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Joe Mixon About To Get The Ray Rice Treatment


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Apr 19, 2013
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I'm 6'1" sport. Keep trying to bait me, though. You act like you know the first thing about me, or at least you're trying to bait me with stupid shit like that. If you want to have a respectable conversation about it, based on objective facts then fine. I won't argue over subjective interpretations, and I won't get into this little pissing contest with you.

I don't want to argue. But I'm curious what your thoughts are now that the police interviews and the video of the incident have been released?

At the beginning -- you were saying he reacted to her spitting in his face and calling him the n word and she instigated the altercation.

The police interview of Joe Mixon, himself, have contradicted everything you said:

1. She didn't spit on Mixon. Mixon was the one accused of spitting on her when he did that 'lunge'

2. She never called him the n word and no one called him the n word. Mixon, himself, said he heard someone at the table in a conversation with themselves say the n word and it definitely wasn't the victim.

3. She instigated the entire thing in your eyes -- Mixon is on video saying he went in to confront her for being disrespectable because he felt she blew smoke in his face. Then says he called her friend a faggot.

So in essence, she didn't spit on him - it was him accused of spitting, didn't call him the n word and pushed him after he called her friend a faggot.

This isn't subjective, objective or anything else. This is straight from Joe Mixon's mouth


Fair as fuck
Oct 8, 2016
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It's a joke, oh man I bet you thought you got me good. hahahahaha but really, Joe Mixon is a POS and you can still love OU and not condone a horrible person.
See there is the essence of the struggle.

You think Joe Mixon is a whatever, and I'm like meh. He's a pussy for hitting a girl like that, sure. But am I to say that he should be killed for that, what was on that video? No fucking way.

So we can't kill him...how about we lock him up? Well, can't do that from what he's charged with. Sorry.

Well then he shouldn't be able to play football. Oh yeah? We can agree to a part of that. We will dock him an entire season of eligibility. If we kick him out, he will be recruited by many teams...a distinct possibility exists that he could see little to no other punishment at all. Would two years forfeited have shut you guys up?

Well then you like hitting on women and rooting for guise who hit on women and r*pe them and stuff. Yeah well fuck you in the gums Mudlicker.

ad nauseum.......


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Aug 6, 2011
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Wonder if all this shit would have happened if the girl had looked like this.



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Dec 17, 2013
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I'm way too fucking lazy to go read that shit, but has he been accused of any crimes since this incident because he was on probation and that should have triggered if he was.

If this kid has a DUI, any type of assault (against man or woman) or otherwise gets convicted of any other type of crime then more should happen to him. I mean it's not likely to, but it should.

If he has not been charged with any other crime I don't see what people are expecting to happen here. He had his day in court and complied with the results of that. The team/school gave their punishment on top of it and he paid that too. We can't go back and up it just because now the video is out for the public to see. Presumably everyone who already made their judgments in this case had that video at the time. So blame the system for being too light maybe, but I'm not even seeing that.

We put some rapists in jail for less than a year. Most aren't in for more than 6 months. If we keep it all real and in perspective, punching a chick that at least initiated contact first doesn't warrant some massive end of career response given how light we are on other more heinous crimes.

His punishment isn't over either. No doubt his draft day status will suffer. If he was a late first round pick before this, he might be lucky to get picked up in the 3rd round now and that's going to cost him a shit ton of money. He's looking at losing at least $5 million in this PR hit. On top of everything else he has already paid.

Solid post, nice to see a voice of reason.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Wonder if all this shit would have happened if the girl had looked like this.

That bitch looks like she can take a punch. Doubt she would have been that woozy after it. All that fat on her face would make it more like a boxing glove making contact. He'd have probably hurt his hand on the bounce back off of her.


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Aug 7, 2015
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Wonder if all this shit would have happened if the girl had looked like this.

"She"d be playing Left Guard for us after "she" lost a little weight. :noidea:


Self-proclaimed Asshole
Aug 9, 2011
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I don't want to argue. But I'm curious what your thoughts are now that the police interviews and the video of the incident have been released?

At the beginning -- you were saying he reacted to her spitting in his face and calling him the n word and she instigated the altercation.

The police interview of Joe Mixon, himself, have contradicted everything you said:

1. She didn't spit on Mixon. Mixon was the one accused of spitting on her when he did that 'lunge'

2. She never called him the n word and no one called him the n word. Mixon, himself, said he heard someone at the table in a conversation with themselves say the n word and it definitely wasn't the victim.

