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Heat own Cleveland once again in Miami

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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17 and 10 is a role player?



and from what was reported Bosh sat out in SAS because his back got tightened up- ...now is that 100% accurate? hmmm....do i think his back was hurting him? yah probably? was there more to that decision? yah probably.

the guy just hasnt figured out his place totally yet. It took Wade and LeBron more than 1 year to do anything more than "my turn your turn".....

with Loves basketball IQ everyone expected him to be the one who acclimlated so easily- but it was Kyrie who got on the same page really quickly. Maybe because Kyrie was not so instilled in his own game and that he was a little younger helped him in that regard.

There is no possible way you can ever sell me that 17 and 10 - being one of 6 guys in the league to do that- is a "role player"...

that is insanity

Come on, Dude....

Obviously, I'm exaggerating.

He's not a role player. But, did you expect him to be a distant 3rd option?

I would go as far to say that Mozgov is definitely more important to the Teams success, and on occasions, so is Smith and Shump.

Tristan is capable of replacing his boards and Smith is a better bet from 3.

Why do they NEED him?

Wanting him is a totally different conversation.

I'm talking NEED.

I don't think the Cavs fortunes change significantly with this version of Love on the Roster.

They are going to the ECF, with or without him.

All they need is a healthy Mozgov, Lebron and Kyrie to make that happen.

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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him and Lillard definitely dont like the other guy getting the best of them. That San Antonio game was so important for LeBron too though.

You could tell watching the game- Leonard was doing as good a job on LeBron as one could do. LeBron was getting frusterated and I think he started drifting back to last June a little bit.

All of a sudden Kyrie just starts going wild- and proves to LeBron that no matter where the Cavs go- even if ti means going TO San Antonio- that he has a guy next to him that can bring it when it matteres against the best of them. At the end of June I dont think LeBron thought he had that on the Heat anymore.

As great as Wade is playing lately- everyone, even the most ardent Heat fan knows that he could NOT do what Kyrie did to the Spurs the other night at this point in his career (well Wade never has scored 57 points even in his prime ;) ).

You could see the tenseness flow out of LeBron late in that game. Once it got to OT- I would have been shocked if the Cavs lost- because LeBron was snapped out of it by Kyrie- drained a couple of his own deep threes and that was the game.

Kyrie in that game gave LeBron a lot of confidence and let LeBron know that if he ever had any doubts about his decision- that he could let tehm go- because he definitely once again had a guy he knows can get it done.

You crack me up with your Wade/Heat hate...lol

Kyrie is a fricking BEAST.

But, Wade is still 2-0 this year!

But..back to the Cavs....

I think Kyrie's development is a big reason I'm so...meh...about Love.

Don't misunderstand me.

I'm not doubting Kevin's talent.

I'm questioning his fit on the Cavs team.

Dude is just a square peg and I think that if your Team wins it all, it will be because of Irving and James.

It's gonna be interesting to see if Kyrie still has those brass balls when the games really mean something.


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Jul 17, 2014
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Hoopla Cash
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Come on, Dude....

Obviously, I'm exaggerating.

He's not a role player. But, did you expect him to be a distant 3rd option?

I would go as far to say that Mozgov is definitely more important to the Teams success, and on occasions, so is Smith and Shump.

Tristan is capable of replacing his boards and Smith is a better bet from 3.

Why do they NEED him?

Wanting him is a totally different conversation.

I'm talking NEED.

I don't think the Cavs fortunes change significantly with this version of Love on the Roster.

They are going to the ECF, with or without him.

All they need is a healthy Mozgov, Lebron and Kyrie to make that happen.

Like I said- they NEED him because he is the best stretch 4 in the NBA- and todays NBA is all about spacing. If the Cavs trotted out Mozgov and Thompson the other team could load up the middle and turn it into a slugfest

Love turns the Cavs offense from great to downright unstoppable when he is playing well. HE just has not settled in yet. Like i said- I think Kyrie had less bad habits to undue since he was not in the league for as long- but Love I think really got used to being the man and having those 38 and 16 games and leading sportscenter.

When he signed up he knew that was not going to happen here. I thought he would be more like 19 and 11 then 17and 10....but considering how tough its been for him to acclimate i think he has actually done a pretty good job.

This team was never meant to be a 1 and done team. The Cavs have figured out a lot- but they have LIGHT YEARS to go before they can run the type of flawless offense the Spurs run, or the Hawks run...Its no coincidence that the Hawks players have mostly been there for a while and know eachother- same as in GSW....

If this Cavs team can stay together with a core of Bron/Love/Kyrie/Thompson/Mozgov they could really do some crazy things. Right now you are seeingthe 101version and the Cavs are just now mastering taht....the Spurs are at like the 600 level......Give this Cavs team 2-3 years together and you will see some crazy things- i promise you that.


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Apr 16, 2013
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Most of the Hawks players excluding Horford & Teague weren't there for more than 2 years. Most of them joined the Hawks within the last 2 years


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Jul 17, 2014
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Lillard and Kyrie are so freaking similar.

Kyrie plays better defense now. They were both atrocious last year- Kyrie has stepped it up to at least a reasonable level while Lillard is still a very poor defender

Statistically they are pretty similar in most respects. There PER's are practically identical 21.2 for Dame, and 21.8 for KI- Lillard has the slight advantage on APG and RPG, while Kyrie has shot the ball better.

KI- 22.2 Pts, 5.2 Apg, 3.2 Rpg, 1.47 Stl, 47.2%FGA, 41.5%3pt

DL- 21.3 Pts, 6.3Apg, 4.8 Rpg, 1.32 Stl, 43.4%FGA, 34.3%3pt


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Apr 16, 2013
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Lillard and Kyrie are so freaking similar.

