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Prove it. Aren't you the guy that's always screaming about how "trust is earned?" How has the FDA earned your trust?![]()
The FDA didn't invent vaccinations. The science is overwhelmingly sound.
Prove it. Aren't you the guy that's always screaming about how "trust is earned?" How has the FDA earned your trust?![]()
Prove it. Aren't you the guy that's always screaming about how "trust is earned?" How has the FDA earned your trust?![]()
If my kids get sick from something they were vaccinated against, the vaccine obviously doesn't work. You people are paranoid or just wait something to complain about.
My wife and I chose to get our kids vaccinated. Had we chose not to, that's our business. If people with kids that come into contact with my kids chose to not get their kids vaccinated it's their business.
If my kids get sick from something they were vaccinated against, the vaccine obviously doesn't work. You people are paranoid or just wait something to complain about.
The FDA didn't invent vaccinations. The science is overwhelmingly sound.
Jay Cutler's kids are his business, but I'll just say this - "medical science" is far from perfect. I have my own personal stories of defying medical odds along with millions of others. I've also politely passes on the flu shot every year for about 7 years, and I'm the only person I know who never gets the flu every year. The second flu season starts, I gobble those Airborne pills, drink lots of orange juice and I'm good.
Is the argument here simply "Don't question scientists?"
Jay Cutler's kids are his business, but I'll just say this - "medical science" is far from perfect. I have my own personal stories of defying medical odds along with millions of others. I've also politely passes on the flu shot every year for about 7 years, and I'm the only person I know who never gets the flu every year. The second flu season starts, I gobble those Airborne pills, drink lots of orange juice and I'm good.
Again, back the "overwhelmingly sound science" with personal evidence. What sources do you trust enough to not question the data presented?
Look to any of several diseases that have been all but driven to extinction due to vaccinations. If you do even halfass research, there's only one conclusion to draw. Vaccines work.
I have my own personal stories of defying medical odds along with millions of others.
I'm not asking you for regurgitated information, JDM. What I'm asking you is why do you so fully trust the data? I'm not even saying it's incorrect. I'm asking you to tell me why you trust the numbers so unflinchingly?
How was your trust garnered?
I'm not asking you for regurgitated information, JDM. What I'm asking you is why do you so fully trust the data? I'm not even saying it's incorrect. I'm asking you to tell me why you trust the numbers so unflinchingly?
How was your trust garnered?
Don't worry, when more doctors start refusing to see children who don't get vaccinated, maybe people will start thinking clearly.