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Joe Mixon About To Get The Ray Rice Treatment


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I just did a short search and found a dozen Ohio State players who had been arrested. EVERY program has a few problem players. Joe Mixon is an example of why I don't get too high and mighty when other schools have a guy who messes up. What makes me sick is when the coaches do the really bad stuff. That pisses me off every time I see it.


Fuck CBS
Apr 17, 2013
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What a pansy ass society we have become.

What would they charge her with? Assault? Being pushed by a girl is assault? Is that what you "men" and others are suggesting? That what she did constitutes an "assault"? Good Gawd, be a fucking man. I guess the only way to be less of a man would be to do what Mixon did in response to the vicious attack from a big mean girl.

So, what you are saying is, that the law should be sexist? So, because it's girl, they should have the right to go around hitting men without any punishment? Look, nobody is saying retaliate and hit them back, but what lessons are these females learning if nothing happens to them?


Fuck CBS
Apr 17, 2013
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I don't give two shits how many people squawk about equality, there are areas where men and women simply aren't on the same level. When you add in that the male is an elite athlete that's twice the size of the woman, this is fucking absurd. Yes, she should've kept his hands off of him, I agree with that. However, this is pathetic if people want to call that "assault". Had she taken off her high heel and swung it at his face, I'd say he was definitely in the right. Giving him a light shove like she did? Give me a break. He's a thug, plain and simple.

First of all, nobody defended him, so that's that!

Second, you must not know the definition of assault is, because pushing someone and him them in the neck is definitely assult.


License to Thrill
Aug 31, 2011
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Feminist should applaud Joe Mixon for treating her equal and knocking her the fuck out after she assualted him.

Boomer Sooner!


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Apr 17, 2013
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You're completely full of shit. Now you're claiming this garbage right here? Are you fucking kidding me? Do you not see what a dumb ass you look like making reaches like this? Jesus, dude. Just stfu.

My post is nowhere near a stretch or as full of shit as what you have been saying. You've made excuse after excuse for Mixon. It was the girls fault, she started it, she should be charged with assault, she can't be trusted because she has a record, Mixon was acting in self defense, it was just a reflex, you even laid blame on his friends for not stopping him. Then when Dede was brought up you say well, it wasn't in the background check, there wasn't a conviction so it didn't happen, the baby momma lied about it. All of that is complete horseshit and anyone that doesn't look at it through crimson glasses knows it. Do you see what a dumb ass you look like?

All of you lame ass excuses are more far fetched than Bob setting up a built in excuse for bringing players with suspect character into the program. That kind of crap happens all the time in the corporate world. It's not that big of a reach to think it is happen at OU.


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I can handle women who are temporarily angry or distrustful. But what really gets me upset is a woman that constantly has a bad attitude. That can wear any man down.



Self-proclaimed Asshole
Aug 9, 2011
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My post is nowhere near a stretch or as full of shit as what you have been saying. You've made excuse after excuse for Mixon. It was the girls fault, she started it, she should be charged with assault, she can't be trusted because she has a record, Mixon was acting in self defense, it was just a reflex, you even laid blame on his friends for not stopping him. Then when Dede was brought up you say well, it wasn't in the background check, there wasn't a conviction so it didn't happen, the baby momma lied about it. All of that is complete horseshit and anyone that doesn't look at it through crimson glasses knows it. Do you see what a dumb ass you look like?

All of you lame ass excuses are more far fetched than Bob setting up a built in excuse for bringing players with suspect character into the program. That kind of crap happens all the time in the corporate world. It's not that big of a reach to think it is happen at OU.

This entire post is nothing more than more of your special brand of bull shit. Go fuck your self. Nobody cares what some slap dick nobody on the Internet thinks about the way OU runs their program. So there's that.


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Apr 17, 2013
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So, what you are saying is, that the law should be sexist? So, because it's girl, they should have the right to go around hitting men without any punishment? Look, nobody is saying retaliate and hit them back, but what lessons are these females learning if nothing happens to them?

I'm saying that the push and the weak ass slap doesn't constitute assault. Well, maybe it does to this new generation of wormy, pansy ass, cry babies.


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Apr 17, 2013
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This entire post is nothing more than more of your special brand of bull shit. Go fuck your self. Nobody cares what some slap dick nobody on the Internet thinks about the way OU runs their program. So there's that.

