Well-Known Member
id say just the oppositeMiami have done a pretty good rebuilding job since lebron left. How did cleveland do when lebron left the first time? Plus, true Heat fans like @TurnUpTheHeat @Heatles84 and @bksballer89 never jumped ship when he left - unlike the majority of the cavs fan base did, and will do again when he leaves for a second time!
And how has this become a Green v Whiteside discussion. You're the one who continually refuses to answer the original topic - man up for once in your life wiggy!
Cleveland accepted the fact that it had to rebuild after Bron left- bottomed out- got a ton of draft picks, young talent and cap space that eventually led to lebrons return and the Cavs return to power
the HEat? Riley couldnt go into a rebuild since hes career is coming t oa close- so- even though he KNOWS this team cant win shit- he dealt away all their short term assets not nailed down for one last miniscule chance to try and get LEBron back for showing him who is the REAL boss.
Now the HEat are just setback 3-4 years- wont win anything of consquence- and when they do eventually start their rebuild- Riley will be gone- and the Heat will owe a couple super-lightly protected first rounders to Phoenix.
Riley shouldve swallowed his pride- traded everything not nailed down- done what the Cavs did, what OKC did, what the Lakers and Sixers are doing (to varying degrees of success)- stocked up on picks, young players, cap space- and once theyhave a good foundation- jump into the FA market....
instead- the Heat will get 2-3 years of Pseudo-contention- Riley will retire- and the team will go into a MASSIVE rebuild that will take a lot longer than if Riley just tore it down and sold off assets like WAde and Bosh etc. when they had actual value.