3. She instigated the entire thing in your eyes -- Mixon is on video saying he went in to confront her for being disrespectable because he felt she blew smoke in his face. Then says he called her friend a faggot.

So in essence, she didn't spit on him - it was him accused of spitting, didn't call him the n word and pushed him after he called her friend a faggot.

This isn't subjective, objective or anything else. This is straight from Joe Mixon's mouth

Couple of things. First of all, I have not watched the interrogation video. I will take you at your word on these things you are stating in spite of our disagreements in this thread. I did read a write up on each of their respective accounts of what happened.

1) The spitting as well as the racial slur were always secondary to the fact that the pushed and slapped him before he reacted horribly the way he did in regards to how I feel about the overall situation. I'll admit that I was wrong about those two things however and it does move the needle somewhat, if only a bit.

2) He did admit to calling the kid a faggot after that kid called him a ni99er. Frankly, I don't have a problem with this other than two wrongs don't make a right. Two people were being assholes to one another. It's a moot point as far as I'm concerned.

3) I believe the words I used were that Molitor repeatedly escalated the situation multiple times, ultimately till it became physical by her shoving and slapping him before he ever touched her. This is not incorrect. All we have to go by is what is on the video, and we do see him turning to leave before she says something that clearly gets his attention. (Did he ever say what she said to him to make him turn around?). Also, I have absolutely no idea if this is true or not, but there is someone on one of the OU fan sites who claims to have been standing outside Pickleman's when this went down. He states Mixon's version of how things started outside is pretty much true. Basically, the guy who is with molitor in the video started to smoke a cigarette and wasn't paying attention to where he was blowing the smoke. An argument ensued between he and Mixon, and the guy says Mixon turned to him and told him if he blows that smoke in his face again he was going to knock his faggot ass out, and moved away. At this point Molitor walked up to Mixon and started blowing smoke in his face. This aspect of the story was backed up by multiple witnesses. If this is true, and I think it's fair to assume it is, then this is where the altercation between Mixon and Molitor begins, and it supposedly begins with Molitor blowing smoke in Mixon's face. I won't bother mentioning what Molitor supposedly said to him because it's simply his word and no mention of it was made by the supposed witness.

At this point we see Mixon walk follow Molitor into Pickleman's. This is where the story takes a turn for me. First of all, the group of friends Mixon was with suck. How do you let him follow that girl into the store? That was a very potentially bad situation that frankly was over with if we just doesn't go inside. Mixon deserves big time blame here. When he followed her inside he at the very least continued if not escalated the situation. It was not like they said a couple things to each other outside and he walked in to get something to eat or drink, or even to continue a disagreement. He should've had a pretty good idea who he was dealing with at that point and absolutely nothing good was going to come from it, but he chose to follow them inside. That's a big point against him here, because at this point Mixon pursued Molitor and her friend. That's not a good look.

Finally, the argument continues, and I will say this. It has been confirmed that her fried did call him a ni99er inside as well and that he did call the kid a faggot and that is when he turned to talk away, and she clearly says something to get his attention, when he turns she makes it physical with a push. That's escalation on her part no matter how you spin it. He did not place his hands on her at this point. This is where the "lunge" occurs. At this point a moment passes, maybe a second, and Molitor makes the decision to take a swipe at Mixon with what appears to be an open hand slap on he neck. This is escalation again and she has twice now made this physical. Then Mixon makes the dumbest mistake of all and reflexively hits her in the back of the head with a quick right causing her to hit her face on the table on the way down causing her facial injuries.

Now, I know TL;DR, but I wrote all of that out as my understanding of the confirmed events that lead up to the ultimate act so that we can speak knowledgeably about this.

A couple of things have changed my perspective on the situation, and a couple of things I still see the same.

1) Assuming the event involving Molitor walking up to mixon and blowing smoke in his face is true (which is reasonable given the confirmed witness accounts) it is fair to say she instigated the altercation.

2) BIG TIME screw up by Mixon pursuing her and her friend into the store. That does not look good for him. If he simply choose to laugh it off what a c*nt she is with his friends and blow it off this shit never happens. He didn't. He chose to pursue the altercation. He gains a lot of blame here in my eyes. Also, fuck the teammates who let him do that shit. Bunch of shitty friends if you ask me. With all of that said, I didn't make the best decisions at 17-18 in theses type of situations either. I seriously doubt he ever thought it was going to end up where it did. Nonetheless, if we're assigning blame, whole lot goes to Mixon here.

