Taddy Mason
Well-Known Member
it's freeIt lists Prime as the 3rd option. Or are you sayin it is free & didn't cost anything?
it's freeIt lists Prime as the 3rd option. Or are you sayin it is free & didn't cost anything?
Well I guess it at least tells you where to look. Cost is subject to change.it's free
Overlord (2018)
This film was crazy. After watching the trailer I was expecting some sort of grindhouse film, and it didn't disappoint. The horror elements aren't as prevalent as the sci-fi & action elements, but I still enjoyed it. I do have an affinity for war movies so this was an easy draw for me. It starts off like something right out of Saving Private Ryan, then veers into Frankenstein's Army territory, and finishes with some sort of Outpost & Dead Snow mashup. It's nuts.
Again, this is a grindhouse type film so take it for what it is and you will be entertained. If you're looking for historical accuracy & realism then this film isn't going to float your boat. This film is intentionally over the top... Inordinate amounts of gore, ridiculous plot, mutant soldiers, Nazis, guns, explosions, etc. It's full on mayhem and it never lets up. It does provide some fantastic cgi/fx. This film must have had an immense budget to accomplish it. The opening airdrop scene alone must have taken a lot of hours of computer work to accomplish. Another surprising element that this movie delivers on is in the drama department. For a film loaded with ill-formed characters you wouldn't expect them to be able to draw sympathy or emotion from the audience, but they did a few times.
The bunker scenes are the obvious highlight. Very reminiscent of Frankenstein's Army (2013). The secret Nazi lab with all the crazy experimenting was unsettling, and very well done. As you would suspect, this action-packed film has an intense progression. It takes you through a lot of different scenarios in quickly paced sequencing which was a little difficult to digest at times, but in true grindhouse fashion it focuses on shock value to pull its punches.
This movie is a homerun for the grindhouse junkies. I do enjoy these types of films for the entertainment value every now & then. If you were a fan of Frankenstein's Army and wanted more of a action-packed war element, then this film is right up your alley.
Eccentric, action-packed grindhouse film... 7.5/10
The Shed (2019)
Very disappointed with this one. The trailer & premise were absurd so I should have been a little more prepared but I was expecting a surprise and some sort of comedy. It didn't deliver on either.
The plot was confused, absurdly contrived & littered with plot holes. My wife & I called the ending from the beginning. Not about predictability, but rather one of those "why didn't they just do that at the beginning and game over?". I mean, c'mon dude... It made the point of showing how vulnerable the Vamp was to sunlight and yet the protagonist only once decided to use it against him in stupid fashion. Drilling holes? Really? The sequence of events during the climax were more laughable than passable. There was nothing about this movie that was convincing or made your hair stand on end. Everything about this film came off as jokey & defied all logic. It tried really hard to insert some social & moral subtext but honestly it didn't carry any weight at all. It was almost as if the writers were confused as to whether they should be more concerned with how the traumatized people act when facing danger rather than just telling a compelling vampire feature.
The resulting progression was ill-paced and illogical. Had a very hard time understanding some of the decision making in this film. Lot of flip-flopping motives to fit the grand scheme of things. And the slow-to-deliver payoffs during the suspenseful moments really hurt the overall delivery. Every intense moment just dragged on & on to the point where I lost the enthrallment by the time the scare moment happened. Not to mention it relied heavily on jump scares with very little payoff.
Casting was terrible apart from the 2 friends. The protagonist was a complete idiot of a character, but the actor was decent. His friend, aptly named Dommer (akin to Jeffrey Dahmer), was also decent. Had to look him up because he looked just like Cillian Murphy, but no relation. Everyone else was close to or just downright awful and overshadowed the aforementioned. The sheriff was particularly bad... At first I thought there was some sort of comedic element at play with her character, but no... No she's really just that awful at acting the part.
Overall this film suffers from just about everything. Bad plot & script, meager suspense, absurd logic, contrivity, terrible acting, etc. The only part it delivers on is with the gore, and maybe a reminder of how savage vampires can be. But that wasn't enough to save this movie. Hard pass.
A confused melodramatic vampire feature with terrible... everything... 4/10
I'm the same way. Call it curiosity lol, but occasionally I do get overruled by the wife and she makes us put on something different.Yeah I watched all of this...just bc I have to watch the entire movies (at least on most). Pretty disappointing and pretty boring overall
Coherence (2013)
The idea behind this is promising: troubled couples escaping their problems by encountering themselves - other version of themselves. It's a play on the horror of reality itself being disrupted by something unimaginable or inexplicable. The scientific aspects enlisted were passable to enable the story (comet that opens up parallel dimensions), but it wasn't necessarily the focus as it was mainly just used to create tension & direct the plot sequencing. This film is more of a slow burning psychological sci-fi for the intellectual. The emotional spine of this is rooted in psychological & relationship problems: broken marriages, broken hearts, broken selves. My problem with this film was that this psychological subtext isn't really something that can be improvised as it felt like it was in this film. From that standpoint it did not enthrall me as it could have, or give me that emotional connection, especially in regards to following the main girl into her psychological path. With a more structured script this could have been achieved. I don't know how long it took the director/writer to finish the script, but I read somewhere that he finished filming in 5 days. My guess is he took the script off a cocktail napkin, to which I can applaud him for making something this uniquely simple & competent on a shoestring budget. Great execution from a plot standpoint. An important part of this storytelling is that many scenes implored you to grasp & think. Especially in regards to the character arcs which are slowly unveiled via dialogue. Gradually you learn that each character nurses some form of jealousy, regret & spite, which plays into their "encounters" later on.
