance of him playing for another team.

Lebron did get Brown fired. Then, when the Cavs hired Byron Scott, CP3 called Lebron and told him: "you got the coach you've been looking for". I'm not sure how slim the pickens necessarily were. I think Lebron was young and may have been caught up in the names of Shaq and Jamison rather than who they were by that time.

Lebron wasn't straightforward or honest with the Heat because he didn't let them know as soon as he knew he was gone. He dragged it out and left them scrambling to find replacements. He even met with Gilbert in secret.


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Apr 17, 2013
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It was slim pickens on who was available. Also...... if LeBron wanted and got Mike Brown fired (for a criteria for him to stay) don't you think he would have stayed since Brown was fired in May?

How was he not honest with the Heat? And please, don't bring up "not 5,6,7" that's a shoddy argument.

No chance of him playing for another team.

I can't say he was dishonest, because he basically said nothing.
He was deceitful though, because his decision really wasn't one, let alone last minute.

Did he owe the Heat anything? No.

Could / should he have told Riley and his brothers Wade/Bosh who lived the last 4 years with him taking the same shit? Of course.

Fact is, he knew Riley could have built a lot better roster had he have known what he had to work with.

Perhaps that roster could have went further then the Cavs next ?

James wants the easiest road possible,
It will be on his history tombstone.


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Jul 18, 2014
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Kobe should basically keep his mouth shut. He got away with assaulting a girl in Colorado by attacking her credibility and then paying her off. I really don't understand how he gets any endorsements. I wouldn't want my kids looking up to him or wanting to buy anything he endorses. He's a first class NBA talent and a second rate human. He should just go on his retirement circuit of the NBA and bow out as gracefully as his ego permits.


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I can't say he was dishonest, because he basically said nothing.
He was deceitful though, because his decision really wasn't one, let alone last minute.

I love how stupid people can read minds. He knows exactly when LBJ made his decision. Calling someone deceitful makes it sound like he deceived the Heat. How did he do it? Did he tell them he was staying and then left? (answer no) Please explain his deception?


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I'm glad to see that the FN to SportsHoopla transition didn't make the posters any smarter.


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I can't say he was dishonest, because he basically said nothing.
He was deceitful though, because his decision really wasn't one, let alone last minute.

Holy crap, try to follow TurnUpTheHeats logic. (if there is any) He can't say LBJ was dishonest since he said nothing. (pretty hard to be dishonest when you make no statements) But, he was deceitful? (its hard to deceive when you make no statement) Because his decision really wasn't a decision. (now that's really special high intellect logic there) And, his decision that wasn't was not last minute!!! OMG, don't give this guy anything sharp.


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Holy crap, try to follow TurnUpTheHeats logic. (if there is any) He can't say LBJ was dishonest since he said nothing. (pretty hard to be dishonest when you make no statements) But, he was deceitful? (its hard to deceive when you make no statement) Because his decision really wasn't a decision. (now that's really special high intellect logic there) And, his decision that wasn't was not last minute!!! OMG, don't give this guy anything sharp.

Keep drinking that Lake Erie kool aid.

If you can't follow that logic, it probably will explain why you can't find your way out of a shit hole like Cleveland.

Every single bit of evidence that has come out would lead anyone with a shred of common sense to know his mind was made up well ahead of his announcement.

Amazing that Nike had every available billboard in downtown Cleveland ready to go hours after the phony letter?
No need to rehash the entire list, is there?

He could have handled it 2 ways, be up front with the person who molded you into a 2 time champion as well as his brothers Wade/ Bosh.....or he could have held up the entire FA process and puppet Riley to Vegas instead of letting him move and build a team, etc.

Of course he took the egotistical, easiest road route.


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Apr 18, 2013
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LBJ dragged it out, Kyrie knew LeBron was coming well before LeBron had someone write a letter for him.


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Keep drinking that Lake Erie kool aid.

If you can't follow that logic, it probably will explain why you can't find your way out of a shit hole like Cleveland.

Every single bit of evidence that has come out would lead anyone with a shred of common sense to know his mind was made up well ahead of his announcement.

Amazing that Nike had every available billboard in downtown Cleveland ready to go hours after the phony letter?
No need to rehash the entire list, is there?

He could have handled it 2 ways, be up front with the person who molded you into a 2 time champion as well as his brothers Wade/ Bosh.....or he could have held up the entire FA process and puppet Riley to Vegas instead of letting him move and build a team, etc.

Of course he took the egotistical, easiest road route.

I smell someone who is mad that LBJ left. So character assassination is the rule of the day. When LBJ made up his mind is irrelevant. He never promised anyone anything. The way he left Cleveland in the first place was far more insidious than how he left Miami. Riley molded a champion??? LOL, that's funny considering he did exactly what LBJ is doing in Cleveland. Riley orchestrated a coup by collecting the big three there and now the Cavs are doing the same thing and it's now bad. Riley couldn't build a team even if LBJ had told him 6 months ago. The prize was LBJ and that alone would attract more free agents to Cleveland. Sorry pal, don't cry too much. Sore loser.


