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Kobe Bryant on/off court stats


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Sep 26, 2011
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Yeah you are, you made a thread about kobes numbers when your team is dominating the league. This is my problem with stat hogs.Those are baseline statistics, if you only went by that you could talk shit all day. But here, i said it, but let me spell it out. What are the chances that those statistics are when Kobes on the floor vs Starters. Im sure if Kobe played agasint second lines it would improve. And im also sure that if Defenses didnt focus on Kobe defensively it would be different. I wonder if that could, say, skew the results. The team as a whole needs to be held accountable. But i digress, this is the worst year of Kobes career bar none. Hes not the same anymore. He just cant do it by himself like he used to anymore. It is what it is.
If you want you can look into it more. Let me know.

Obviously it's a small sample size but I just pointed it out anyway. I don't know why it matters that I'm hating. But I'm not hating anyway soooooo..


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Sep 4, 2011
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Hes still better then Harden though.

Not really. He's just as laughable (off topic but Harden has been a tad better this year so far). He was already declining on that end before this season but now he rarely even tries. His go to defensive move nowadays is to turn around and yell at a teammate for not bailing him out once his man blows by him. He'll get a steal every now and then but 2 or 3 steals don't really do much when guys beat you off the dribble 13 times a game because you don't have your feet squared up properly. I love Kobe to death but he's pretty darn bad on that end right now.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
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Not really. He's just as laughable (off topic but Harden has been a tad better this year so far). He was already declining on that end before this season but now he rarely even tries. His go to defensive move nowadays is to turn around and yell at a teammate for not bailing him out once his man blows by him. He'll get a steal every now and then but 2 or 3 steals don't really do much when guys beat you off the dribble 13 times a game because you don't have your feet squared up properly. I love Kobe to death but he's pretty darn bad on that end right now.

Yeah, I think that's where the fatigue is really starting show, almost more than his shooting numbers. The shooting numbers will likely improve just because he's a great player and great players don't typically just lose their touch and never have it return.

As you point out, he was already declining on defense prior to the injuries, just because of age. But even at that, he always had good foot work on defense. So while he wasn't locking anyone down anymore, he wasn't a revolving door like he is now.


Still a Heat fan
Apr 16, 2013
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As bad as Kobe is on defense, the Lakers would be completely unwatchable without him out there. He is literally the only reason I would watch the Lakers.


Still a Heat fan
Apr 16, 2013
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When he said Kobe is better than Harden, I think he meant defensively. Harden is probably the worst defender in the NBA.


Sports Hooplah Local Reporter
May 10, 2013
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When he said Kobe is better than Harden, I think he meant defensively. Harden is probably the worst defender in the NBA.

Pretty much. Especially considering the point of Hardens career that hes in its pretty laughable.