3) I still say it deserves to be pointed out that she did push him and hit him first. This is escalation. His response was unacceptable and deserving of punishment. It was however reflexive. He did not stop back and wind up a haymaker a la Mike Tyson. It does not make it okay, but it does deserve consideration that it does not appear that he stepped back and made the decision to lay a Molitor out.

Again, TL;DR, but to sum it up. Neither party is remotely innocent here which I have said from the start. Whether Molitor instigated the altercation by blowing smoke in Mixon's face becomes less damning when you consider that Mixon clearly pursued her into the store to confront her about it. That was not reflexive. That was a decision he made to re-introduce himself into the altercation, and can only be viewed as escalation. This is where my perspective has changed. Again, I didn't always handle altercations well at his age either, but if we're assigning blame, big time blame goes to Mixon here. However, from there my perspective is pretty much the same. He made the decision to leave when she put her hands on him twice, and then he hit her in reflex.

Knowing what I know now about Mixon pursuing a volatile situation, I could absolutely understand if they had made the decision the remove him from the team permanently. It would not have been out of line at all. With that said, I still maintain that Bob Stoops has an impeccable track record in how he handles his program. He, Boren, and Castiglione have removed players and disciplined them when deemed appropriate. They certainly have more insight into Mixon's character, and had the opportunity to discuss the situation with his family who felt he needed to stay and face the situation rather than run home. If they felt Mixon was worthy of an opportunity to redeem himself and earn his way back onto the team provided he met a strict list of requirements, I trust their judgement. He has proven many times that he will not hesitate remove a player who does not do so. I for one am glad that he is willing to give young men a chance to redeem themselves after making a bad decision. I hope Mixon does not waste what can only be deemed a gift in the truest sense. Frankly, I hope both of them learned lessons that night, because they both screwed up.

Now, I will say this, if Mixon ever has another incident involving violence against women again, I'll be right there with you holding the pitchfork. Once is a mistake. Twice is a pattern. Stoops and Boren believe this will not be the case, or they wouldn't have given him the second chance, and they have a lot more to go on than we do. I will also say this. That bullshit narrative that Bob has allowed a culture akin to what has occurred at baylor needs to fucking stop. That is the biggest steaming pile of shit I've seen in a long time.
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Fuck CBS
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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If she was a man, and did what she did, she would be charged for putting her hands on him twice. So my question is, why didn't she get punished?

People hate what im about to say, and im in no way defending what he did, but women need to stop putting their hands on dudes and not expecting to get hit back.


Huskers 24/7 365
Apr 16, 2013
Lincoln, NE
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If she was a man, and did what she did, she would be charged for putting her hands on him twice. So my question is, why didn't she get punished?

People hate what im about to say, and im in no way defending what he did, but women need to stop putting their hands on dudes and not expecting to get hit back.

Missed my shit 30 pages ago.

Not only once, with force, but looking to hit as hard as she could..


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
The Great State of Texas
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If she was a man, and did what she did, she would be charged for putting her hands on him twice. So my question is, why didn't she get punished?

People hate what im about to say, and im in no way defending what he did, but women need to stop putting their hands on dudes and not expecting to get hit back.

Missed my shit 30 pages ago.

Not only once, with force, but looking to hit as hard as she could..

What a pansy ass society we have become.

What would they charge her with? Assault? Being pushed by a girl is assault? Is that what you "men" and others are suggesting? That what she did constitutes an "assault"? Good Gawd, be a fucking man. I guess the only way to be less of a man would be to do what Mixon did in response to the vicious attack from a big mean girl.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
The Great State of Texas
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Presumably everyone who already made their judgments in this case had that video at the time. So blame the system for being too light maybe, but I'm not even seeing that.

We put some rapists in jail for less than a year. Most aren't in for more than 6 months. If we keep it all real and in perspective, punching a chick that at least initiated contact first doesn't warrant some massive end of career response given how light we are on other more heinous crimes.

His punishment isn't over either. No doubt his draft day status will suffer. If he was a late first round pick before this, he might be lucky to get picked up in the 3rd round now and that's going to cost him a shit ton of money. He's looking at losing at least $5 million in this PR hit. On top of everything else he has already paid.

That's part of the issue. Everyone that determined his punishment saw the video and still let him off easy.

I don't think he should have been locked up or his career completely destroyed by this, but his punishment should have been more harsh.


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Jul 15, 2014
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Saw that and was like :wtf: How many dudes give you a half hearted open handed slap to the side of your face? You gay bro? :noidea:


Joe Mixon: I'm telling you, Officer, it felt just like it did the last time a guy slapped me across the face with his penis.


