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Jerry West describes Silver's Durant comments as "unfair"


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Jul 16, 2013
Rochester, NY
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If only there were a way to gather peoples statements on things and show what percentage of people were doing a particular thing for a particular reason.

For example, asking people why they are rooting for a particular team in a game. Man, if something like that existed, we could really get a good idea.

Or even better, what if there were a place on the interwebz where people could communicate with one another in real time during the games and state why they are rooting for or against a particular team.

That would be sooooo cool.

Television ratings are about as accurate as political polls. It's a small percentage of the population.

If people truly watch games just to hate on teams, that is pretty sad. I'd find something else to do personally.


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Jul 16, 2013
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I don't believe that two thirds of the league's teams were losing money during the lockout year. I think there was some creative accounting going on when those numbers were reported. If there were teams losing money, it is on the owners for signing players to bad contracts and on the league for not coming up with a better revenue sharing plan between profitable/ non-profitable teams.

Not every team is going to be competitive, but every team can make money if owners spend wisely. Even in a league with no parity.

One rule I really don't like in the current CBA is the cap floor. I understand that the purpose is to try and force every team to spend so they can compete, but the reality is that it just forces teams to sign bad players to more money than they are worth if they are short.

I agree, if that many owners were losing money, they would've sold or moved their teams. Professional teams in the top leagues are an excuse to print money essentially, especially those leagues with salary caps.

As far as the cap floor, you would think that it would force teams to spend on bad players, but it hasn't seemed to be the case necessarily, as the difference can be spread among the players on the roster. That's a bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy anyway; if you are under the cap floor, that usually means you don't have any talented veteran players, which likely means your team is losing quite a bit, which doesn't draw quality free agents to your team. GM then either has to overpay to get those free agents, or fill the roster with lesser talent.


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Jul 16, 2013
Rochester, NY
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People don't tune in for boring teams that aren't the teams they are normally fans of. The ratings show this too.

They tune in for storylines. Villains make for good storylines because people take sides which increases interest. Very few people tuned in to the Cavs/Warriors finals last year just wanting to watch good basketball and not caring who won.

Of course you end up rooting for one team or the other. That doesn't make the other team a "villain" however. If that's true, then I consider the entire NBA other than the Lakers to be villains, yet I will watch NONE of them other than a passing glance while flipping channels unless they are playing the Lakers (or in the playoffs).


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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Television ratings are about as accurate as political polls. It's a small percentage of the population.

If people truly watch games just to hate on teams, that is pretty sad. I'd find something else to do personally.

So, because you would find something else to so, that means everyone else does? Most folks seem to find that rooting for one team (even if it's because they don't like the other team) makes watching the game more fun.

Example: there were a heck of a lot of Warriors fans on these boards during the finals the past 2 years. Most of them were not Warriors fans during the season. They were pulling for the Warriors because they don't like the Cavs/Lebron. Made the conversations more fun and interesting and probably made the win a little sweeter for the Cavs fans and Lebroniacs.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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Of course you end up rooting for one team or the other. That doesn't make the other team a "villain" however.

When a large number of people don't like a particular team...that team is the villain. It's really that simple.


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Jul 16, 2013
Rochester, NY
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When a large number of people don't like a particular team...that team is the villain. It's really that simple.

Sure, but I don't believe that people will watch a hated team during the regular season against an opponent they don't care about just to root against them. If they do, what a waste.


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Jul 16, 2013
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So, because you would find something else to so, that means everyone else does? Most folks seem to find that rooting for one team (even if it's because they don't like the other team) makes watching the game more fun.

Example: there were a heck of a lot of Warriors fans on these boards during the finals the past 2 years. Most of them were not Warriors fans during the season. They were pulling for the Warriors because they don't like the Cavs/Lebron. Made the conversations more fun and interesting and probably made the win a little sweeter for the Cavs fans and Lebroniacs.

A lot of those new Warriors fans were just your new fans that are always the fans of the best teams. You know, like you have your fans from the 90's that just happen to like the Cowboys, Yankees, and Bulls. I'm sure a portion of those fans are hating on Lebron specifically, but I don't think it has the big impact implied in this discussion.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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Sure, but I don't believe that people will watch a hated team during the regular season against an opponent they don't care about just to root against them. If they do, what a waste.

Yet, they do. Apparently, what is a waste for you, isn't a waste for a lot of other people.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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A lot of those new Warriors fans were just your new fans that are always the fans of the best teams. You know, like you have your fans from the 90's that just happen to like the Cowboys, Yankees, and Bulls. I'm sure a portion of those fans are hating on Lebron specifically, but I don't think it has the big impact implied in this discussion.

These days? It absolutely does. With the 24/7 news/sports cycle, it's an even bigger impact because you have all kinds of social media to feed the hate.

When my 75 year old Mom (RIP), who almost never had a cross word for anyone, goes walking through the living room, see's Lebron on tv and says "I can't stand that Lebron James" you know that's a villain. lol


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Jul 16, 2013
Rochester, NY
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These days? It absolutely does. With the 24/7 news/sports cycle, it's an even bigger impact because you have all kinds of social media to feed the hate.

When my 75 year old Mom (RIP), who almost never had a cross word for anyone, goes walking through the living room, see's Lebron on tv and says "I can't stand that Lebron James" you know that's a villain. lol

Did your Mom specifically watch Lebron's games to cuss at him? That's the question. Of course players are hated; whether or not that draws people to watch games they otherwise wouldn't just to soak in that hate is another issue.
Dec 18, 2013
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Every top team or top player is hated. That's just the way sports works.

But having seen over 35 years of both American and European sports, I can confidently say lebron is hated more than a lot of others before him.

I wonder why...


Kyrie Hater
Apr 17, 2013
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These days? It absolutely does. With the 24/7 news/sports cycle, it's an even bigger impact because you have all kinds of social media to feed the hate.

When my 75 year old Mom (RIP), who almost never had a cross word for anyone, goes walking through the living room, see's Lebron on tv and says "I can't stand that Lebron James" you know that's a villain. lol

Golden State will never be that. LeBron's personality and the decision played a large part in the Heat being villains. People will root against GS for sure, but I don't think they will be hated because their players are pretty likeable.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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Golden State will never be that. LeBron's personality and the decision played a large part in the Heat being villains. People will root against GS for sure, but I don't think they will be hated because their players are pretty likeable.

Agree with that, The only "hateable" player they have is Draymond and he's not on the star level of the other guys.


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Jul 17, 2014
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i was just looking at the thread name and it does crack me up... "his comments were unfair". lol....unbelievable. they are going out of there way to coddle Durant - the guy is just so freaking soft.

Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
The other side of the mirror
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i was just looking at the thread name and it does crack me up... "his comments were unfair". lol....unbelievable. they are going out of there way to coddle Durant - the guy is just so freaking soft.

bet he cries about YOUR opinion all the way to his ring ceremony...:dhd:

Eugene Baker III

"Oh a stitch in time, just about saved me..."
Jun 30, 2015
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Jerry West didn't like Adam Silver's comments after Warriors signed K.D.
I can see the argument from both sides, but I can't help but to admire Silver for his equal opportunity values as a commissioner. Definitely a breath of fresh air from Mr. $tern...

Nah....Silver is messing with a man's rice bowl.....

And being disrespectful to The Logo is just bad Karma..

David Stern was disrespectful with stopping Chris Paul to the LAKERS....Silver should know enough to keep his mouth shut.

If the salary cap is too low or the luxury tax is not enough to stop exceeding it, then change it, doofus.
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