Way ahead of youplease add Alex to the list.
Is it almost time for a Tuesday announcement that Carson is going on I.R? "He broke his hand on that tackle after the fumble but bravely battled through it" kinda thing. Ya know, because he's so tough andnyada, yada, great and sech.
what are the odds that Wentz is done for season with that FAKE hand injury?
what are the odds that Wentz is done for season with that hand injury?
He's channeling his inner Foles. He wants his own statue. I don't see it.Ya know what you never see?
Wentz just seeing that the play isn’t there and throwing the ball away. He always holds onto the ball and looks to make the spectacular play. It keeps getting him into trouble. Sometimes you’ve just gotta throw it away and move on to the next play but he never seems to do that.
McClown must be smacking his lips, here's his chance to extend his career for a few more years. All he has to do is replace a sub-par starter, get a few wins, barely miss winning the NFCE, and then cash checks to sit on the bench for 3 more years.