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Is Dwayne Wade Done in Miami?


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Aug 21, 2013
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Appears it's close. Dwayne's best days are getting further and further away in the rear view mirror. With the reality of the salary cap, diminished skills and constant DNP's, it may be time to cut the cord and move forward rather than fall back. Wade's a certain HOFer, but bigger stars than he have been let go when the end of the road is in sight. He can make $16.1M next year for playing 50-55 games in Miami or opt out and go play somewhere else.

Go to your hometown Bulls for a few years; it all makes too much sense.


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Honestly. Name any team that is looking to give Wade a 3 year mega deal.

Maybe extend him 2 more years at what he currently makes for what he has meant, and his sacrifices, but anything more then that and he becomes an anchor.

The East can be had right now.
He needs to accept a lessor role, and just blend in with all the others in the projected starting 5.
IMO, it's the best starting 5 in the East.


Jul 14, 2014
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Wade leaves the Heat & joins the Cavs.:D



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Riley should sucker the Knicks into giving #4 for D-Wade straight up. That'll teach Wade to balk at The Godfather Pat Riley. Go sleep with the fishes aka the Knicks.

Heat then use the pick on Justice Winslow and then use the freed up space to resign Dragic, sign Marc Gasol, get back a healthy Bosh and crush the Eastern Conference. Riley fires up a cuban and laughs.


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Apr 16, 2013
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Riley should sucker the Knicks into giving #4 for D-Wade straight up. That'll teach Wade to balk at The Godfather Pat Riley. Go sleep with the fishes aka the Knicks.

Heat then use the pick on Justice Winslow and then use the freed up space to resign Dragic, sign Marc Gasol, get back a healthy Bosh and crush the Eastern Conference. Riley fires up a cuban and laughs.

please make this happen


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Apr 28, 2013
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Riley should sucker the Knicks into giving #4 for D-Wade straight up. That'll teach Wade to balk at The Godfather Pat Riley. Go sleep with the fishes aka the Knicks.

Heat then use the pick on Justice Winslow and then use the freed up space to resign Dragic, sign Marc Gasol, get back a healthy Bosh and crush the Eastern Conference. Riley fires up a cuban and laughs.

Wouldn't work.

That's a team of losers.

Wade brings wins.


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Jun 9, 2013
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Early posturing. Reports are Wade wants $50 million at least over 3 years and Heat not there yet. Not sure they can be without knowing what Dragic will do and how Whiteside will perform next year. Not sure what other organization would give Wade $16 to $17 million guaranteed for the next three years when he is 34 and on the decline. His defense is not what it was and Wade is not going to be available on back to backs and I would be surprised if available from than 65 games in a given season.

Also, Florida has no state income taxes and Wade has other earnings so another team would have to offer more. With the cap increasing and free agents being available, not sure what other organization could compete and offer him as much as Miami.

Yes - the Lakers could and so could the Knicks but would he really want to go there? Can't see the Bulls paying him that when they have their own issues in signing their studs.

Also, Clevaland already has Lebron with max money, Irving with max money, and likely Tristan Thompson will demand close to that and if they keep Love then no way the Cavs sign Wade and not sure they would want to unless Lebron plays for $1 to make it up to his buddy and upsets all NBA players.


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Aug 21, 2013
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Lebron tricked Wade into opting out and signing for a lesser deal so the Heat can sign potential free agents. LBJ all along had the plan to leave Miami for Cleveland.

I don't think Wade is worth $20M/yr but there are crazy GMs out there. Wade can't hold the fort for a whole season. He is, at this point and onwards, best as a complementary player.

That being said, Wade is a great player but his time is almost up (if not up due to injuries).


Still a Heat fan
Apr 16, 2013
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LeBron didnt trick Wade. If Wade didn't have a guarantee from LeBron, then it's on Wade. Wade was due 40 million over 2 years.. ended up with 35 million. 5 million less.. call it roughly 2 million after taxes.

Wade (if he doesn't opt out) will have made 137+ million from Miami during his career before endorsements. Call it 70-75 million million take home. 2 million really isn't a lot of money to him. Remember this is all not including endorsements.

I love Wade. He is my favorite basketball player, heck my favorite athlete, of all time. I have defended him like a Lakers fan defends Kobe. My boy isn't worth 50 million over the next 3 years. He just isn't. He honestly may not know it. But everyone else in this league knows a 55-60 game 34, 35, and 36 year old NBA player with bad knees isn't worth that money. If it really comes down to it.. Miami has to let him walk.


Jul 7, 2013
Scottsdale, Arizona
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I hope the Lakers are stupid enough to give him a huge 3 year deal. Him and Rondo. That would set their franchise back quite a bit.


Jul 7, 2013
Scottsdale, Arizona
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LeBron didnt trick Wade. If Wade didn't have a guarantee from LeBron, then it's on Wade. Wade was due 40 million over 2 years.. ended up with 35 million. 5 million less.. call it roughly 2 million after taxes.

Wade (if he doesn't opt out) will have made 137+ million from Miami during his career before endorsements. Call it 70-75 million million take home. 2 million really isn't a lot of money to him. Remember this is all not including endorsements.

I love Wade. He is my favorite basketball player, heck my favorite athlete, of all time. I have defended him like a Lakers fan defends Kobe. My boy isn't worth 50 million over the next 3 years. He just isn't. He honestly may not know it. But everyone else in this league knows a 55-60 game 34, 35, and 36 year old NBA player with bad knees isn't worth that money. If it really comes down to it.. Miami has to let him walk.

