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Jerry West describes Silver's Durant comments as "unfair"


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
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responsibility for the general supervision and direction of all business and affairs of the League and shall have all such powers as may be necessary or appropriate to fulfill this responsibility.”

This is EXACTLY what everyone has been saying. The "shall have such powers" part shows that any and all power that he has comes from his employers who are the owners.

You have literally just disproven everything you've said and shown that everyone else on here is correct.

Nice job. :clap:

Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
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this is why i love Mecca's dirty shirts...!

one of the coolest ladies on these boards, but can transform into a Panther and go STRAIGHT for your throat...:pound::pound::pound:

and no, Heatles. I ain't trying to steal your thunder...:D


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Apr 17, 2013
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this is why i love Mecca's dirty shirts...!

one of the coolest ladies on these boards, but can transform into a Panther and go STRAIGHT for your throat...:pound::pound::pound:

and no, Heatles. I ain't trying to steal your thunder...:D

No worries. Watching Mecca tear Wiggy's blown out ass hole apart is hilarious.


The Middle of Everywhere: NWI
Apr 18, 2013
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So let me get this right- Because KD exercised his RIGHT to put himself in the best position to win- and did so within the rules of the CBA- somehow the system is flawed? And because of this flaw KD should absorb the criticism?? Good gawd.

No. The flaw in the system is that a 73-win team like the Warriors wouldn't have been able to land a player of KD's caliber in ANY OTHER YEAR besides the one of the massive 2016 cap spike.

The reason KD deserves criticism is not because he made his own decision, but rather because it's obvious that he'd always had frontrunner attributes and lacked competitive drive even during his early Seattle/OKC days. Sure, there were plently of basketball reasons for why he signed with GS, such as the notion that his game likely fits better alongside Steph and Draymond than it does Russell Westbrook - I get that part. But on the flip side, he's an imperfect human being just like all of us, which is basically what this whole argument was about...

"How dare someone criticize or disagree with my hero!?!?"

Silver in that instance was not speaking on behalf of the whole league. He was simply voicing his own personal opinion, which I find refreshing from our league commissioner. But at the same time - you're entitled to disagree, so I'll just leave it at that...


The Middle of Everywhere: NWI
Apr 18, 2013
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This all I needed to read to know you're wrong. It is not the job of the commissioner to "mold the league to his vision." His job is to enforce the leagues rules and make sure they are profitable. Period.

"Profitable" LOL. That's literally all $tern tried to do, except that he wasn't even all that successful at it in this millenium - Until, of course, LeBron went to Miami and drew haters. But, you think that was good for the NBA (in spite of the fact we had another lockout), so I won't say more.


GSAD - formally known as LAD
Jul 1, 2014
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No. The flaw in the system is that a 73-win team like the Warriors wouldn't have been able to land a player of KD's caliber in ANY OTHER YEAR besides the one of the massive 2016 cap spike.

The reason KD deserves criticism is not because he made his own decision, but rather because it's obvious that he'd always had frontrunner attributes and lacked competitive drive even during his early Seattle/OKC days. Sure, there were plently of basketball reasons for why he signed with GS, such as the notion that his game likely fits better alongside Steph and Draymond than it does Russell Westbrook - I get that part. But on the flip side, he's an imperfect human being just like all of us, which is basically what this whole argument was about...

"How dare someone criticize or disagree with my hero!?!?"

Silver in that instance was not speaking on behalf of the whole league. He was simply voicing his own personal opinion, which I find refreshing from our league commissioner. But at the same time - you're entitled to disagree, so I'll just leave it at that...
I understand your points- and even agree with a few of them. But we do differ on a couple of things such as:

The reason you gave on why KD deserves criticism. Why should he be criticized because he's not an aggressive player? I firmly believe that a large portion of basketball success is based on match ups. Competitive match ups but more importantly player chemistry.

After watching KD play alongside the rest of the guys on the Warriors in their first two pre season games it had never been more clear that he & RW were not a good fit.

What I witnessed on Sat when GS played Toronto was KD feeling a bit uncomfortable and rushing his offense when he was passed the ball. IMO that was a result of playing with RW. That didn't work out so well for KD or GS in that game.
By contrast, in last nights game we saw KD become much more comfortable with his role & he didn't seem to rush his offense/shot at all. A clear difference between the two- as there were two different results.

Also, let me just make it clear that KD is not my hero by any means.

The other point that I disagree about is your assertion of Silver. He very well may have an opinion just like the rest of us- but unlike us he has an obligation to stay unbiased towards EVERY team & more specifically EVERY player. Because it is his responsibility to govern the teams he shouldn't be making comments publically that would make someone think he's biased for ANY reason.

If he has a problem with the CBA then he should address that problem appropriately- in a meeting with the players union and the owners- not in the media. And he certainly shouldn't be tying that issue to any specific player that has made career decisions well within his union rights to do so. THAT is the only problem that most people have with what he said.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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"Profitable" LOL. That's literally all $tern tried to do, except that he wasn't even all that successful at it in this millenium - Until, of course, LeBron went to Miami and drew haters. But, you think that was good for the NBA (in spite of the fact we had another lockout), so I won't say more.

