Ya mad bro? This has to be a 3am mental break down. With out the facts.
Jokes on YOU Tony...we don't GRADE concussions anymore BOOM. ROASTED.
Friggen hilarious... I'm not sure... But I think that dude was posting here on SportsHoopla last night.
Nope, I don't post video's (well at least ones with clothes on)
Nope, I don't post video's (well at least ones with clothes on)
Lol...btm...it's all cool. That's why I love this place.
You're a regal man.
I don't hate Pens fans, especially those here, but I hate the Pens with a passion ever since the Ulf/Neely incident and continuing with Cooke on Savard. It's not like I wished the team charter crashed. I would never want a perfectly good airplane to be wasted like that.
Understandable. Montreal fans were the same way after the Pacioretty (I don't care to look up the spelling) incident. The fans/organization had nothing to do with it, it was just one player.
BTW, there's a video online of ESPN mistaking Malkin and Iggy. They mention the trade, Malkin is shown on the bench (it was a comeback night for him) and the anchor says "And there he is donning the new colors!" Malkin only WON THE FREAKING MVP LAST YEAR>
The difference is Max is still playing. Savard is done and Neely although coming back and scoring 50 in 44 games was forced to retire within a couple years because of the ramifications of that hit by Ulf. A fucking HOF career ruined by an asshole who literally didn't care what he had to do to win including affecting another players livelihood. I remember Neely's retirement speech like it was yesterday as he fought back tears. If I ever heard Ulf got hit by a bus and crippled I'd send the bus driver a case of 40 year old scotch or something.
I didn't mean to come across as a jerk. My point was that those incidents have nothing to do with the organizations or fans. It's based on one player having intent in one moment.
I didn't think you were being a jerk buddy. No problems with you making a point or opinion. As for one player in one moment, Ulf and Cooke injured way more than one person. To have no regard for other players who have families to support just because you want to win is just pathetic and anything bad that would ever happen to those to will be celebrated by me every year in it's anniversary. some may call that petty but I couldn't care less what they think. Have a good one.