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Jeff Fisher is set on Sam Bradford in 2015


Animale rurale
Apr 18, 2013
The Ozarks
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Look the elephant in the room know one wants to address is there are no real viable options at QB. We have Bradford. We cut Bradford. Now what? What the heck bring on Davis. :L


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2013
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Do you not watch the news? They are reports that multiply teams certainly do want Sam. The Browns either offered a second or 3rd pick but the Rams won't do that because he is to valuable as the quarterback and the best option. They need to let go of one of those first rd picks before the Rams would even think about it.

Can we trade him without taking a big cap hit? I thought we get nailed if he's traded


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
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Stick to your guns cougar. Belittling Bradford on his play is one thing. But going after him over his contract just isn't cricket. There is no monopoly on being raised right or wrong for that matter. I for one in the same situation wouldn't give a dime back or want a modification too my contract. Unless everyone was drunk at the signing and they can proved it, pay me. Now this maybe more than some here's moral compass can stand. But 99 out of 100 would do the same thing. And yes I feel comfortable with that blanket statement. Even if Bradford allowed a change to his contract he will still get the money front or back end. Sometimes people want something to go there way so badly they become blinded and lose
all sense of reality and common sense.

There are still people that take pride in themselves, not as many as there should be, and that's part of the reason today's world is the way it is! There are still players that restructure their contracts to help out their teams, you don't necessarily have to give up your money, whether you earned it or not, their our other ways to help your team out!

Here is an excerpt of a story about Lyman Bostick

1978 - A new team and large contract, the season started off poorly for Bostock; he batted a lowly .150 for the month of April. Apologetically, Bostock went to team owner Gene Autry and attempted to return his April salary, saying he hadn't earned it. Mr. Autry refused, so Bostock announced he would donate his April salary to charity.

Lyman Bostick was a classy guy, Gene Autry was also a classy guy! Doing things like this is a case of "doing the right thing", on both the pRt of the player and the owner . If Sammie did this, I would probably actually like him in spite of his average career! Doing the right thing endears players to fans, especially in today's sports world when the owners, agents, and players all care about themselves. What is too much money, most of these guys have so much money that they will never spend it all or come close!

I've always said all it would take is one player to sign a contract that says he will give back $1 million dollars if the owner matched that and together the $2 million would be used to do something for the fan, whether to lower the ticket prices, or have more games that are at discount, or more giveaways at games, just something to show that they both care about the people that are paying them these absurd salaries. Shoot there are many people that give 10% of there earnings to the church, all it would take is for every player to give back 10% of what they make and have the owners match that 10% and maybe the average fan could go to a game, buy merchandise, feel better about their teams!

I know it's unrealistic in today's it's all about me world, but the one guy that did this would be a fan favorite, and not just by his teams fans, but all fans!


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
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Look the elephant in the room know one wants to address is there are no real viable options at QB. We have Bradford. We cut Bradford. Now what? What the heck bring on Davis. :L

I'm not all on board with going with Davis either, but tell me again what Bradford has done for this ream that Davis hasnt?


Animale rurale
Apr 18, 2013
The Ozarks
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There are still people that take pride in themselves, not as many as there should be, and that's part of the reason today's world is the way it is! There are still players that restructure their contracts to help out their teams, you don't necessarily have to give up your money, whether you earned it or not, their our other ways to help your team out!

Here is an excerpt of a story about Lyman Bostick

1978 - A new team and large contract, the season started off poorly for Bostock; he batted a lowly .150 for the month of April. Apologetically, Bostock went to team owner Gene Autry and attempted to return his April salary, saying he hadn't earned it. Mr. Autry refused, so Bostock announced he would donate his April salary to charity.

Lyman Bostick was a classy guy, Gene Autry was also a classy guy! Doing things like this is a case of "doing the right thing", on both the pRt of the player and the owner . If Sammie did this, I would probably actually like him in spite of his average career! Doing the right thing endears players to fans, especially in today's sports world when the owners, agents, and players all care about themselves. What is too much money, most of these guys have so much money that they will never spend it all or come close!