The progression was slow-building as it had to lay lots of groundwork dialogue for each character to get their balls rolling. But once it morphs into a horror story then things get tense all the way to the climax, or climaxes rather. Basically each character gets their encounter to play out, however brief they may be, plotting against their alternates & scheming to escape to greener pastures through the "open doors". The overall mood during these tense scenes is creepy & surreal. The final scenes hammer home the emotional & psychological subtexts for each character, which essentially boils everything back down to everyone's predisposition of regret.
Camera work was a tad atrocious at times, a la Blair Witch style of filming chaos. I think the director wanted to give this a more close-up feel and gave him more ease to improvise as most of all the dialogue felt ad lib. But the thing that usually hurts these cheap productions is bad sound, whereas it was just fine with this film. He did make good use of low lighting. The cast was surprisingly good, even if some of the character behavior was a bit baffling.
Overall its an inventive & competent film that is worth the watch. It has its flaws, but considering the low budget it should be praised & glorified as to what indie filmmakers should strive to achieve. I'd love to see what James Ward Byrkit could achieve with a bigger budget.
Competent & slow-burning psychological indie with incidental sci-fi... 7/10
it's been a lot of movies since i've seen it, but on his alcohol/drug? abuse, i thought it was to dull his shining moreso than bury the scars of the past, no?Doctor Sleep (2019)
This was a pretty good film overall and I enjoyed it. I'll try not to make too many comparisons to the predecessor because that would be an injustice to an icon. But I do have to say that Flanagan seriously missed on recapturing the style & imagery that made Kubrick's film so iconic. Visually this film looked way too filtered to make it appear dark which was a polar opposite of what Stanley Kubrick did with The Shining (1980). Kubrick made better use of vivid, true colors that gave us chills with contrasting harshness to the surroundings; methodically fixating the viewers eyes on a certain aspects of each scene or on the characters/demons themselves, or simply giving us a feeling of being in a lucid state of mind with all the polarizing colors. This is something that Mike Flanagan failed to recapture, and was a serious disappointment in my book. The resulting imagery came off as pale, mostly forgettable, and redundant imitations of the original. That's as far as I'll go with drawing comparisons... Because like I said, this was a good film.
The cast was mostly good. Ewen McGregor is always solid, but I thought he didn't quite connect with the turmoil of his character as well as he should have. He was good but there were a few moments where his emotions didn't quite surface very well. The film didn't really explore the connection to his father very well. If you recall, part of the power of Jack as a character, both in the original novel & movie, is that his alcoholic rage expressed something more mysterious & deep. By contrast, grownup Danny simply abused his alcoholism to hide his traumatic scars to the point where his terror of realization of a disturbing event spun him toward a moment of truth, the standard AA 12-step program. Its understandable that Danny's past would have steered him away from becoming his father though, just wished they had explored the connection to Jack better. Rebecca Ferguson was perfect in her role. She portrayed the diabolically seductive gypsy perfectly. Didn't care for how they recast Duvall & Nicholson. With this day & age of computer technology you would expect them to have no troubles with getting their younger faces back on the big screen. Especially the scene in which Danny sits at the glowing ballroom bar to have a chat with none other than his fabled father. Nicholson would have impacted that scene far greater. Quite the missed opportunity there. Also really didn't care for the Snakebite Andi role. She could have been better developed since she had a much larger role in the book.
As far as the progression goes... You'll have to forgive me as I don't necessarily recall how the climactic events unfolded in the novel, but I do think it mostly stayed true to the book. It was a sinister ride with good pacing and many good moments without feeling too lengthy or exhaustive. It makes better use of its runtime length than IT: Chapter Two (2019) did. IMO the progression successfully sunk the viewers into a mood of mesmerizing creepiness & ultimately contemplative dread. Rose the Hat & Abra Stone came across mostly how I envisioned them, as well as most of the other True Knit villains. I do recall the ending of the movie didn't stay faithful to the book though. However it was a good twist & resolution. It felt more like a tip of the cap to the Kubrick fans letting all those iconic demons take center stage once again. It was satisfying & eerie.
Overall it was a fun film that I'd definitely recommend. Both the fans of King's novels & Kubrick's Shining will be entertained even if there are contrasting differences. Don't get too caught up in the details because that road will only lead to disappointment. Merely enjoy the ride for how Flanagan envisioned it.
A footnote to its iconic predecessor, but a sinister funhouse all the same... 8/10
Very true. Shoulda mentioned that. Was more caught up in the thought of trying to connect him to Jack than anything.it's been a lot of movies since i've seen it, but on his alcohol/drug? abuse, i thought it was to dull his shining moreso than bury the scars of the past, no?
Release Date: Apr 17th
Synopsis: A small-town Oregon teacher and her brother, the local sheriff, become entwined with a young student harboring a dangerous secret with frightening consequences.
Agreed. I'm a sucker for creature features littered with gore. Trailer reminds me a lot of The Ritual (2017), but with more dramatic flair.OH FUCK YES!
I love movies like this. Seems like a wendigo story or something and it's rated R from what IMDB shows.
AND fine ass Keri Russell is in it!? SIGN ME THE FUCK UP! I hope they don't focus TOO much on the weird kid and his 'connection' or whatever with the spirit monster.