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Jerry West describes Silver's Durant comments as "unfair"


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Apr 17, 2013
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well unfortunately Dr. Buss is not avaliable.

Nobody comes from nothing to being a billionaire without cracking a couple eggs. I am glad a guy that actually worked and earned his way through life is the owner of my team.

Rigth now in todays NBA- if you are trying to WIN- you couldnt do any better than either Gilbert or Cuban.

The Spurs owner seems to be doing pretty okay at what he's doing. After all, his team has been making Cuban's his bitch for seemingly decades now.

5 > 1


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
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well unfortunately Dr. Buss is not avaliable.

Nobody comes from nothing to being a billionaire without cracking a couple eggs. I am glad a guy that actually worked and earned his way through life is the owner of my team.

Rigth now in todays NBA- if you are trying to WIN- you couldnt do any better than either Gilbert or Cuban.

Sorry, gotta disagree with that bold. The only reason the Cavs are winning is because they got lucky when Lebron decided to come back. Let's not pretend that they were anything other than a perennial lottery team without him.

As for Cuban, he had a team that got hot at the right time. Period. He didn't do anything special and didn't make any bold moves. He hasn't been able to do anything before or since. In fact, the Mavs have declined pretty much every year since then.
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The Middle of Everywhere: NWI
Apr 18, 2013
Chesterton, IN
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And? Somehow, despite the lockout, we have a situation where the Warriors could sign KD. You don't legislate parity. Parity is created by other teams getting better. That is done by paying for better players. Just because some owners want the league to legislate parity rather than them actually putting a product on the floor that people will pay too watch, doesn't mean it's right.

Well regardless of whether you think it was appropriate, parity was a major goal for Silver in the previous lockout. It's gotten much better the last few years, but Silver's point is that the system isn't perfect given that the massive spike in cap was the only reason the Durant signing was allowed to happen. I don't see why this notion is out of line. It's not a knock against the Warriors as an organization, as Bob Myers as proven himself to be an elite executive. But, Kevin Durant's actions are not the work of god and he is not above any disagreements or criticism.


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Apr 17, 2013
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Sorry, gotta disagree with that bold. The only reason the Cavs are winning is because they got lucky when Lebron decided to come back. Let's not pretend that they were anything other than a perennial lottery team without him.

As for Cuban, he had a team that got hot at the right time. Period. He didn't do anything special and didn't make any bold moves. He hasn't been able to do anything before or since. In fact, the Mavs have declined pretty much every year since then.

Like I said. The only owner in basketball who nuked his own title team from having a chance to win again. That gamble definitely backfired. They haven't been able to land a grade A free agent for quite a while now. Those pay cuts that Dirk has taken over the years hasn't resulted in anything in terms of a contending team being built.

But yeah - Gilbert and Cuban, whom are owners that got lucky at the right time are the poster children of what every other owner should be. I see Wiggy's been hitting the sauce hard again.


The Middle of Everywhere: NWI
Apr 18, 2013
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The Spurs owner seems to be doing pretty okay at what he's doing. After all, his team has been making Cuban's his bitch for seemingly decades now.

5 > 1

Pretty sure half the league would take that one championship Cuban's got.


The Middle of Everywhere: NWI
Apr 18, 2013
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Sorry, gotta disagree with that bold. The only reason the Cavs are winning is because they got lucky when Lebron decided to come back. Let's not pretend that they were anything other than a perennial lottery team without him.

And if the Lakers don't win that coin flip in 1979, Magic Johnson returns for another season at Michigan State and you guys end up with David Greenwood.:doh:


The Middle of Everywhere: NWI
Apr 18, 2013
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And the crowd disappears...Figures. The bottom line is that it's next to impossible to rate good NBA owners 1-30. The fact is that only Peter Holt and Mickey Arison are infested with championships, and Cuban and Gilbert are next in line behind them...


The Middle of Everywhere: NWI
Apr 18, 2013
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Looks like @Heatles84 fell asleep on the couch in his mom's basement while his computer has been locked on this thread.

I guess this now means I'm keeping up with the oh-so creative insults on this site.:suds:


The Middle of Everywhere: NWI
Apr 18, 2013
Chesterton, IN
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Wow. You did a lot of research on that one. I thought you had better things to do with your time. Also, it's easier for me to hand out bull shit ratings, because I see both you and Wiggy's posts regularly which equates to an inbred moron behind a keyboard.

Way to contradict yourself...You claimed that Wiggy and myself gave "bullshit" ratings to anyone that has owned and/or disagreed with us...When the fact is that the numbers show that it is YOU that hands out the "bullshit" rankings and continue to resort to name-calling when you don't get your way.