Slap dick? Fuck yourself? Semen jars? You sure have some, well lets just say "interesting" subjects you like to bring up.

Obviously, you give a shit about what I and others think or you wouldn't be here dreaming up weak ass excuses for Bob having a couple of players that beat women on the team. Oh, and those women beaters are 2 of the biggest stars on the team. Imagine that.


Self-proclaimed Asshole
Aug 9, 2011
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Slap dick? Fuck yourself? Semen jars? You sure have some, well lets just say "interesting" subjects you like to bring up.

Obviously, you give a shit about what I and others think or you wouldn't be here dreaming up weak ass excuses for Bob having a couple of players that beat women on the team. Oh, and those women beaters are 2 of the biggest stars on the team. Imagine that.

Fuck off, slap Dick. You don't know shit. So sit there and bitch if you want. It doesn't make it true, and it ain't causing shit to change. So enjoy, asshole.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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So, what you are saying is, that the law should be sexist? So, because it's girl, they should have the right to go around hitting men without any punishment?

No, the law should definitely stay the same. That way we can rightfully mock any man who actually wants to press charges.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2013
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My post is nowhere near a stretch or as full of shit as what you have been saying. You've made excuse after excuse for Mixon. It was the girls fault, she started it, she should be charged with assault, she can't be trusted because she has a record, Mixon was acting in self defense, it was just a reflex, you even laid blame on his friends for not stopping him. Then when Dede was brought up you say well, it wasn't in the background check, there wasn't a conviction so it didn't happen, the baby momma lied about it. All of that is complete horseshit and anyone that doesn't look at it through crimson glasses knows it. Do you see what a dumb ass you look like?

All of you lame ass excuses are more far fetched than Bob setting up a built in excuse for bringing players with suspect character into the program. That kind of crap happens all the time in the corporate world. It's not that big of a reach to think it is happen at OU.

Bob has a long history of looking the other way. Guys like Chaisson and DB confirm that. He takes risks. Sometimes they work of like Dusty Dvoracek and others end up on the 5 o'clock news. Either way, Bob deserves the shit he gets thrown at him. He is the one taking the chances, so he gets the reward or fall out from them

Lance Armstrong

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So, what you are saying is, that the law should be sexist? So, because it's girl, they should have the right to go around hitting men without any punishment? Look, nobody is saying retaliate and hit them back, but what lessons are these females learning if nothing happens to them?

We get it, you're a raiders fan


Self-proclaimed Asshole
Aug 9, 2011
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Bob has a long history of looking the other way. Guys like Chaisson and DB confirm that. He takes risks. Sometimes they work of like Dusty Dvoracek and others end up on the 5 o'clock news. Either way, Bob deserves the shit he gets thrown at him. He is the one taking the chances, so he gets the reward or fall out from them

That's horse shit. Bob has a long history of giving guys second chances. Not looking the other way. There's a difference.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2013
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That's horse shit. Bob has a long history of giving guys second chances. Not looking the other way. There's a difference.

Umm. The difference between looking the other way and giving a 2nd chance is just how you are spinning it. I say he looked the other way on guys like Chaisson, DBG, Dvoracek, Mixon, etc. You say they were second chances. Either way when you give a second chance, you open yourself up to the criticism.


Self-proclaimed Asshole
Aug 9, 2011
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Umm. The difference between looking the other way and giving a 2nd chance is just how you are spinning it. I say he looked the other way on guys like Chaisson, DBG, Dvoracek, Mixon, etc. You say they were second chances. Either way when you give a second chance, you open yourself up to the criticism.

Ummm. No. Looking the other way is not holding players accountable. That's not the same as punishing them and giving a second chance. That's some weak spin there, guy.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
The Great State of Texas
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Fuck off, slap Dick. You don't know shit. So sit there and bitch if you want. It doesn't make it true, and it ain't causing shit to change. So enjoy, asshole.

You are the one flying off the handle telling people to fuck off and insulting anyone that disagrees with you. So, who is the asshole?

You can put all the lame excuses about Mixon and Westbrook and spin it however you want about the Sainthood of Bob Stoops, that doesn't mean a fucking thing to anyone that isn't an OU homer. Enjoy your little fantasy land.

Oh, you need to wipe Bob's man juice off your chin.