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Jerry West describes Silver's Durant comments as "unfair"

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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To me this argument is pretty pointless because the NBA is set up in a system of checks and balances that regulate each entity.

The Owners have to approve any rule changes or game play that the NBA League wants to implement.
The League can sanction the players and fine them for things because of the CBA.
The CBA allows players protection of their rights against the league and the ownership.

While the League pretty much verifies details of trades and they go through an approval process to make sure the numbers match up. Other than the one time Stern vetoed a trade, there have been none made based on competitive balance or things like that. Stern's trade veto was an anomaly because of the pending sale of the franchise. Basically the trade should have never happened in the first place and Stern was rectifying that. He was doing his job by protecting the future owner of the team by not allowing a fire sale to devalue the franchise before they had a chance to take over. It wasn't about the Lakers getting better. That's just ridiculous. There have been far more lopsided NBA trades that have happened that never were vetoed.

Did Stern have influence? Absolutely. But it was always Ownership that had to agree on any drastic changes to the league. It wasn't as if Stern was just gun slinging everything he did. What Stern did was drive a ship in which everyone was in agreement that the direction he was going was the right one. It wasn't as if Stern was left unchecked, but more so his moves were all deliberate and mostly correct for the growth of the NBA.

Yeah....you won't find a single post that challenges what Stern has done for the NBA.

This all started when I disputed the fact that Stern had full autonomy.

He doesn't.

Then Wiggyruss started posting Unicorns to distract us from the fact that he either misspoke, or has no idea what the definition of autonomous is.

Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
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Yeah....you won't find a single post that challenges what Stern has done for the NBA.

This all started when I disputed the fact that Stern had full autonomy.

He doesn't.

Then Wiggyruss started posting Unicorns to distract us from the fact that he either misspoke, or has no idea what the definition of autonomous is.

"i misspoke" woulda cut all this off at the pass...

talk about egotistical...:heh:
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Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
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it just cracks me up when Lakers fans try and tell me that he has to act "fair" to each team and uphold the rules- when the greatest example of Stern exercising his autonomy was veteoing the Paul trade. I can see why they dont like him-

not only that- but also giving Gordon Gund extra picks because of how Ted Stepien has run the team into the ground is just another GREAT example of Stern acting outside of the traditional scopeo f his power and ignoring the rules.

Can someone show me where stern was enforcing the rules and acting impartial when he did that? LOL yah didnt think so.

Think about that- he said- Ted Stepien was so bad- im just giving you extra draft picks. Do you think that was part of the rules? Can someone show me were Stern was enforcing the rules when he did that and acting impartially?? LOL yah didnt think so.

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
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im glad to know that me and you and Joe Fabeets are more powerful than Obama since we are the ones that ultimately voted him into office!!

lets hold his feet to the fire and get some reduced taxes and help for those syrian refugees!!! LOL.



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Jul 17, 2014
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wait? we arent more powerful than Obama?

cmon- you said the owners elect him so he is bound to them

how is that different? lol....

OHHOHHHH may be because ONCE ELECTED it means you have autonmy to do what you think is right- because thats why you were fucking elected in the first place! becuase the owners trusted you to do what is right IN YOUR OWN OPINION.


GSAD - formally known as LAD
Jul 1, 2014
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do you know what the term "imperial presidency" means?

ill let you look it up - i am guessing you are at least a few years older than me- hence it would have been a popular catch phrase during the time you went to high school.

not only that- but one of the biggest criticisms of Obama but his enemies is his prosenity to "act outside of the constitution" by issuing executive actions- that THEY SAY he doesnt have the power to do....well?-- he does them anyway...why? because he CAN.
Of course I'm familiar with what it means....are you familiar with when it's implemented? Obama's decision to use executive powers a few times didn't come without great criticism and even in some cases the ridiculous calls for legal action against him.

If Stern had tried to go the route of truly acting autonomously there could've been tremendous legal ramifications- and he was well aware of that. At the end of the day there is no "league" for Silver to commission if the owners close up shop.


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Jul 17, 2014
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dont know why i didntth ink of this before--- the NBA ACTUALLY does have its own constitution....