Almost reminds me of our situation with Nash a few years back. Better off just letting him go. It sucks, he's your team's iconic player… but is just way past his prime and not a smart investment for the future. It's a business.


May 28, 2015
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Wade will leave South Beach for The Land.

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
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Funny considering how many fans today blast Kobe for being " Selfish ", while applauding guys like Tiiiimmy, Dirk for taking less.

At least the Lakers are bringing in hundreds of millions in TV money. The Heat have no such windfall to fall back on.

Love me some Wade and he has sacraficed for this Team.

But, I'd let him walk.


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Jul 17, 2014
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Funny considering how many fans today blast Kobe for being " Selfish ", while applauding guys like Tiiiimmy, Dirk for taking less.

At least the Lakers are bringing in hundreds of millions in TV money. The Heat have no such windfall to fall back on.

Love me some Wade and he has sacraficed for this Team.

But, I'd let him walk.

I agree. In their-prime stars win in this league. Not only is Wade outside of his prime but he had a "healthy" season and missed 20 games and has no cartilage in his knees. If Riley thinks that signing Wade will inhibit him from having a shot at an actual in-their-prime star down the road because WAde wants more than 2 years at huge dollars- then let him limp somewhere else. The Heat have a team that could win a playoff series right now- - but they cant win the conference or the Finals- not with running into the Bulls or Cavs- (not too mention the Wizards with Wall and Beal- and ill be interseted in what Indy does this offseason as well) so if Riley blew it up I could not blame him.

It would be pretty Belicheckian of Riley to deny Wade a Kobe-like severance. Can't lie- I would laugh. We know for a fact that Riley is not afraid to say NO to a superstar (to his own detriment) in order to preserve his own ego.


Still a Heat fan
Apr 16, 2013
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no need to blow anything up. Dragic, Wade, Deng, Bosh, and Whiteside are a legit team in the East, a real threat to come out of it. Add in Birdman, Chalmers, McRoberts off the bench... then need a better sf/sg and a three point specialist..but if this team can stay healthy, Miami is a real threat in the East as presently constructed. Miami needs to sign Dragic and worry about Wade next offseason, but it seems Wade has other plans.

Real question here... Do you guys honestly think Wade believes at 36 years old (where he will be in 3 years) that he believes he is worth around 17 million dollars a year? He can't honestly believe that, right?

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
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All jokes aside....

Didn't Wade just have a baby by a Stripper a year ago?

Seriously, this is his last shot at a big contract and he's looking at 17 more years of Child Support payments.

I get why he doesn't want to leave money on the table. But, he has to be realistic about his situation.

No way should Riley sabatoge the Heat's ability to get better by overpaying a guy that is clearly on the otherside of his prime.

Wade should go down as the most valued player in that Franchise's history.

Not the best. Because Bron was there...

He'd be the Magic Johnson to Bron's KAJ...


But, the name on the front of the Jersey is more important than the one on the back.


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2013
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LeBron didnt trick Wade. If Wade didn't have a guarantee from LeBron, then it's on Wade. Wade was due 40 million over 2 years.. ended up with 35 million. 5 million less.. call it roughly 2 million after taxes.

Wade (if he doesn't opt out) will have made 137+ million from Miami during his career before endorsements. Call it 70-75 million million take home. 2 million really isn't a lot of money to him. Remember this is all not including endorsements.

I love Wade. He is my favorite basketball player, heck my favorite athlete, of all time. I have defended him like a Lakers fan defends Kobe. My boy isn't worth 50 million over the next 3 years. He just isn't. He honestly may not know it. But everyone else in this league knows a 55-60 game 34, 35, and 36 year old NBA player with bad knees isn't worth that money. If it really comes down to it.. Miami has to let him walk.

Two things, Wade gave up $10 million. The $31 million he resigned for versus the $41.6 million he should have gotten had he not opted out of his year deal. That is $10 million. Even after taxes, $6 million is a TON of money for what he has done.

Secondly, he has NEVER been the highest paid player on his team and if he stays, he may end up being the 4th highest come year 2 of his deal.

Wade's camp likely wants 3 years with $45 to $50 million and Riley probably wants three years and $36 million. Ultimately, I think the grown up - Micky Arison steps in and they get something done but it may cost them a big free agent in 2016. We shall see.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I agree. In their-prime stars win in this league. Not only is Wade outside of his prime but he had a "healthy" season and missed 20 games and has no cartilage in his knees. If Riley thinks that signing Wade will inhibit him from having a shot at an actual in-their-prime star down the road because WAde wants more than 2 years at huge dollars- then let him limp somewhere else. The Heat have a team that could win a playoff series right now- - but they cant win the conference or the Finals- not with running into the Bulls or Cavs- (not too mention the Wizards with Wall and Beal- and ill be interseted in what Indy does this offseason as well) so if Riley blew it up I could not blame him.

It would be pretty Belicheckian of Riley to deny Wade a Kobe-like severance. Can't lie- I would laugh. We know for a fact that Riley is not afraid to say NO to a superstar (to his own detriment) in order to preserve his own ego.

Rileys job is to do what's best for the franchise.
Wades knees were not his problem last year.
He has been on some monster off season training program.
If he really believes in himself, then he should not opt out.
Play and stay healthy for this season.
Then, accept your role and lead the arguably best starting 5 in the East and see how far you go.