like i just said above--- if all else is equal- and JUST 100% talent was the only consideration - it would be very difficult not to take Whiteside...
but just like when he was blackballed from the league after failing with the Kings- he didnt fail because he didnt have the athleticism/talent etc. He failed because he has the mental capacity of a petulant child.
When you have 2 guys- that are TOTAL opposite ends of the spectrum-
one guy-
never gets hurt- always plays- BEST IN THE LEAGUE at it in fact
Extremely hard worker
great teammate
will NEVEr complain about not getting the ball, about not starting etc.
and the other guy
babys his injuries
takes cheap shots at other players
get suspended during playoff races and lets his teammates down
acts like a little baby when he gets criticized by the media
well that- and the fact that his team plays better defense when he is on the pine...
to me its a VERY VERY easy decision. You cant build a championship organization when you constantly have a shithead like Whiteside undermining the team.
haha i can try- i shelled outa pretty penny though and am no where CLOSE to the floor.Hey Wiggy if you're going to the game tonight can ya get Kobe's autograph for me?![]()
How the hell can there be 35 pages of this stuff!? This is hilarious.
lol....well the funny part is--- every time these haters came after me personally- something else happens - a coach does a strategy that shows what i was saying about Whiteside is true, or players come out and rip on him, or advanced stat guys come out and support what i have been sayingHow the hell can there be 35 pages of this stuff!? This is hilarious.
lol....well the funny part is--- every time these haters came after me personally- something else happens - a coach does a strategy that shows what i was saying about Whiteside is true, or players come out and rip on him, or advanced stat guys come out and support what i have been saying
or the Terror of Tripoli, ole Blancote himself- does something INCREDIBLY stupid and gets ejected and suspended in the middle of the playoff race and totally embarasses himself again- Its just too great. LOL
Godspeed.Just keep up the good work Wiggy.![]()
i wonder if the HEat were gonna try and trade him- i kinda thought they were -if they were- last night CERTAINLY didnt help his trade value, LOL
just deal him to the Lakers for Larry Nance Jr and a future 2nd round pick and get it over with- Riley would NEVER resign a guy like this unless he really is more senile than he appears to be.
no bet turnup? ran away with your tail between your legs? thought so. lol.....turnaround is only fair
you know he is getting suspended...repeat offender? the COACH already admitted that it was NOT a basketball play... the only question is how many games--- im thinking 2...but would not be surprised to see 1 or 3 either.
How the hell can there be 35 pages of this stuff!? This is hilarious. said in post 692 you didnt think he was getting suspended---- just to be clear- now you are admitting that he Is going to get suspended? Ok- just so we are on the same pageSo you want me to bet the morning after a flagrant 2?
It for sure was not a basketball play.
Unlike you, I'm not blind.
if Love was avaliable- WHICH HE ISNT- the Cavs could trade him to the Celtics tomorrow for Avery Bradley, Jae Crowder and a Nets pick.....but Love isnt going anywhere- a talent like that on a 5 year deal under old cap prices is extremely valuable.Cavs should trade Love for expiring matching money and then sign Whiteside and a perimeter defender.
You're stuck with Shump and Tristan.
Nobody would touch those 2 contracts with a 10 ft pole.
I think u lose Delly/JR this summer.
turnupthehatred, LOL...o man....that is GREAT.....Dan Gilbert toilet paper? LeBron dart board?Hey don't forget about turnupthehatred.He's also keeping this SportsHoopla hall-o-fame worthy thread going as well!
if Love was avaliable- WHICH HE ISNT- the Cavs could trade him to the Celtics tomorrow for Avery Bradley, Jae Crowder and a Nets pick.....but Love isnt going anywhere- a talent like that on a 5 year deal under old cap prices is extremely valuable.
LOL Shumpert at 10 million is untoucable? have GOT to be kidding me- an elite perimeter defender 3 and D guy signed through his prime years for 10 a year? thats a freaking STEAL in todays NBA.
Hey don't forget about turnupthehatred.He's also keeping this SportsHoopla hall-o-fame worthy thread going as well!