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If 'Bronbron had played in the 80's...


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Translate? From what I can tell you can barely grasp the language. It is all academic nimrod. Or don't you get it.

But wait, maybe you are right and I should change my opinion based on random message board guy and not listen to people that are experts. Because you, you know, experts are stupid...

Just breakin some balls, bro, just breakin some balls. Here, lets cheers it up:suds:


May 28, 2015
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As for why Lebron would improve, go back and read my post from earlier. I laid it out pretty well. But you have it wrong on the part I bolded. If the lane was clogged because everyone played in the post like you said, how then, did Jordan ever score as much as he did and become the GOAT? James has that skillset + like 50 extra pounds of muscle. There's no reason to think that would harm him.

Difference between Jordan and Lebron skillset i thought was quite evident and well known.

Jordan had arguably the greatest fundamental post moves for a perimeter player and to top that off, he was one of the quickest and greatest body control for a SG.

Lebron relied heavily on his size, athleticsm to bulldoze his way to the ring (since perimeter defenders are limited in stopping him).....but in the 80s/90s when you had a clogged lane, with a Ewing, Hakeem, Malone, McHale etc.. waiting for you...you just can't do that.

You don't believe me? Watch these 2 videos and observe the difference. Have a look at how much big men Jordan had to contend against to what Lebron had to do in the new era.

Jordan - top dunks

Lebron - top dunks


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Possessions today are nearly exactly the same as the early 90s, during Jordan's prime was. (1993-94 was 95, 2014-15 was 94) Now add the rules that encourage perimeter play.

Do you read anything I post at all?
Never mind. This is pointless. You have your opinion. I'll go with people that, you know, have been doing the basketball thing their entire lives, and for a career and at the highest level...

91, 92, 93 pace average is 97, 96, 96 respectively. For 2013, 14, and 15 the pace is 92, 94, and 94. It's not the same. It's closer, but its not the same. Jordan averaged in the low 30s in those seasons. But you think he's gonna find 20 pts. TWENTY pts to his average simply because there's no handchecking. That's nuts. Where are those points coming from? There is no grounds for this other than going off of blind praise for Jordan.

Difference between Jordan and Lebron skillset i thought was quite evident and well known.

Jordan had arguably the greatest fundamental post moves for a perimeter player and to top that off, he was one of the quickest and greatest body control for a SG.

Lebron relied heavily on his size, athleticsm to bulldoze his way to the ring (since perimeter defenders are limited in stopping him).....but in the 80s/90s when you had a clogged lane, with a Ewing, Hakeem, Malone, McHale etc.. waiting for you...you just can't do that.

You don't believe me? Watch these 2 videos and observe the difference. Have a look at how much big men Jordan had to contend against to what Lebron had to do in the new era.

Jordan - top dunks

Lebron - top dunks

You're reaching. 6'8 280 pound man can't finish around the rim? Heck, he's more forceful than McHale and just as strong as Malone but 10x the handle of all those bigger players. And Lebron has good post moves. One of his criticisms is he doesn't post up enough. What perimeter player is slowing him down with a handcheck? He's like 2 weight classes above most of them. Just stop. You damn well know deep down in your heart that those rules wouldn't hinder him at all.


May 28, 2015
Hoopla Cash
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You're reaching. 6'8 280 pound man can't finish around the rim? Heck, he's more forceful than McHale and just as strong as Malone but 10x the handle of all those bigger players. And Lebron has good post moves. One of his criticisms is he doesn't post up enough. What perimeter player is slowing him down with a handcheck? He's like 2 weight classes above most of them. Just stop. You damn well know deep down in your heart that those rules wouldn't hinder him at all.

Lebron's post moves has evolved and has gotten better, i'll give you that....but you are not getting what I'm trying to convey.

You said he would score easier back in the 80s/90s...when i'm telling you he won't. In fact he will find it harder...when his biggest advantage of size and speed in the perimeter is negated somewhat.

I never said he is going to be a scrub if he played back then. He is just not going to score as freely as he has been since he will need to rely on his post moves which he did not develop naturally.

But then you can make a case if he was born and played in that era...his post moves would have been more developed from early on in his career...but then his perimeter skills would have suffered...and he would have been a totally different player.

Makes sense?


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How many times in a game would Bron be called for traveling?
Don't forget they used to forearm people crossing the lanes back in the day. Would Bron be tough enough to handle all the extra contact?
There was not a no charge circle under the basket. How many more charging fouls would he get?
There were fewer teams and there were more solid players all around. Teams are watered down now.
There were a lot more big men who were very good at protecting the paint The center position has been weak for a long time now.

I think LeBron would have been a star, but his game would be totally different. It would not translate in the 80s and early 90s.


Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
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We have already seen Lebron transform and he has adjusted in this league, what makes you think he couldnt adjust to any circumstance. He has the greatest IQ in the game, whatever part of his game he needs to improve or focus on that's what he would do. It's pretty simple.
Really saying he couldnt do this or that back then when you actually have no idea is crazy, but it is fun to think about. I think most or all of the greats would be great in any era, that is why they are great, right. Except Russell of course, he would get dominated. :laugh3:


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Lebron's post moves has evolved and has gotten better, i'll give you that....but you are not getting what I'm trying to convey.

You said he would score easier back in the 80s/90s...when i'm telling you he won't. In fact he will find it harder...when his biggest advantage of size and speed in the perimeter is negated somewhat.

I never said he is going to be a scrub if he played back then. He is just not going to score as freely as he has been since he will need to rely on his post moves which he did not develop naturally.

But then you can make a case if he was born and played in that era...his post moves would have been more developed from early on in his career...but then his perimeter skills would have suffered...and he would have been a totally different player.

Makes sense?

I get what you're saying. I just think you're wrong. There's nothing in his skillset that would hinder him under the old rules. Handchecks on the perimeter aren't slowing him down. Jordan did just fine with them and Lebron is twice as strong. His post moves are fine. He can back down any perimeter player that guards him with ease. Keep in mind he's primarily perimeter player and under old rules, teams rarely crossmatched. So all those smaller players would have to deal with him. But even if a bigger player does end up on him, he's the same size or bigger than some of the best interior players ever. He's not getting clowned down there. There isn't anything that's going to slow a player with that skillset. Under that set of rules, I think his scoring would actually go up because he's going to be in more one on one scenarios. Under the current rules, the zone principles throw lots of bodies at you. James is the kind of player that passes when he sees bodies because he's always looking for the most advantageous basketball play.

And the bolded part is a total assumption on your part. I never said that and its certainly not what I mean if some phrase can be read that way. In this exercise, I'm looking at that player's skill set and apply the rules to that set. I'm not adding in any skills they haven't shown over their careers.

True Lakers Fan

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Apr 16, 2013
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That's actually a good comparison though I too will take The Round Mound of Rebound's fire and passion over 'Bronbron all damn day. Sorry.

Another question:

The '15 Cavs play the '92 Bad Boyz. What happens (besides 'Bronbron leaving the series in an ambulance)?
Ain't no other choice - the Bad Boyz would have beat the living shit out of him :pound:

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
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If Karl Malone played right now, he'd be the highest paid athlete alive and would get the recognition he's due. He's top 10 all-time easily.
It is unfortunate that the Lakers did not get a couple years of a healthy Karl Malone at the end. A healthy Malone with Shaq, Kobe and Payton would have produced more championships

DJ Fieri

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That's actually a good comparison though I too will take The Round Mound of Rebound's fire and passion over 'Bronbron all damn day. Sorry.

Another question:

The '15 Cavs play the '92 Bad Boyz. What happens (besides 'Bronbron leaving the series in an ambulance)?

NBA IQ test? Ok, I'm game.

The 1992 Pistons sweep them easily.


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Mailman didn't really hit his prime till the 90s.

But Malone > Lebron easily.

Malone played with the all time assist leader. He got a ton of buckets due to Stockton alone.

DJ Fieri

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The Bulls would have beat James and the Cavs....

The showtime Lakers would have beat James and the Cavs...

Shaq and Kobe's Lakers would have beat James and the Cavs.....


May 28, 2015
Hoopla Cash
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I get what you're saying. I just think you're wrong. There's nothing in his skillset that would hinder him under the old rules. Handchecks on the perimeter aren't slowing him down. Jordan did just fine with them and Lebron is twice as strong. His post moves are fine. He can back down any perimeter player that guards him with ease. Keep in mind he's primarily perimeter player and under old rules, teams rarely crossmatched. So all those smaller players would have to deal with him. But even if a bigger player does end up on him, he's the same size or bigger than some of the best interior players ever. He's not getting clowned down there. There isn't anything that's going to slow a player with that skillset. Under that set of rules, I think his scoring would actually go up because he's going to be in more one on one scenarios. Under the current rules, the zone principles throw lots of bodies at you. James is the kind of player that passes when he sees bodies because he's always looking for the most advantageous basketball play.

And the bolded part is a total assumption on your part. I never said that and its certainly not what I mean if some phrase can be read that way. In this exercise, I'm looking at that player's skill set and apply the rules to that set. I'm not adding in any skills they haven't shown over their careers.
So from your previous posts you agree that this era has been easier for perimeter players compared to the 80s/90s....but your putting an exception to that for Lebron? You actually think its the opposite for him? You also think the 80s/90s were all 1v1 iso happening every possession? You dont think there were help defense?


Big Red in the Big Ten!
Feb 10, 2011
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Hoopla Cash
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So from your previous posts you agree that this era has been easier for perimeter players compared to the 80s/90s....but your putting an exception to that for Lebron? You actually think its the opposite for him? You also think the 80s/90s were all 1v1 iso happening every possession? You dont think there were help defense?

Well he also thinks that LBJ is TWICE as strong as MJ. Stronger? Ok. Twice? Hyperbole at its best...