Kyrie plays better defense now. They were both atrocious last year- Kyrie has stepped it up to at least a reasonable level while Lillard is still a very poor defender

Statistically they are pretty similar in most respects. There PER's are practically identical 21.2 for Dame, and 21.8 for KI- Lillard has the slight advantage on APG and RPG, while Kyrie has shot the ball better.

KI- 22.2 Pts, 5.2 Apg, 3.2 Rpg, 1.47 Stl, 47.2%FGA, 41.5%3pt

DL- 21.3 Pts, 6.3Apg, 4.8 Rpg, 1.32 Stl, 43.4%FGA, 34.3%3pt

You know who PER is higher than both of those guys?


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Apr 16, 2013
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Lebron clearly still misses Wade



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Jul 17, 2014
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Windhorst on Rizzo today talking about Love possibly leaving...


"Right now there is not one person in the league that thinks he is staying in Cleveland. I refuse to answer the question though- I did that in Cleveland when LeBron left and I am not going to do it again. Last spring i was on all the Miami radio stations and they all said "Windhorst you Cleveland homer SOB that we hate and want outta town, why dont you just admit LeBron is never leaving" I said listen- i am not going to evaluate where LeBron is in march- im only going to evaluate it at the end. and where were the Heat at the end? they were in a ditch, and LeBron said I have to get away from this flaming wreckage.- sO i am not going to evaluate Kevin Love till the end""

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Jul 17, 2014
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Lebron clearly still misses Wade

misses him because he called what his move was?

LeBron made teh right choice when he chose KI over Dwade.....you know and i know that Wade simply cannot dothe things Kyrie can do anymore- especially not on a consistent basis.

Wade could NEVER go Portland or San Antonio at this point in his career.....you know that and i know that.


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Jul 17, 2014
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the only time Wade even broke 40 this year was when he scored 42 in a game the Utah Jazz whooped the Heats ass.

Everyone knows that Dwade is no longer in his prime. Is he still a top 20 guy? Yah probably. Can you still give you nights where he is the best player on the floor and dominates? Sure once in a while.

Can Dwade carry you for a 7 game playoff series?

Absolutely not


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Apr 16, 2013
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the only time Wade even broke 40 this year was when he scored 42 in a game the Utah Jazz whooped the Heats ass.

Everyone knows that Dwade is no longer in his prime. Is he still a top 20 guy? Yah probably. Can you still give you nights where he is the best player on the floor and dominates? Sure once in a while.

Can Dwade carry you for a 7 game playoff series?

Absolutely not



Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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the only time Wade even broke 40 this year was when he scored 42 in a game the Utah Jazz whooped the Heats ass.

Everyone knows that Dwade is no longer in his prime. Is he still a top 20 guy? Yah probably. Can you still give you nights where he is the best player on the floor and dominates? Sure once in a while.

Can Dwade carry you for a 7 game playoff series?

Absolutely not

Are you one of those "special" people?


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Apr 17, 2013
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misses him because he called what his move was?

LeBron made teh right choice when he chose KI over Dwade.....you know and i know that Wade simply cannot dothe things Kyrie can do anymore- especially not on a consistent basis.

Wade could NEVER go Portland or San Antonio at this point in his career.....you know that and i know that.

But tell us AGAIN that WHEN the Cavs don't win a title this season, it won't be a bust of a season...

And as far as your 'Heat maybe being a 8 seed' rhetoric, you know you are praying they don't end up at 7 (like they are today). I'm not saying we would win the series, but it's going at least 6 and if our health is better then yours...stranger things have happened.

A healthy Wade will school Kyrie in this years playoffs if it ever came down to that.
Last edited:


Nov 11, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Great sign for the Heat following up their performance with perhaps an even better one. Clicking and looking pretty good right now even without Bosh and Bob.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
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Any word if Bosh will be available for the playoffs?


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Apr 17, 2013
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Like I said- they NEED him because he is the best stretch 4 in the NBA- and todays NBA is all about spacing. t

Love turns the Cavs offense from great to downright unstoppable when he is playing well.

Apparently Wiggy ONLY watches the Cavs.
We have Bosh who is better than Love, and Portland has Aldridge who is better than Bosh.
I'm sure there are more.
So far all that Love has ever been is a stat hog when he was on some bad teams.

And, name the big games that Love has ever played .in for the Cavs where he has made them unstoppable.


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Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
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But tell us AGAIN that WHEN the Cavs don't win a title this season, it won't be a bust of a season...

And as far as your 'Heat maybe being a 8 seed' rhetoric, you know you are praying they don't end up at 7 (like they are today). I'm not saying we would win the series, but it's going at least 6 and if our health is better then yours...stranger things have happened.

A healthy Wade will school Kyrie in this years playoffs if it ever came down to that.

I would MUCH MUCH MUCH rather have the Cavs play the HEat in the first round than Indiana that is for sure


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Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
Hoopla Cash
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But tell us AGAIN that WHEN the Cavs don't win a title this season, it won't be a bust of a season...

And as far as your 'Heat maybe being a 8 seed' rhetoric, you know you are praying they don't end up at 7 (like they are today). I'm not saying we would win the series, but it's going at least 6 and if our health is better then yours...stranger things have happened.

A healthy Wade will school Kyrie in this years playoffs if it ever came down to that.
and cmon, stranger things have hapened? give me a break. The HEat are an under .500 team. Simply would not happen absent LeBron breaking his leg. Indiana scares me a lot more- they have actual depth, and a toughness and have played the Cavs really well- and PG might even come back

and Yes- Love is the BEST stretch 4 in the league. He has range not only out to 18 feet but also past the 3 pt line UNLIKE Bosh and Aldridge who rarely shoot 3's.