This must be why you don't like Silver as well, because the Miami Heat doesn't get their way all the time under him like they did under $tern. Silver took over in 2014, and Miami's last title came in 2013. Hmmm.:scratch:


The Middle of Everywhere: NWI
Apr 18, 2013
Chesterton, IN
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And Heatles' name disappears from this thread right after I make those two posts...Must have went to his cousin to borrow more insults...


Kyrie Hater
Apr 17, 2013
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Well regardless of whether you think it was appropriate, parity was a major goal for Silver in the previous lockout. It's gotten much better the last few years, but Silver's point is that the system isn't perfect given that the massive spike in cap was the only reason the Durant signing was allowed to happen. I don't see why this notion is out of line. It's not a knock against the Warriors as an organization, as Bob Myers as proven himself to be an elite executive. But, Kevin Durant's actions are not the work of god and he is not above any disagreements or criticism.

The only way the NBA will ever achieve parity is if the league does away with multi year contracts and does a fantasy style draft with every player each year.

I believe that would be a terrible idea, but short of that or something similar, it just ain't happening. This is not the NFL or MLB. You simply don't go from worst to first in the NBA. Owners can cry about parity all they want, but it ain't happening because unless you have at least 1 top 10 player and multiple other high quality pieces, you have no shot.


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Jul 17, 2014
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Well regardless of whether you think it was appropriate, parity was a major goal for Silver in the previous lockout. It's gotten much better the last few years, but Silver's point is that the system isn't perfect given that the massive spike in cap was the only reason the Durant signing was allowed to happen. I don't see why this notion is out of line. It's not a knock against the Warriors as an organization, as Bob Myers as proven himself to be an elite executive. But, Kevin Durant's actions are not the work of god and he is not above any disagreements or criticism.
one of the many things i am looking forward to this season is KD's long slog to the playoffs. There is no upside for him. If they win- they were supposed to- if it doesnt work right away- its on him. If they dont win it all- its on him. He can do absolutely nothing to prove anything to anyone until pretty much the 1st week of June and i hope that weights on his shoulders like a ton of bricks the entire season. He seems mentally fragile as well so we shall see.

actually - i take that back--- with his record against LeBron so poor- if they beat Cleveland a couple times that will take some pressure off him...
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Apr 17, 2013
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Way to contradict yourself...You claimed that Wiggy and myself gave "bullshit" ratings to anyone that has owned and/or disagreed with us...When the fact is that the numbers show that it is YOU that hands out the "bullshit" rankings and continue to resort to name-calling when you don't get your way.

This must be why you don't like Silver as well, because the Miami Heat doesn't get their way all the time under him like they did under $tern. Silver took over in 2014, and Miami's last title came in 2013. Hmmm.:scratch:

Yeah....guess Silver was the one that made all those 3-pointers for the Spurs in 2014. This will probably go as one of your top 5 dumbest posts of all-time. And unlike you, I don't give two shits about the NBA commissioner. I'm just stating that he's supposed to remain impartial - BECAUSE THAT'S HIS FUCKING JOB! You and Wiggy just like to argue with everyone just to argue.

You also have a hard on for Stern which has been well documented on this forum because of the Malice in the Palace. Instead of being an objective and rational fan and realizing that if a player goes into the stands and assaults random fans - it's likely to result in a long-term suspension. Instead, you come out with some random conspiracy theory.

As far as my computer being locked onto whatever thread, who gives a shit? I lock my computer with Chrome still up. We'll leave the creative insults to someone else when I'm not around. Yours look like you go on the internet and look up old Saved by the Bell quotes, you fuck twat.


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Apr 17, 2013
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And if the Lakers don't win that coin flip in 1979, Magic Johnson returns for another season at Michigan State and you guys end up with David Greenwood.:doh:

Cavs don't get 3 #1 picks in 4 years, Lebron's not in Cleveland. See how that shit works?


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Jul 17, 2014
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Yeah....guess Silver was the one that made all those 3-pointers for the Spurs in 2014. This will probably go as one of your top 5 dumbest posts of all-time. And unlike you, I don't give two shits about the NBA commissioner. I'm just stating that he's supposed to remain impartial - BECAUSE THAT'S HIS FUCKING JOB! You and Wiggy just like to argue with everyone just to argue.

You also have a hard on for Stern which has been well documented on this forum because of the Malice in the Palace. Instead of being an objective and rational fan and realizing that if a player goes into the stands and assaults random fans - it's likely to result in a long-term suspension. Instead, you come out with some random conspiracy theory.

As far as my computer being locked onto whatever thread, who gives a shit? I lock my computer with Chrome still up. We'll leave the creative insults to someone else when I'm not around. Yours look like you go on the internet and look up old Saved by the Bell quotes, you fuck twat.
thats where you are 100% wrong. His job is not to remain impartial. His job is to act in the best interest of the league. Those are DEFINITELY NOT the same thing.