Let’s start with Commissioners 101.

As commissioner, Stern is vested with broad powers by the NBA Constitution (a document that is not collectively bargained between the players and owners), which provides that the commissioner “shall serve as the Chief Executive Officer of the League and shall be charged with protecting the integrity of the game of professional basketball and preserving public confidence in the League.” The commissioner is also given the “responsibility for the general supervision and direction of all business and affairs of the League and shall have all such powers as may be necessary or appropriate to fulfill this responsibility.”

sounds like little more than a puppet huh Mecca? :lol:

goodnight...thanks for playing....CF- --- eat shit- HAHAH----AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND thats your silver bullet.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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insanity and fabrication and not even REMOTELY close to the truth.

Stern had more power than any other commissioner in North American sports- i quoted NUMEROUS articles that said just that- including Adam Silver even saying that it was not Sterns job to be impartial- it was his job to act in the best interest of the league. Of course that doesnt look good to your argument so you delete it Stalin-style.

for anyone with at least 1 eye that can read and has access to a computer the facts are simply at your fingertips.

Stern absolutely was the most powerful man in basketball for decades and without a doubt molded the league to his vision. For anyone who is even remotely informed they know this to be 100% true.

if i were you i would delete all those posts that DIRECTLY contradicted your ridiculous argument to.

Your entire post is insanity and fabrication. You do nothing but post your opinion, call it fact and try to back it up with more opinion.

You have absolutely no clue what the job of a commissioner is nor who he works for.

Every time someone disagrees with you, you attack them, bullshit their posts and respond with repetitive bullshit and ridiculously long posts.

I'm done babysitting you and am just going to start banning you from every thread you start your shit in.
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Jul 17, 2014
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Your entire post is insanity and fabrication. You do nothing but post your opinion, call it fact and try to back it up with more opinion.

You have absolutely no clue what the job of a commissioner is nor who he works for.

Every time someone disagrees with you, you attack them, bullshit their posts and respond with repetitive bullshit and ridiculously long posts.

I'm done babysitting you and am just going to start banning you from every thread you start your shit in.
ill side with Adam Silver's opinion over yours. Sorry if that is disappointing to you.

or the NBA's Constitution
or any number of the credible national publications i quoted.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
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I mean seriously

what else do you guys need more than that quote from the NBA Constitution?

thats the HAMMER as they say.

The commissioner is also given the “responsibility for the general supervision and direction of all business and affairs of the League and shall have all such powers as may be necessary or appropriate to fulfill this responsibility.

right there- black and white. So glad we could have this constructive argument- but someone has to win-so meone has to lose.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
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Your entire post is insanity and fabrication. You do nothing but post your opinion, call it fact and try to back it up with more opinion.

You have absolutely no clue what the job of a commissioner is nor who he works for.

Every time someone disagrees with you, you attack them, bullshit their posts and respond with repetitive bullshit and ridiculously long posts.

I'm done babysitting you and am just going to start banning you from every thread you start your shit in.
its in the NBA constitution what the job description of commissioner is. Read it. Defines it right there in black and white.

we dont have to debate anything- its all right there and does nothing except confirm EXACTLY what i have been saying... the wording couldnt be more clear.

"and shall have all such powers as may be necessary or appropriate to fulfill this responsibility."

does it say--- all such powers as may be necessary or appropriate unless the team owners think otherwise? No? I coulda swore...

i am truly a jackass....why not go RIGHT to the governing document in the first place? bad job by me.......thats ALWAYS the first place you go when trying to determine the scope...his job description is right there...how dumb of me not to think of that in the first place........but i got there eventually.


GSAD - formally known as LAD
Jul 1, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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do you know what the term "imperial presidency" means?

ill let you look it up - i am guessing you are at least a few years older than me- hence it would have been a popular catch phrase during the time you went to high school.

not only that- but one of the biggest criticisms of Obama his enemies have propesenity to push is that Obama has "acted outside of the constitution" by issuing executive actions- that THEY SAY he doesnt have the power to do....well?-- he does them anyway...why? because he CAN.

how you even define "traditional powers" of the commissioner is pretty irrelevant becuase there has only been 1 in 30 years so whatever "traditional" means doesnt really matter----- but whatever the scope of those traditional powers were at one point 3 decades ago--- Stern has FAR surpassed that scope and acted outside of it on his own for a LONG LONG LONG TIME.
What are these "traditional powers" that you're referring to? And when did I define them or even mention them?

Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
The other side of the mirror
Hoopla Cash
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Ok everyone WiggityWack says Stern had aaaaaalllll the power, so it MUST be true...:L

The boy's losing it...:crazy:


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
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What are these "traditional powers" that you're referring to? And when did I define them or even mention them?
99% of all our posts were worthless...im stupid...should have just gone right to the constitution in the first place for his job description....really all that was needed. Fail on my part....

its all their in unarguable black and white and confirms exactly what i originally said and what i quoted Silveras saying.


GSAD - formally known as LAD
Jul 1, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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it just cracks me up when Lakers fans try and tell me that he has to act "fair" to each team and uphold the rules- when the greatest example of Stern exercising his autonomy was veteoing the Paul trade. I can see why they dont like him-

not only that- but also giving Gordon Gund extra picks because of how Ted Stepien has run the team into the ground is just another GREAT example of Stern acting outside of the traditional scopeo f his power and ignoring the rules.

Can someone show me where stern was enforcing the rules and acting impartial when he did that? LOL yah didnt think so.

Think about that- he said- Ted Stepien was so bad- im just giving you extra draft picks. Do you think that was part of the rules? Can someone show me were Stern was enforcing the rules when he did that and acting impartially?? LOL yah didnt think so.
Well this post clearly tells us you don't know the details of why Stern got involved in the CP3 trade to the Lakers. And the fact that it's been explained to you in a few different posts just today explains your comprehension problem is what stands in your way most times.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
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The NBA Constitution provides that the commissioner “shall serve as the Chief Executive Officer of the League and shall be charged with protecting the integrity of the game of professional basketball and preserving public confidence in the League.” The commissioner is also given the “responsibility for the general supervision and direction of all business and affairs of the League and shall have all such powers as may be necessary or appropriate to fulfill this responsibility.”


Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
$ 19,999.54
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of COURSE STern has to keep in mind his constituency- just like anyone voted to ANY position--- which is the owners- but to act like he was a cop that acted without autonomy as commissioner is just so frightfully wrong its insane.

Classic case of moving the goalposts after the kick.

dont know why i didntth ink of this before--- the NBA ACTUALLY does have its own constitution....

Let’s start with Commissioners 101.

As commissioner, Stern is vested with broad powers by the NBA Constitution (a document that is not collectively bargained between the players and owners), which provides that the commissioner “shall serve as the Chief Executive Officer of the League and shall be charged with protecting the integrity of the game of professional basketball and preserving public confidence in the League.” The commissioner is also given the “responsibility for the general supervision and direction of all business and affairs of the League and shall have all such powers as may be necessary or appropriate to fulfill this responsibility.”

sounds like little more than a puppet huh Mecca? :lol:

goodnight...thanks for playing....CF- --- eat shit- HAHAH----AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND thats your silver bullet.

Several Pages back, I admitted my use of the word puppet was grossly unfair.

You probably missed cause you were in full blown hisssy fit mode after being corrected.

Now, post the part of the NBA Constitution that states Stern has full Autonomy....

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
$ 19,999.54
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The NBA Constitution provides that the commissioner “shall serve as the Chief Executive Officer of the League and shall be charged with protecting the integrity of the game of professional basketball and preserving public confidence in the League.” The commissioner is also given the “responsibility for the general supervision and direction of all business and affairs of the League and shall have all such powers as may be necessary or appropriate to fulfill this responsibility.”


Could you make the post bigger?

I'm having problems finding the word autonomous.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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Classic case of moving the goalposts after the kick.

Several Pages back, I admitted my use of the word puppet was grossly unfair.

You probably missed cause you were in full blown hisssy fit mode after being corrected.

Now, post the part of the NBA Constitution that states Stern has full Autonomy....