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2011
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What a pansy ass society we have become.

What would they charge her with? Assault? Being pushed by a girl is assault? Is that what you "men" and others are suggesting? That what she did constitutes an "assault"? Good Gawd, be a fucking man. I guess the only way to be less of a man would be to do what Mixon did in response to the vicious attack from a big mean girl.

Come on, dog. Common sense says you don't put your hands on strangers, let alone slap them, hit them or do anything else physical. And common sense says you don't retaliate against people by doing anything physical to them when they are acting the fool. A cussing match is OK. But physical stuff? No. Common sense goes both ways. Repercussions should also go both ways. It's all a matter of degree but NEITHER PARTY is totally innocent in those situations. A simple assault charge put on her may or may not have been excessive. The better punishment would probably be to limit the amount of damages she should get from Mixon.


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Couple of things. First of all, I have not watched the interrogation video. I will take you at your word on these things you are stating in spite of our disagreements in this thread. I did read a write up on each of their respective accounts of what happened.

1) The spitting as well as the racial slur were always secondary to the fact that the pushed and slapped him before he reacted horribly the way he did in regards to how I feel about the overall situation. I'll admit that I was wrong about those two things however and it does move the needle somewhat, if only a bit.

2) He did admit to calling the kid a faggot after that kid called him a ni99er. Frankly, I don't have a problem with this other than two wrongs don't make a right. Two people were being assholes to one another. It's a moot point as far as I'm concerned.

3) I believe the words I used were that Molitor repeatedly escalated the situation multiple times, ultimately till it became physical by her shoving and slapping him before he ever touched her. This is not incorrect. All we have to go by is what is on the video, and we do see him turning to leave before she says something that clearly gets his attention. (Did he ever say what she said to him to make him turn around?). Also, I have absolutely no idea if this is true or not, but there is someone on one of the OU fan sites who claims to have been standing outside Pickleman's when this went down. He states Mixon's version of how things started outside is pretty much true. Basically, the guy who is with molitor in the video started to smoke a cigarette and wasn't paying attention to where he was blowing the smoke. An argument ensued between he and Mixon, and the guy says Mixon turned to him and told him if he blows that smoke in his face again he was going to knock his faggot ass out, and moved away. At this point Molitor walked up to Mixon and started blowing smoke in his face. This aspect of the story was backed up by multiple witnesses. If this is true, and I think it's fair to assume it is, then this is where the altercation between Mixon and Molitor begins, and it supposedly begins with Molitor blowing smoke in Mixon's face. I won't bother mentioning what Molitor supposedly said to him because it's simply his word and no mention of it was made by the supposed witness.

At this point we see Mixon walk follow Molitor into Pickleman's. This is where the story takes a turn for me. First of all, the group of friends Mixon was with suck. How do you let him follow that girl into the store? That was a very potentially bad situation that frankly was over with if we just doesn't go inside. Mixon deserves big time blame here. When he followed her inside he at the very least continued if not escalated the situation. It was not like they said a couple things to each other outside and he walked in to get something to eat or drink, or even to continue a disagreement. He should've had a pretty good idea who he was dealing with at that point and absolutely nothing good was going to come from it, but he chose to follow them inside. That's a big point against him here, because at this point Mixon pursued Molitor and her friend. That's not a good look.

Finally, the argument continues, and I will say this. It has been confirmed that her fried did call him a ni99er inside as well and that he did call the kid a faggot and that is when he turned to talk away, and she clearly says something to get his attention, when he turns she makes it physical with a push. That's escalation on her part no matter how you spin it. He did not place his hands on her at this point. This is where the "lunge" occurs. At this point a moment passes, maybe a second, and Molitor makes the decision to take a swipe at Mixon with what appears to be an open hand slap on he neck. This is escalation again and she has twice now made this physical. Then Mixon makes the dumbest mistake of all and reflexively hits her in the back of the head with a quick right causing her to hit her face on the table on the way down causing her facial injuries.

Now, I know TL;DR, but I wrote all of that out as my understanding of the confirmed events that lead up to the ultimate act so that we can speak knowledgeably about this.

A couple of things have changed my perspective on the situation, and a couple of things I still see the same.

1) Assuming the event involving Molitor walking up to mixon and blowing smoke in his face is true (which is reasonable given the confirmed witness accounts) it is fair to say she instigated the altercation.

