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Jerry West describes Silver's Durant comments as "unfair"

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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LOL excellent analogy?

who did Cuban let walk? TYSON CHANDLER? lol......good God man. Comparing 24 year old multi time all star Kyrie Irving to letting Tyson Chandler walk??? is this a joke?

It cut off my statement.

I typed *in before Wiggy Kyrie and Love were only 10years old and Tyson and Kidd were in their 60's...lol

I know how that mind of yours works.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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Well regardless of whether you think it was appropriate, parity was a major goal for Silver in the previous lockout. It's gotten much better the last few years, but Silver's point is that the system isn't perfect given that the massive spike in cap was the only reason the Durant signing was allowed to happen. I don't see why this notion is out of line. It's not a knock against the Warriors as an organization, as Bob Myers as proven himself to be an elite executive. But, Kevin Durant's actions are not the work of god and he is not above any disagreements or criticism.

Not to be picky - but Silver wasn't the commissioner in the last lockout, but they were trying to give incentives for the players to stay with the same team.


Kyrie Hater
Apr 17, 2013
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thats EXACTLY his job. He is the Commissioner of the NBA. No one on this planet is more entitled to their opinion than him on the business of the NBA. The owners did not elect a puppet. They elected an individual who was extremely qualified to make decisions and someone with more knowledge, know-how, insider-understanding, deal broker, etc. to run the league for them than anyone else alive.

The league is molded to his vision. Thats the JOB of a Commissioner. If he sees something that he likes or doesnt like taking place he not only CAN talk about it- its his duty to do so.

to somehow conflate high ratings with the proposition that the commissioner is "supposed to be impartial" makes no fucking sense what so ever and just deflects from the fact that from post to post you skip from one contradicting idea to the next and really have no idea what you are talking about.

if 2 years from now 3-4 all stars took minimum deals to build a super team that threatened the credibility of the league- even if it was 100% allowable within the rules - I would whole-heartedly expect him to veto it- just as Stern did with the Paul deal. You cant foresee and plan for every single circumstance or contingency or loophole or unintended effect- THATS WHY YOU HAVE A COMMISSIONER WITH DISCRETION TO ACT IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE LEAGUE.

to actually think the Commissioners job is to be first and foremost "impartial" sounds like someones delusion from some 20$ buy-in fantasy football league- NOTa Commissioner running a multi billion dollar business.

You guys keep talking about the CP3 trade like Stern just vetoed a random deal because he didn't like it. The commissioner will never do that.

The NBA was in charge of the Hornets and Stern placed his own guy in charge of the team (this should have never happened). When the acting GM agreed to a deal that would have hurt the potential resale value of the team, Stern stepped in. Laker fans have every right to be upset, but this was not a commish standing in the way of a normal deal within league rules. The important detail is that Stern was the defecto owner of the Hornets at that time. Even the most experienced GM is not going to pull the trigger in a deal like that without prior communication with the owner.


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Jul 17, 2014
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You guys keep talking about the CP3 trade like Stern just vetoed a random deal because he didn't like it. The commissioner will never do that.

The NBA was in charge of the Hornets and Stern placed his own guy in charge of the team (this should have never happened). When the acting GM agreed to a deal that would have hurt the potential resale value of the team, Stern stepped in. Laker fans have every right to be upset, but this was not a commish standing in the way of a normal deal within league rules. The important detail is that Stern was the defecto owner of the Hornets at that time. Even the most experienced GM is not going to pull the trigger in a deal like that without prior communication with the owner.
I never said he vetoed it because he didnt like it- i totally agree with your above post.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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Well regardless of whether you think it was appropriate, parity was a major goal for Silver in the previous lockout. It's gotten much better the last few years, but Silver's point is that the system isn't perfect given that the massive spike in cap was the only reason the Durant signing was allowed to happen. I don't see why this notion is out of line. It's not a knock against the Warriors as an organization, as Bob Myers as proven himself to be an elite executive. But, Kevin Durant's actions are not the work of god and he is not above any disagreements or criticism.

If parity is a "major goal" for Silver, then he needs to be fired immediately. It's not up to him and league officials to create parity. It is up to the teams to create it by doing what is necessary to be competitive.

Also, it's out of line because it's the sports version of socialism. You don't create parity by creating rules that drag successful teams down to the level of crappy teams. You create parity by other teams doing what is necessary to be competitive. If their owners don't want to do it, then that's on them. It's also on the fans of those teams for continuing to put money in the owners pocket.

Right now, the Lakers aren't competitive with teams like the Warriors. I want them to be competitive, but not because the league instituted some rule that forced parity. I want them to be competitive because they did the work and spent the money to get better.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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The league is molded to his vision. Thats the JOB of a Commissioner.

It absolutely is NOT the JOB of the commissioner to "mold the league to his vision." What a load of crap. His job is to oversee the league and make sure that teams and players are following league rules in all of their operations.

It is not to "mold the league to his vision."


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Jul 17, 2014
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It absolutely is NOT the JOB of the commissioner to "mold the league to his vision." What a load of crap. His job is to oversee the league and make sure that teams and players are following league rules in all of their operations.

