Well-Known Member

After measles and whooping cough ran thru the school I worked at, Things changed rather quickly. But what Jay Cutler chooses to do and doesn't choose to do is his business. I would have played football in the NFC Championship game if given the opportunity.
After measles and whooping cough ran thru the school I worked at, Things changed rather quickly. But what Jay Cutler chooses to do and doesn't choose to do is his business. I would have played football in the NFC Championship game if given the opportunity.
Jenny McCarthy? That's a real medical think tank right there. You dare pork that hollyweird slag, you better be fully vaccinated and wear a hazmat suit.
The anti-vaccine crowd may think they’re only making a decision for their own family. In fact, they’re threatening to make the rest of us sick. Refusing to vaccinate your children means you are contributing to a worsening public health crisis. There is no denying it, and there is no point in sugar-coating it.
Jay Cutler's kids are his business, but I'll just say this - "medical science" is far from perfect. I have my own personal stories of defying medical odds along with millions of others. I've also politely passes on the flu shot every year for about 7 years, and I'm the only person I know who never gets the flu every year. The second flu season starts, I gobble those Airborne pills, drink lots of orange juice and I'm good.
Jay Cutler's kids are his business, but I'll just say this - "medical science" is far from perfect. I have my own personal stories of defying medical odds along with millions of others. I've also politely passes on the flu shot every year for about 7 years, and I'm the only person I know who never gets the flu every year. The second flu season starts, I gobble those Airborne pills, drink lots of orange juice and I'm good.
So then are you suggesting we FORCE Americans to do something they are not otherwise required to do?
The flu is much less contagious and much less dangerous than anything vaccinated for.
Good hygiene is useful, but there's a significant difference between a relatively low chance of a virus your body can fairly easily handle and a much greater chance of a virus with much more serious symptoms.
So then are you suggesting we FORCE Americans to do something they are not otherwise required to do? That doesn't sound like democracy to me.
What is your suggestion? Make sure it's a lawful one.
Until one of his kids contracts measles & passes them on to an infant who is too young to be vaccinated.
This is sheer lunacy. Just over a dozen years ago this illness was considered eliminated in our country, and this year people are being hospitalized for it. All due to the hysteria about a safe, effective vaccine. All based on nothing.
There is no legitimate scientific controversy about whether or not vaccines are safe. The original study that started us down this insane path by linking the MMR vaccine to autism has been retracted outright. The evidence against administering the MMR vaccine to healthy individuals is utterly without merit.
I'd respect your position if you were saying the flu shot was a waste, but then you have to be hypocritical by spending a obscene amount of money on worthless products. "Airborne" is just a fucking vitamin that costs a fortune. And there is no evidence at all that Vitamin C helps fight the flu. You are spending a shit ton of money on a scam. The flu shot has its weaknesses, and it fails some years, but it isn't an outright scam.
This has absolutely nothing to do with the efficacy of vaccinations. We all know they are very effective.
That being said, the germophobe class that gives their kids antibacterials throughout childhood is a much bigger threat than this, yet doesn't get the hatred.
You obviously don't understand molecular biology, let alone the reasons why people refuse to vaccinate their children. Let me help you through this...
Just because an organism receives a vaccination for a virus does not mean the virus does not exist on or in the host. The reality is that EVERY person alive today has been exposed to these viruses in vivo, and these viruses do exist in people. I say this so that you will know how ridiculous your statement is concerning mutation of a virus. Mutation of a virus will occur whether a person is vaccinated or not; we just hope that the mutation does not change the proteins composing the viral wall, otherwise the vaccines could be rendered useless.
As for why JC does not want his children vaccinated: This has absolutely nothing to do with the efficacy of vaccinations. We all know they are very effective. His contention is with the mercury present in vaccines that are used to preserve the virus itself. The symptoms of autism are very similar to the symptoms of someone experiencing mercury poisoning, and some studies have shown an increase in autism diagnoses corresponding with the increase in required vaccinations for children. Of course autism is over-diagnosed for many different reasons, but accounting for these confounds does not diminish the results. Several years ago, mercury-based preservatives were no longer used in some vaccines but certainly not all of them. As mercury is used less and less, the data should show a corresponding decrease in autism diagnoses (lagged by 1.5 -2 years) assuming of course that mercury has anything to do with autism in the first place.
So please, before commenting on something you know nothing about try to think first.