I've always said all it would take is one player to sign a contract that says he will give back $1 million dollars if the owner matched that and together the $2 million would be used to do something for the fan, whether to lower the ticket prices, or have more games that are at discount, or more giveaways at games, just something to show that they both care about the people that are paying them these absurd salaries. Shoot there are many people that give 10% of there earnings to the church, all it would take is for every player to give back 10% of what they make and have the owners match that 10% and maybe the average fan could go to a game, buy merchandise, feel better about their teams!

I know it's unrealistic in today's it's all about me world, but the one guy that did this would be a fan favorite, and not just by his teams fans, but all fans!

I am all about feel good stories. But I am all about reality also. You might be shocked at just how many High paid jocks have funds and foundations and go over and above to help out in their communities.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
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I am all about feel good stories. But I am all about reality also. You might be shocked at just how many High paid jocks have funds and foundations and go over and above to help out in their communities.
No, I wouldn't be shocked, I know a lot of guys do that, there's probably more that don't though!


Animale rurale
Apr 18, 2013
The Ozarks
Hoopla Cash
$ 190.91
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I'm not all on board with going with Davis either, but tell me again what Bradford has done for this ream that Davis hasnt?

Again if not Bradford who? You want to bring in a vet who? You want to start Davis? You want to draft a starter?


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2013
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No, I wouldn't be shocked, I know a lot of guys do that, there's probably more that don't though!

Well pretty much all of them do at least some at the advice of their accountants. Charity is a good tax write-off when you make big bucks.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
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Again if not Bradford who? You want to bring in a vet who? You want to start Davis? You want to draft a starter?

I agree with you, there really are no viable options, I just always feel I have to defend Davis when others in here rip on him!
If Bradford is our starter, great, if he actually gets the job done. At same time, if Bradford got hurt again, I would roll with Davis again, or someone we drafted "in a later " round! I still haven't seen if he has it or not, he has shown flashes of both against good defenses!


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2013
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There are still people that take pride in themselves, not as many as there should be, and that's part of the reason today's world is the way it is! There are still players that restructure their contracts to help out their teams, you don't necessarily have to give up your money, whether you earned it or not, their our other ways to help your team out!

Here is an excerpt of a story about Lyman Bostick

1978 - A new team and large contract, the season started off poorly for Bostock; he batted a lowly .150 for the month of April. Apologetically, Bostock went to team owner Gene Autry and attempted to return his April salary, saying he hadn't earned it. Mr. Autry refused, so Bostock announced he would donate his April salary to charity.

Lyman Bostick was a classy guy, Gene Autry was also a classy guy! Doing things like this is a case of "doing the right thing", on both the pRt of the player and the owner . If Sammie did this, I would probably actually like him in spite of his average career! Doing the right thing endears players to fans, especially in today's sports world when the owners, agents, and players all care about themselves. What is too much money, most of these guys have so much money that they will never spend it all or come close!

I've always said all it would take is one player to sign a contract that says he will give back $1 million dollars if the owner matched that and together the $2 million would be used to do something for the fan, whether to lower the ticket prices, or have more games that are at discount, or more giveaways at games, just something to show that they both care about the people that are paying them these absurd salaries. Shoot there are many people that give 10% of there earnings to the church, all it would take is for every player to give back 10% of what they make and have the owners match that 10% and maybe the average fan could go to a game, buy merchandise, feel better about their teams!

I know it's unrealistic in today's it's all about me world, but the one guy that did this would be a fan favorite, and not just by his teams fans, but all fans!

Awe. I don't know about you guys but I got a tear in my eye reading this haha. He signed a contract it's a contract! It's his money now he doesn't have to give anything back. Maybe he put $30 million in a trust for his future kids or gave 10 million to charity my point is it's his money he can do whatever he wants with it. You don't know he might not have money to give back to them. It's a different world if you don't like how much money these guys are Making stop watching sports. They make nothing compared to what the owners are making. Do you think stan's losing sleep at night because he paid Sam 50 million? that's a drop in the bucket.