It is not to "mold the league to his vision."
what is the commissioners job then? that is ABSOLUTELY the job of the commissioner- what else would it be? collecting league fees and announcing the first round of the draft? David Stern did EXACTLY that over the decades he was in charge.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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And if the Lakers don't win that coin flip in 1979, Magic Johnson returns for another season at Michigan State and you guys end up with David Greenwood.:doh:

Which has absolutely nothing to do with how the Cavs and Mavs got their 1 title each and Wiggy thinking it makes them the owners that all other owners should try to emulate.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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what is the commissioners job then? that is ABSOLUTELY the job of the commissioner- what else would it be? collecting league fees and announcing the first round of the draft? David Stern did EXACTLY that over the decades he was in charge.

I already stated what the commissioners job is in the very post you quoted. Sorry you couldn't comprehend. Also, that's NOT what Stern did. Stern did his job which was to enforce the league rules and help them become more profitable. He didn't "mold the league to his vision."


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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one of the many things i am looking forward to this season is KD's long slog to the playoffs. There is no upside for him. If they win- they were supposed to-

Yeah, I'm sure he'll be all kinds of depressed over winning a ring. :L


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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thats where you are 100% wrong. His job is not to remain impartial. His job is to act in the best interest of the league. Those are DEFINITELY NOT the same thing.

It actually is the same thing. Part of his job is to do what is best for the league as a whole. The ONLY way to do that is to remain impartial.

That's why the league has no business operating teams. It removes any possibility of being impartial.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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Typical Wiggy. Bullshitting posts he doesn't agree with because he knows he has no response. Yet, he'll tell us all how he has "no problem admitting when he's wrong."
Last edited:
Dec 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Typical Wiggy. Bullshitting posts just because he doesn't agree with because he knows he has no response. Yet, he'll tell us all how he has "no problem admitting when he's wrong."

He tends to do that on a regular basis. Quite odd behavior for a lawyer if you ask me. Todd does the same but at least he doesn't pretend to be something he's not.


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Apr 17, 2013
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He tends to do that on a regular basis. Quite odd behavior for a lawyer if you ask me. Todd does the same but at least he doesn't pretend to be something he's not.

Yeah, Wiggy's hit full Skip Bayless mode.

You never go full Skip Bayless.


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Jul 17, 2014
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I already stated what the commissioners job is in the very post you quoted. Sorry you couldn't comprehend. Also, that's NOT what Stern did. Stern did his job which was to enforce the league rules and help them become more profitable. He didn't "mold the league to his vision."
I 100% vehemently disagree. I have read plenty about David Stern and his tenure in the leauge and to act like he did not mold the league to his vision is complete and total bullshit. He took a fledgling league that had its Finals on tape delay and molded it into the vision which he saw for the league. thats the JOB of a commissioner. Simply enforcing rules is a minute part of what encompasses his job. The Commissioner DIRECTS where the league goes. If David Stern was a puppet that did little more than play vice principal the NBA would not be nearly what it is today---- Not that i agree with everything Stern did- but the reason you HAVE a Commissioner is someone with power and discretion to make the tough decisions when their just ARENT rules or circumstances or unintended things happen.

To act like the Commissioners job is to solely enforce rules is just so incredibly short sighted its ridiculous. The Owners pick this guy for a reason- and ESPECIALLY IN Sterns case- who amassed more power than any contemporary Commissioner in US Sports history by the time his decades long run was gone- he ABSOLUTELY is the #1 figure in shaping and molding the league to what it becomes. I dont even know how thats debatable to be honest.

Fair has nothing to do with it. Is it "fair" that the Cavs have 29 nationally televised games? Is it "fair" when Stern vetoes a trade of CP3 to the Lakers? Is it FAIR when he supplies the new owner of the Cavs with addittional first rounders because Ted Stepien had sunk the team? Is it fair to suspend Ron Artest for the length of time he did when the precedent that was previously set was just completely ignored?-- OF COURSE NOT- all those things were done becuase the Commissioner has discretion to implement his vision of what the league should be. Is it "fair" when the Commissioner mandates players wear suits on the bench that are not playing? Is that in the rules somewhere prior to the Commissioner institutiing it? OF COURSE NOT- the Commissioner SAW something- players looking like gansters on the bench- and made a decision that molded the league to his vision. It happens ALL THE TIME. Is it "fair" to take the All Star game out of Charlotte because of a couple politicians?-- OF COURSE NOT- but he did what he had to do to protect the league.

The Artest thing is a the perfect example. "Fair" is not why Artest got such a long drawn out suspension. He got his suspension because Stern felt he had to act in the best interest of the league and protect sponsorship. It screwed the Pacers- it wasnt fair- it didnt conform with previous precedent- not even CLOSE- but it was without a doubt in the best interest of the league.

There has to be literally DOZENS of examples like that which never see the light of day and are solely behind the scenes.

When extraordinary circumstance arise like i described above- the Commissioner acts - he isnt just a freaking traffic cop.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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I 100% vehemently disagree.

This all I needed to read to know you're wrong. It is not the job of the commissioner to "mold the league to his vision." His job is to enforce the leagues rules and make sure they are profitable. Period.


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Jul 17, 2014
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This all I needed to read to know you're wrong. It is not the job of the commissioner to "mold the league to his vision." His job is to enforce the leagues rules and make sure they are profitable. Period.
its precisely what Stern did over his decades long run. Example after example after example is in my post above proving EXACTLY that.

You first call me out for not responding at 12:30 at night eastern time- and then when i respond say its not worth reading. lol....which one is it for the record? :scratch:

if i were you i wouldnt read it either- you couldnt possibly refute the numerous examples that perfectly support my position.

as always- reading and knowledge HELPS.