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Heat own Cleveland once again in Miami


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Jul 17, 2014
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Also....some of my own thoughts on a Cavs Heat potential series

Kyrie Irving is better than Goran Dragic....would love to watch Kyrie break Dragic's ankles for 4 or 5 games. Kyrie first playoff experience against the Heat would bea ton of fun to watch. I bet he goes off big time.

If there was a close game- and a game where Dwade tapped into his fountain of youth and exercised that humongous chip on his shoulder- would LeBron switch onto him? that would be so much FUN to watch....

Could the Cavs get Whiteside to lose his mind? Its different in the playoffs where you play the same team overand over- you get sick of the other guys- you know eachothers plays etc....Mozgov has a little temper too...watching those 2 go at it for 4 or 5 games would be really fun. If you can get Whiteside in foul trouble and on the bench the Heats defense and front court gets VERY VERY SOFT. Softer than Chris Bosh going for an offensive board.

i would love to watch Haslem try and guard Kevin Love all over the court- from the post to the perimeter. A ton of people have tried to discount Love's contributions- but think of the nightmare matchup wide he presents for the Heat. Who covers him? Who can guard him in the post, while also guarding him on the outside.- Whiteside is going to have his hands full with Mozgov and Thompson. Haslem and Anderson guarding Love is a HUGE matchup advantage for the Cavs- and hopefully Love has ample time to get his back right.

Mike Miller and James Jones revenge. LeBron loves these two guys- and Spoelstra refused to play one (Jones) and the other one got amnestied. I WILL GUARANTEE YOU- that one of those guys will have a very significant moment or two- and do major damage in at least one game in a potential series.

The Heat revenge factor. Dwade has shown against the Cavs that he was not happy about LeBron dissing him by leaving- and I am sure the other players feel the same way. I am sure the Heat will be pulling out all the stops to try and win- and Riley I am sure will be in the same boat.

The Crowds would be fun to watch. After the City of Cleveland not having a playoff team in any sport besides the Indians making the 1 game playoff, the City is eagerly awaiting their return to the postseason. With the series potentially against the hated Heat? Quicken Loans arena will be an absolute mad house. On the other hand- if and when the Cavs go up 2-0 and the series moves back to a demoralized AA arena, with basically little to no hope of winning the series, and after the last 4 years of championship contending, the arena will to say it lightly, probably be about 1/10th the intensity of the Q. ---- THIS IS ONE OF THE MAIN REASONS why I want to see the matchup. The Fans in Cleveland will be absolutely crazy- and it should play a factor. Holy crap will that be fun.

Blatt v. Spoelstra. These guys personalities are so different. I really want to see Blatts first post season and what he can bring to the table- and if he can adjust- and lets see now that LeBron is gone if Spoelstra is any good- because after looking at the regular season it sure doesnt look great for him.


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Why would I make a bet with you when I stated several times that the cavs would beat the heat in the playoffs? When have anyone on here suggested otherwise?

And.ftr moron, rest was equal for both teams entering the game on Monday. Both teams had played 10 games over 18 days


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Apr 17, 2013
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do you see the benches of the other East teams? They are guys that you ACTUALLY know who they are- and have talent- I mean- even a team like the Bobcats. Mo Williams is a damn good bench guy. Noah Vonleh has some big time talent. Biyombo is a great rim defender to bring off the bench.

To be honest with you- if Anderson or Haslem got hurt, who would even play C or PF for the Heat? They would have to sign a guy off the street.

Did Beasley get cut at some point between yesterday afternoon and your posts?
You've excluded him in every one of them.

Beasley is that first scorer off the bench and the main reason he is not in the starting lineup is exactly what I stated yesterday.

Beasley is a better scorer then any Cav player other than James or Kyrie.

BTW, if you don't watch Heat games, perhaps don't comment on our team.
Beasley plays both forward positions and has played center a couple times already.
We were getting killed by the Kings until Spoelstra switched to a zone D. I know for sure Beasley was center during that run..and then I believe he was used in that role one or twice since.

You did answer the Bird/TT question, but I disagree with your answer. For 15 minutes at the C position, Bird offers more. I said as a starter I'd take TT.

So next question, if we switch James and Deng, are the Heat sweeping your so good and deep Cavs or not?


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
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Also....some of my own thoughts on a Cavs Heat potential series

Kyrie Irving is better than Goran Dragic....would love to watch Kyrie break Dragic's ankles for 4 or 5 games. Kyrie first playoff experience against the Heat would bea ton of fun to watch. I bet he goes off big time.

Dragic is a better PG. While Kyrie is a better dribbler, Dragic is the best PG in the league as far as changing speeds. Often, watching on TV that goes unnoticed, but it makes him harder to defend on the court than Kyrie IMO.
Dragic make the players around him better. Kyrie doesn't.
Other than possibly the age difference, I wouldn't trade you even up.

