She doesn’t have a million in her 401k so I was wrong and she isn’t in DblDown illustrious 1%. She has that much in her 401K and profit sharing combined.
She doesn’t have a million in her 401k so I was wrong and she isn’t in DblDown illustrious 1%. She has that much in her 401K and profit sharing combined.
You trying to tell me getting a financial guy to get you 5% return on your money is outrageous. You have a lot to learn. You also don’t understand Profit Sharing plans and buying company stocks at a discount for 30 fucking years. Your problem is you think a million bucks in your retirement is some obscene amount of money. Me, I think it pretty normal when you work from a company that went from small size to international and was the only airline company making profits during the recession several years ago cause they hedged their fuel.
It didn’t take me a week. I knew that from the get go when we were talking about military pay. Now you’re saying someone can just join the miltnow out of HS and make 50,000 a year with no room, board or food bills? And I hate to break it to you but most Universities aren’t 50,000 a year. Maybe Harvard but it’s more along the lines of about 15,000.
I’ll admit I was wrong if you can tell me how to tell my teenagers in my life how they can go to the military for 4 years, get free college, room and board and $50,000 per on top of that. I though it was like 18,000 but 50,000 right out of HS and getting rejected from college!!! Amazing!
You are so wrong. You don’t know anything about me. Trust me... a million dollars is not an obscene amount of money to me.
You said “live off the principle at 5%. That means no risk. Again, instead of name calling why not just give me that investment? Are you paying someone to get you that return? Then what’s their cut? Oops... now you need more than 5%. Plus gotta pay taxes on that 50K
You think you’re so much smarter than everyone but you’re really just a dope.
Come on Mr. Big bucks. You are making what it took my wife to make in 30 years each and every year. You said you make in the high 6 figures. I take that as 700,000 to 800,000 a year. But me saying my wife made that in 30 years and I’m lying.
And tell your protege that 5% return on your money isn’t huge.
You said your wife was a "model"...now she's a 30 year flight attendant with over a million in low yield stocks.
Bwwahahahaha, ok doofuss.
It didn’t take me a week. I knew that from the get go when we were talking about military pay. Now you’re saying someone can just join the miltnow out of HS and make 50,000 a year with no room, board or food bills? And I hate to break it to you but most Universities aren’t 50,000 a year. Maybe Harvard but it’s more along the lines of about 15,000.
I’ll admit I was wrong if you can tell me how to tell my teenagers in my life how they can go to the military for 4 years, get free college, room and board and $50,000 per on top of that. I though it was like 18,000 but 50,000 right out of HS and getting rejected from college!!! Amazing!
Start admitting you're wrong. Then again that's a daily occurrence with you.
First if you knew that from the begining you didn't say that. You continued to claim a college student was already $280k ahead of a SM after four years of school.
Already posted multiple times. A brand spanking new recruit makes a minimum of $20k base pay a year. That is base pay ONLY.
Every SM receives a BAH/BAS (lodging and food) in ADDITION to base pay. This varies from locale, rank, # years in service. The average for that same recruit is about $20k. We've already posted this several times. But you choose to keep denying.
We know math is not your strong suit. But now add free medical and dental and OBTW any bonuses, special pays.
She doesn’t have a million in her 401k so I was wrong and she isn’t in DblDown illustrious 1%. She has that much in her 401K and profit sharing combined.
How does that mean “no risk”. Where do you get this shit from?
Goal posts moved!!
When you “live off the principle” that connotes no risk. Ask any financial planner.
If you have to invade the principle to maintain the 50K then you need MORE than 5% in the year you invade it.
Still waiting for that 5% risk free return.
I did misspeak.
It’s not only her 401k. It’s the two combined. I messed up on that and didn’t include her discounted stock plan tambien.
I’m the loser 7-11 boy. Never said it was risk free.
Then how do you get 5% without invading the principle?
He's furiously googling that as we speak. Give him a minute.
Trust me... it doesn’t exist. I would know if it did.
There are some models that call for “blue chip stocks” with a history of dividends that MAY get you to 5% but 1) there’s no guarantee that the dividends will stay the same in the future and 2) the stock prices fluctuate. This means that your 1M dollars in principle could easily decrease. If that happens you need more than 5% to maintain your 50K a year.
You “misspoke” after I outed your bullshit.