Animale rurale
Apr 18, 2013
The Ozarks
Hoopla Cash
$ 190.91
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I agree with you, there really are no viable options, I just always feel I have to defend Davis when others in here rip on him!
If Bradford is our starter, great, if he actually gets the job done. At same time, if Bradford got hurt again, I would roll with Davis again, or someone we drafted "in a later " round! I still haven't seen if he has it or not, he has shown flashes of both against good defenses!

Got no prob with Davis. Don't like his throwing motion but what do I know. The Rams are well aware that there are numerous QB needy teams out there. They will have to mortgage the farm to get Bradford. We should have gotten our QB last year. Hindsight.


Animale rurale
Apr 18, 2013
The Ozarks
Hoopla Cash
$ 190.91
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Just found this article about the whole Bradford topic. Interesting stuff...


Good series of articles. Where I differ is I believe Bradford is more in the catbird seat. It all depends on how they approach the matter. If the Rams try an play hard ball I would say trade or cut me. Believe me even if they waited till the last minute teams would be sending Bradford their playbooks for reading material.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
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Awe. I don't know about you guys but I got a tear in my eye reading this haha. He signed a contract it's a contract! It's his money now he doesn't have to give anything back. Maybe he put $30 million in a trust for his future kids or gave 10 million to charity my point is it's his money he can do whatever he wants with it. You don't know he might not have money to give back to them. It's a different world if you don't like how much money these guys are Making stop watching sports. They make nothing compared to what the owners are making. Do you think stan's losing sleep at night because he paid Sam 50 million? that's a drop in the bucket.

Duh, why wouldnt and why shouldnt the owners make more than the players,it's like with any company, the big shots own the company they are the ones that take all the chances and invest the money to begin with, and they are the ones that take the hit when things don't go right! I'm more on the owners side in any of this. They are the ones taking all the chances, paying someone like Sammie that doesn't produce. Not all, but most of these owners are good business men and have worked hard all their lives and they earned what they have, do I agree how much money they make off
people, maybe not, but at least they earned it, unlike some players, that got their money due to the system that was in place, not because they earned it!

The problem isn't all the players, the owners did bring this on themselves by paying these ridicuous salaries, but the players expect it. Baseball is worse than football, a pitcher can make $1 million and go 10-15 with a 4.5 era and get a raise, that's just


Fly, Eagles Fly
Sep 2, 2014
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If Fisher going into next season with Bradford as QB fans should file a class action lawsuit accusing him of gross negligence.

He's going to need a real plan B this time, or else he will be gone. That team could easily be a playoff team with just a decent NFL QB.


Animale rurale
Apr 18, 2013
The Ozarks
Hoopla Cash
$ 190.91
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If Fisher going into next season with Bradford as QB fans should file a class action lawsuit accusing him of gross negligence.

He's going to need a real plan B this time, or else he will be gone. That team could easily be a playoff team with just a decent NFL QB.

Ok all this is the plan get on board. Gross negligence.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Ok all this is the plan get on board. Gross negligence.

I think if Bradford starts, Coug and him would have less time to hang out and he should sue Fisher for loss of companionship!


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Jul 4, 2013
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I'm fine with this as long as we still pick up a QB in the second/third round. We can't gamble that Bradford will stay healthy.


Animale rurale
Apr 18, 2013
The Ozarks
Hoopla Cash
$ 190.91
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I think if Bradford starts, Coug and him would have less time to hang out and he should sue Fisher for loss of companionship!

You do know cougar is Sam Bradford right? :nod:


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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If Fisher going into next season with Bradford as QB fans should file a class action lawsuit accusing him of gross negligence.

He's going to need a real plan B this time, or else he will be gone. That team could easily be a playoff team with just a decent NFL QB.

I'm thinking your Eagles have enough issues for you to worry about what our Rams are or aren't doing! The Eagles should have won their division easily last year!