If there was a close game- and a game where Dwade tapped into his fountain of youth and exercised that humongous chip on his shoulder- would LeBron switch onto him? that would be so much FUN to watch....

Of course.

Could the Cavs get Whiteside to lose his mind?

No. I really think he's learned his lesson. TT hog tied him last Monday and Whiteside laughed at him.
Then you guys tried Perkins. God he's awful.

i would love to watch Haslem try and guard Kevin Love all over the court-

Wouldn't happen. Spoelstra started UD last Monday becasue he can handle TT.
If Love were on the court, he'd probably be defended by Beasley or Thomas.
And, since Love can't guard anybody, I would expect Beasley to attack him abd try to get him in foul trouble.

Mike Miller and James Jones revenge.

I hope to God if we play you, it comes down to you guys needing one of those 2 to beat us.
Miller blows. The only thing James keeps him around for is to carry his bag to the team bus at this point.

The Heat revenge factor. Dwade has shown against the Cavs that he was not happy about LeBron dissing him by leaving- and I am sure the other players feel the same way. I am sure the Heat will be pulling out all the stops to try and win- and Riley I am sure will be in the same boat.

To me, Its entertainment first. That's why I've wanted this series.
Heat fans aren't expecting to win it by any means.
You can talk you rather play the Pacers all you want, but you know that the Heat will make the Cavs bust their ass to win more so than any other team in the East.
If you are a fan of the game, its a no brainer to want Cavs/Heat.

Blatt v. Spoelstra. These guys personalities are so different. I really want to see Blatts first post season and what he can bring to the table- and if he can adjust- and lets see now that LeBron is gone if Spoelstra is any good- because after looking at the regular season it sure doesnt look great for him.

are you talking about?
He's had to start around 30 different lineups.
With our current group of healthy players, his strategy and rotations have been perfect.

Blatt really coaches nothing. James does what he wants when he wants.
Im pretty sure that Blatt wanted to pull him on Monday when Kyrie came out but he wanted to stay in to pad his stats.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Did Beasley get cut at some point between yesterday afternoon and your posts?
You've excluded him in every one of them.

Beasley is that first scorer off the bench and the main reason he is not in the starting lineup is exactly what I stated yesterday.

Beasley is a better scorer then any Cav player other than James or Kyrie.

BTW, if you don't watch Heat games, perhaps don't comment on our team.
Beasley plays both forward positions and has played center a couple times already.
We were getting killed by the Kings until Spoelstra switched to a zone D. I know for sure Beasley was center during that run..and then I believe he was used in that role one or twice since.

You did answer the Bird/TT question, but I disagree with your answer. For 15 minutes at the C position, Bird offers more. I said as a starter I'd take TT.

So next question, if we switch James and Deng, are the Heat sweeping your so good and deep Cavs or not?

I'll add Love to the list also.


Nov 11, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Part of me thinks it would be great entertainment and a fun series to have the Heat and Cavs meet in the playoffs.

The other part of me is afraid to see the pages and pages of threads that would result. :-)


Nov 11, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I think the most ideal situation for the Cavs, in terms of the easiest path through the East would be to have the Bulls stay in the 4 or 5 spot and have the Heat overtake the Bucks for the 6th spot.

That would give them a path of Bucks, Raptors/Heat, Hawks/Bulls/Wizards


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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do you see the benches of the other East teams? They are guys that you ACTUALLY know who they are- and have talent- I mean- even a team like the Bobcats. Mo Williams is a damn good bench guy. Noah Vonleh has some big time talent. Biyombo is a great rim defender to bring off the bench.

To be honest with you- if Anderson or Haslem got hurt, who would even play C or PF for the Heat? They would have to sign a guy off the street.

I see that Cleveland has the worst bench in the entire NBA which, by default means they have the worst bench in the East. Why does it matter what other benches have. You should be worrying about what a gawdawful mess of crap the Cavs bench is.

The Lakers, Knicks, 76ers and T-Wolves all have better benches than Cleveland. Think about that and let it sink in.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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Maybe I missed it but whoever said the Heat bench was good? Comparing it to the other 13 teams in the East excludiing the Cavs is pointless because I don't recall anyone arguing that the Heat had a better bench than the other teams.

They just have a better bench than Cleveland.

Just like everyone else in the NBA. :pound:

Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
The other side of the mirror
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Except their not. I hate to break it to you, but when your bench is ranked 30th, it means that EVERYBODY has a better bench.

ranked 30th in a 30 league team. hmmm, SEEMS logical...

so, if that's TRULY the case you're 100% positive that it means everyone elses bench is better...?

remember, this is for clarity's sake...:lol: