Well-Known Member
I've asked multiple questions. All of which you dodged.
You keep making it sound like a freshman in college is making $70k. Not even after graduation do most students fall into a 70k job. We know anyone with a teaching cert isn't making 70k in the majority of school districts. So stop with the bs. A freshman maybe has a part time job. He/she is incurring debt for 4+ years.
If you're man enough go back and answer my questions. You won't because you're not and you know you're wrong on so many accounts.
Like many on here. I joined the military, got a degree that I actually used (unlike the majority of kids coming out of school, that can actually find a decent paying job). Spent 30 years. Purchased multiple properties while I was in. I've now sold them all and own my house overseas because I paid cash for it. My retirement check is more then enough to cover all my expenses. I travel when and where I want, whenever I want.
Yep I'm one of those uneducated people who didn't graduate HS and immediately start incurring debt. Instead I started a career, contributed to society, got an education and retired at 50.
I don’t know what questions you asked me?
I didn’t say freshman in college make 70,000. I said AFTER they graduate they start earning.
Don’t know why your panties are in a bind for me thinking it’s more effective to go right to college and pay off the loans when you start working. What’s the big issue? You’re saying it’s waaaay better to go to the military for 4 years and then go to college? I disagree.