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thats where you are 100% wrong. His job is not to remain impartial. His job is to act in the best interest of the league. Those are DEFINITELY NOT the same thing.

And you don't think that the league is going to still have high ratings? Everyone talked so much shit about the Heat in 2010 and how that was bad for the league - no one could keep their eyes off the TV when the Heat were on. You'll see the same shit with the Warriors. People will either love and root for them to win, or hope they have one of the biggest collapses in sports history.

It's not his job to offer his opinion on the matter as it relates to a player that exercised their free agency right.


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The only way the NBA will ever achieve parity is if the league does away with multi year contracts and does a fantasy style draft with every player each year.

I believe that would be a terrible idea, but short of that or something similar, it just ain't happening. This is not the NFL or MLB. You simply don't go from worst to first in the NBA. Owners can cry about parity all they want, but it ain't happening because unless you have at least 1 top 10 player and multiple other high quality pieces, you have no shot.

Seriously. It doesn't really matter what they try to do, the team with the most talent wins usually by default. 9 times out of 10, you can predict which 3-4 teams have a realistic shot at the title (this year it's Cleveland, Golden State, and San Antonio). Sometimes there's those anomaly's (2004 and 2011).

It's always been like this and always will be like this.


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And you don't think that the league is going to still have high ratings? Everyone talked so much shit about the Heat in 2010 and how that was bad for the league - no one could keep their eyes off the TV when the Heat were on. You'll see the same shit with the Warriors. People will either love and root for them to win, or hope they have one of the biggest collapses in sports history.

It's not his job to offer his opinion on the matter as it relates to a player that exercised their free agency right.
thats EXACTLY his job. He is the Commissioner of the NBA. No one on this planet is more entitled to their opinion than him on the business of the NBA. The owners did not elect a puppet. They elected an individual who was extremely qualified to make decisions and someone with more knowledge, know-how, insider-understanding, deal broker, etc. to run the league for them than anyone else alive.

The league is molded to his vision. Thats the JOB of a Commissioner. If he sees something that he likes or doesnt like taking place he not only CAN talk about it- its his duty to do so.

to somehow conflate high ratings with the proposition that the commissioner is "supposed to be impartial" makes no fucking sense what so ever and just deflects from the fact that from post to post you skip from one contradicting idea to the next and really have no idea what you are talking about.

if 2 years from now 3-4 all stars took minimum deals to build a super team that threatened the credibility of the league- even if it was 100% allowable within the rules - I would whole-heartedly expect him to veto it- just as Stern did with the Paul deal. You cant foresee and plan for every single circumstance or contingency or loophole or unintended effect- THATS WHY YOU HAVE A COMMISSIONER WITH DISCRETION TO ACT IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE LEAGUE.

to actually think the Commissioners job is to be first and foremost "impartial" sounds like someones delusion from some 20$ buy-in fantasy football league- NOTa Commissioner running a multi billion dollar business.
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Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
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So if Dan Gilbert had let Kevin Love walk and let Kyrie Irving go, in hopes of signing let's say Westbrook and Aldridge in the next round of free agency, you'd have zero problem with that? You wouldn't care to have a legitimate title team have a chance to defend its first title in franchise history?

Excellent analogy.

* In b
exactly---you know the good ones and the bad ones for the most part....

Dolan, Jimmy Buss, Sarver, Bennett, Glen Taylor died right in Minne?- who owns them now?- whoever it is is horrible, Ranadive is pretty new in Sac but has been a disaster thus far, Jordan is finally getting his legs under him in Charlotte but was certainly not good at first- so that at least gives hope to new owners like Ranadive and Jim Buss, despite spending a to of money Prokohorov allowed billy king to give away every single asset just to win a playoff series....

Holt, Lacob, Arison, Gilbert, Cuban, ....Ballmer- and the group that bought the Bucks are really really new but seem to be pretty good- they seem to be able to put down a lot of money.....Gore in Detroit has been less than mediocre but again- very very new.....I like how the Pacers have been a model for stability for years with Bird there who effectively operates as the de facto owner making the decisions it seems.....

Estate Planning: Lessons Learned From Lakers Owner Jerry Buss | JD Supra

Let's hit pause on Balmer until this Offseason.

If Paul and Griffin walk, and he doesn't fire Doc, he goes in the shit owner pile.


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Jul 17, 2014
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Excellent analogy.

* In b

Let's hit pause on Balmer until this Offseason.

If Paul and Griffin walk, and he doesn't fire Doc, he goes in the shit owner pile.
LOL excellent analogy?

who did Cuban let walk? TYSON CHANDLER? lol......good God man. Comparing 24 year old multi time all star Kyrie Irving to letting Tyson Chandler walk??? is this a joke?