It was good for the NBA. Sports are always better when there is a clear cut villain. Having something to cheer against is almost as important as having something to cheer for.

When the Heat were wearing the black hat, some people watched hoping they'd win and most people watched hoping they'd lose. Either way, people watched.


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Jul 16, 2013
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It was good for the NBA. Sports are always better when there is a clear cut villain. Having something to cheer against is almost as important as having something to cheer for.

When the Heat were wearing the black hat, some people watched hoping they'd win and most people watched hoping they'd lose. Either way, people watched.

When 25 teams are all but eliminated on day 1 of the season, only the real fans will continue to support those teams.

Personally, I think that villain stuff only makes it better for the MEDIA. Nothing about being a villain will make me interested in watching the Cavs, Yankees, or whomever in any given year. I'll watch the playoffs because its the playoffs. I WILL root against said "villains", but I'm not watching the game just to do so. Most games that my team is not involved in lose my interest anyway.

Durant will get criticism and deserves every bit of it. He took the easy way out like a coward IMO. Just my opinion of course, many will disagree.

The Warriors only deserve criticism if this blows up in their face. It's the team's job to improve wherever it can.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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When 25 teams are all but eliminated on day 1 of the season, only the real fans will continue to support those teams.

Personally, I think that villain stuff only makes it better for the MEDIA. Nothing about being a villain will make me interested in watching the Cavs, Yankees, or whomever in any given year. I'll watch the playoffs because its the playoffs. I WILL root against said "villains", but I'm not watching the game just to do so. Most games that my team is not involved in lose my interest anyway.

Durant will get criticism and deserves every bit of it. He took the easy way out like a coward IMO. Just my opinion of course, many will disagree.

The Warriors only deserve criticism if this blows up in their face. It's the team's job to improve wherever it can.

You may not watch a villain just to watch them lose, but many, many do. The ratings show that.


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Jul 16, 2013
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You may not watch a villain just to watch them lose, but many, many do. The ratings show that.

That's how you interpret the ratings. All the ratings show is a lot of people watch the good teams.


The Middle of Everywhere: NWI
Apr 18, 2013
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That's how you interpret the ratings. All the ratings show is a lot of people watch the good teams.

Why don't we just simply copy and paste the TV ratings to anything and call it "one man's opinion"?


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Why don't we just simply copy and paste the TV ratings to anything and call it "one man's opinion"?

The ratings themselves aren't opinion, although they are just a sampling. Drawing reasoning WHY the ratings for a particular game is opinion, especially when determining if people are watching to root for or against a team.


The Middle of Everywhere: NWI
Apr 18, 2013
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The ratings themselves aren't opinion, although they are just a sampling. Drawing reasoning WHY the ratings for a particular game is opinion, especially when determining if people are watching to root for or against a team.

It does say something that TV ratings went up when LeBron went to Miami, so there is some truth to the fact that hate draws interest. However, my counterargument is that we had a lockout as a result with two-thirds of our league's teams losing money.

But for one to point to "TV ratings" and using it as their opinion is a bit of a copout.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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That's how you interpret the ratings. All the ratings show is a lot of people watch the good teams.

People don't tune in for boring teams that aren't the teams they are normally fans of. The ratings show this too.

They tune in for storylines. Villains make for good storylines because people take sides which increases interest. Very few people tuned in to the Cavs/Warriors finals last year just wanting to watch good basketball and not caring who won.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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Drawing reasoning WHY the ratings for a particular game is opinion, especially when determining if people are watching to root for or against a team.

If only there were a way to gather peoples statements on things and show what percentage of people were doing a particular thing for a particular reason.

For example, asking people why they are rooting for a particular team in a game. Man, if something like that existed, we could really get a good idea.

Or even better, what if there were a place on the interwebz where people could communicate with one another in real time during the games and state why they are rooting for or against a particular team.

That would be sooooo cool.


Kyrie Hater
Apr 17, 2013
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It does say something that TV ratings went up when LeBron went to Miami, so there is some truth to the fact that hate draws interest. However, my counterargument is that we had a lockout as a result with two-thirds of our league's teams losing money.

But for one to point to "TV ratings" and using it as their opinion is a bit of a copout.

I don't believe that two thirds of the league's teams were losing money during the lockout year. I think there was some creative accounting going on when those numbers were reported. If there were teams losing money, it is on the owners for signing players to bad contracts and on the league for not coming up with a better revenue sharing plan between profitable/ non-profitable teams.

Not every team is going to be competitive, but every team can make money if owners spend wisely. Even in a league with no parity.

One rule I really don't like in the current CBA is the cap floor. I understand that the purpose is to try and force every team to spend so they can compete, but the reality is that it just forces teams to sign bad players to more money than they are worth if they are short.