2) BIG TIME screw up by Mixon pursuing her and her friend into the store. That does not look good for him. If he simply choose to laugh it off what a c*nt she is with his friends and blow it off this shit never happens. He didn't. He chose to pursue the altercation. He gains a lot of blame here in my eyes. Also, fuck the teammates who let him do that shit. Bunch of shitty friends if you ask me. With all of that said, I didn't make the best decisions at 17-18 in theses type of situations either. I seriously doubt he ever thought it was going to end up where it did. Nonetheless, if we're assigning blame, whole lot goes to Mixon here.

3) I still say it deserves to be pointed out that she did push him and hit him first. This is escalation. His response was unacceptable and deserving of punishment. It was however reflexive. He did not stop back and wind up a haymaker a la Mike Tyson. It does not make it okay, but it does deserve consideration that it does not appear that he stepped back and made the decision to lay a Molitor out.

Again, TL;DR, but to sum it up. Neither party is remotely innocent here which I have said from the start. Whether Molitor instigated the altercation by blowing smoke in Mixon's face becomes less damning when you consider that Mixon clearly pursued her into the store to confront her about it. That was not reflexive. That was a decision he made to re-introduce himself into the altercation, and can only be viewed as escalation. This is where my perspective has changed. Again, I didn't always handle altercations well at his age either, but if we're assigning blame, big time blame goes to Mixon here. However, from there my perspective is pretty much the same. He made the decision to leave when she put her hands on him twice, and then he hit her in reflex.

Knowing what I know now about Mixon pursuing a volatile situation, I could absolutely understand if they had made the decision the remove him from the team permanently. It would not have been out of line at all. With that said, I still maintain that Bob Stoops has an impeccable track record in how he handles his program. He, Boren, and Castiglione have removed players and disciplined them when deemed appropriate. They certainly have more insight into Mixon's character, and had the opportunity to discuss the situation with his family who felt he needed to stay and face the situation rather than run home. If they felt Mixon was worthy of an opportunity to redeem himself and earn his way back onto the team provided he met a strict list of requirements, I trust their judgement. He has proven many times that he will not hesitate remove a player who does not do so. I for one am glad that he is willing to give young men a chance to redeem themselves after making a bad decision. I hope Mixon does not waste what can only be deemed a gift in the truest sense. Frankly, I hope both of them learned lessons that night, because they both screwed up.

Now, I will say this, if Mixon ever has another incident involving violence against women again, I'll be right there with you holding the pitchfork. Once is a mistake. Twice is a pattern. Stoops and Boren believe this will not be the case, or they wouldn't have given him the second chance, and they have a lot more to go on than we do. I will also say this. That bullshit narrative that Bob has allowed a culture akin to what has occurred at baylor needs to fucking stop. That is the biggest steaming pile of shit I've seen in a long time.


Across The Field

Oaky Afterbirth
Apr 21, 2015
Hoopla Cash
$ 24,656.63
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What a pansy ass society we have become.

What would they charge her with? Assault? Being pushed by a girl is assault? Is that what you "men" and others are suggesting? That what she did constitutes an "assault"? Good Gawd, be a fucking man. I guess the only way to be less of a man would be to do what Mixon did in response to the vicious attack from a big mean girl.
I don't give two shits how many people squawk about equality, there are areas where men and women simply aren't on the same level. When you add in that the male is an elite athlete that's twice the size of the woman, this is fucking absurd. Yes, she should've kept his hands off of him, I agree with that. However, this is pathetic if people want to call that "assault". Had she taken off her high heel and swung it at his face, I'd say he was definitely in the right. Giving him a light shove like she did? Give me a break. He's a thug, plain and simple.

Across The Field

Oaky Afterbirth
Apr 21, 2015
Hoopla Cash
$ 24,656.63
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Come on, dog. Common sense says you don't put your hands on strangers, let alone slap them, hit them or do anything else physical. And common sense says you don't retaliate against people by doing anything physical to them when they are acting the fool. A cussing match is OK. But physical stuff? No. Common sense goes both ways. Repercussions should also go both ways. It's all a matter of degree but NEITHER PARTY is totally innocent in those situations. A simple assault charge put on her may or may not have been excessive. The better punishment would probably be to limit the amount of damages she should get from Mixon.
I agree with this part entirely, but the response needs to be similar to the initial action. She gave him a light shove that by no means could've done any damage and he retaliated by fucking her face up something fierce. If Mixon was shoved and decided to step away and file assault charges, I would've actually been fine with it. I wouldn't call that "assault" by my own definition, but if doing that keeps this chick from doing it again then so be it. However, that is decidedly not what he did. At the very least he needs to be responsible for all of her medical bills.