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LBJ dragged it out, Kyrie knew LeBron was coming well before LeBron had someone write a letter for him.

Dragged it out? There are specific dates that the FA process has to follow by NBA rules. Did Kyrie call you and tell you he knew? A bunch of sore losers here. Cleveland the so called h e l l hole is beginning to look like a FA destination in the next few years. All that FN talk about Love going to LA and LeBron never going back to Cleveland sure didn't come to fruition now did it? He who laughs last laughs best.


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I smell someone who is mad that LBJ left. So character assassination is the rule of the day. When LBJ made up his mind is irrelevant. He never promised anyone anything. The way he left Cleveland in the first place was far more insidious than how he left Miami. Riley molded a champion??? LOL, that's funny considering he did exactly what LBJ is doing in Cleveland. Riley orchestrated a coup by collecting the big three there and now the Cavs are doing the same thing and it's now bad. Riley couldn't build a team even if LBJ had told him 6 months ago. The prize was LBJ and that alone would attract more free agents to Cleveland. Sorry pal, don't cry too much. Sore loser.

Dragged it out? There are specific dates that the FA process has to follow by NBA rules. Did Kyrie call you and tell you he knew? A bunch of sore losers here. Cleveland the so called h e l l hole is beginning to look like a FA destination in the next few years. All that FN talk about Love going to LA and LeBron never going back to Cleveland sure didn't come to fruition now did it? He who laughs last laughs best.

1. I'm not at all mad that James left. Most Heat fans here were encouraging it IF he wanted opt outs every year.

2. Character assassination? You started with the personal attacks. All I said was that you weren't being logical and that Cleveland is a hell hole place to live.

3. James is now doing what Riley taught him/ figured out what works best. You have it backwards.

4. Riley couldn't build a team? He did a very good job as is, considering when he was able to start mapping out a plan. For you to imply that he couldn't have done a better job if he had known he had closer to 30M to spend vs thinking that he had less then 10 means that either you don't understand the process or you underestimate the persuasiveness of Riley.

5. James is bigger then the Cavs , he's not bigger then the Heat. We'll be fine forever. You're on the clock for the next few years. Cavs fans proved to be the worst during James 1 st stint there. The obnoxiousness were all seeing now wasn't unexpected.

6. Nobody ever said James cheated or broke any rules.

7. I don't know Kyrie, but I do know he called Miller well in advance. Thompson also said he was called well in advance of the letter. Pretty much everyone was talked to BUT Wiggins, and that's because James had already made up his mind to trade him when he secretly met with Gilbert.

8. I said many times that James would never play/ work for Gilbert, but like I said before I never thought Gilbert would give him total control of the franchise.
James created a scenario where he never has to even deal with Gilbert , other then to tell him who he needs to draft, trade, or sign.
It goes back to what I said line 5.

Captain Confusion

I Can't Remember the last time I was here
Jul 12, 2014
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Dragged it out? There are specific dates that the FA process has to follow by NBA rules. Did Kyrie call you and tell you he knew? A bunch of sore losers here. Cleveland the so called h e l l hole is beginning to look like a FA destination in the next few years. All that FN talk about Love going to LA and LeBron never going back to Cleveland sure didn't come to fruition now did it? He who laughs last laughs best.

How about if we continue to laugh about you all the time......? Do we win or lose....?

I see you finally found your way to this site and making friends like you always did back on FN...!!! :clap:


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1. I'm not at all mad that James left. Most Heat fans here were encouraging it IF he wanted opt outs every year.

2. Character assassination? You started with the personal attacks. All I said was that you weren't being logical and that Cleveland is a hell hole place to live.

3. James is now doing what Riley taught him/ figured out what works best. You have it backwards.

LOL, Cleveland is a Hell Hole says the moron. Probably never lived here and if he did, the IQ of Cleveland went up dramatically when he left. Listen to that logic. I started the personal attacks AFTER he said Cleveland was a hell hole. Wow, that's just spectacularly stupid.

James/Bosh/Wade had the trio thing figured out long before Riley was involved.

The Miami fans were/are pretty ticked off that he left although he didn't leave with an ESPN special announcing he was taking his talents to Lake Erie.

He has opt out clauses, JUST LIKE HE DID WITH Miami. And, he has already stated that HE WON'T LEAVE HERE AGAIN.


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How about if we continue to laugh about you all the time......? Do we win or lose....?

I see you finally found your way to this site and making friends like you always did back on FN...!!! :clap:

How are the Knicks looking this year? Eastern Conference finalist material? When did I ever claim to want to make friends? I'm just here for the FN stupidity and humor that idiots tend to create without even trying.