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Harbaugh pulls commit's offer two weeks before signing day

Across The Field

Oaky Afterbirth
Apr 21, 2015
Hoopla Cash
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Question. After Swenson signs, if UM comes out with an excuse explaining why Swenson was released of his scholarship. Is it going to make it better?
What if they told him he needed to come to UMs summer camp to work on his technique and didn't show up? What if they told him to take other visits and he didnt? What if they told him his scholarship was dependent on his game rotate from his senior? All u hear is the kids side.

Basically. What I'm saying is. These colleges all try to spin situations to make it look better than it is. You argue how OSU doctors say he can never play football even though every doctor afterward said he is fine and the top doctor in the country said it is nothino more than strengthening his quads. Michigan will spin it and say Swenson was told this and this, and knew the consequences. It is what it is. Cut throat and worry about the end results afterward.

Any Michigan fan talking about Michigan being above these type of recruiting tactics went out the door when they paid 7 million a year for Harbaugh.
I've already said in this thread before that if there were circumstances like what you outlined, I would agree. If they actually gave him a list of conditions and he failed to meet them or just ignored them, then I agree. I also am not so much talking about Swenson as I am the other kid that said after receiving little to no communication for months now he just had the rug pulled out from under him. That's sincerely fucked up. You don't mess with a person's life like that. It's entirely different than what Texas did.

In regards to Jamel Dean, the OSU doctors (from what I read) didn't necessarily say he was entirely incapable of being able to play again, but that further involvement would more than likely result in extensive further damage to the knee, which is a perfectly respectful diagnosis. You can speculate all you want, but it's far less damning than leading a kid on for months, letting him think he has a scholarship only to just pull the rug out on the basis of finding someone better. If there was actual communication that would be one thing, but it sounds like there was none.

Across The Field

Oaky Afterbirth
Apr 21, 2015
Hoopla Cash
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And I'm not comparing the two incidents. I said pulling a scholarship is just one of many ways teams skirt the rules of recruiting. Grey shirts are another. Non-committed offers are another.

These things happen every year. It is only a big story now be a use it is michigan and it is Harbaugh. Old school Michigan fans better get used to it, as it will come with the territory here on out
Then why even bring up Merrick in the first place if his situation was not even comparable? You're backtracking now.


Funniest SH member
Jul 18, 2013
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Question. After Swenson signs, if UM comes out with an excuse explaining why Swenson was released of his scholarship. Is it going to make it better?
What if they told him he needed to come to UMs summer camp to work on his technique and didn't show up? What if they told him to take other visits and he didnt? What if they told him his scholarship was dependent on his game rotate from his senior? All u hear is the kids side.

Basically. What I'm saying is. These colleges all try to spin situations to make it look better than it is. You argue how OSU doctors say he can never play football even though every doctor afterward said he is fine and the top doctor in the country said it is nothino more than strengthening his quads. Michigan will spin it and say Swenson was told this and this, and knew the consequences. It is what it is. Cut throat and worry about the end results afterward.

Any Michigan fan talking about Michigan being above these type of recruiting tactics went out the door when they paid 7 million a year for Harbaugh.
If they cut him because he didn't go to a summer camp then they should have cut him in the summer/fall. Did it magically become an issue in early January when it wasn't in July, August, September, October, or November? They told him to take other visits in January three to four weeks before signing day but never said they pulled his offer until two weeks before. Harbaugh is the guy that tries to phase out a girl and have other guys break up with her because he is too chicken shit to actual do it himself.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Then why even bring up Merrick in the first place if his situation was not even comparable? You're backtracking now.
I brought up Merrick because Codaxx, a Texas fan, was so vocal about UM and shady recruiting. I just pointed out that Texas is using one of the many shady recruiting tactics. (Grey shirts)


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2013
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If they cut him because he didn't go to a summer camp then they should have cut him in the summer/fall. Did it magically become an issue in early January when it wasn't in July, August, September, October, or November? They told him to take other visits in January three to four weeks before signing day but never said they pulled his offer until two weeks before. Harbaugh is the guy that tries to phase out a girl and have other guys break up with her because he is too chicken shit to actual do it himself.
I've already said, I don't agree with it if it went down according to the story of the recruit. All that is being done now is accusing one side, without knowing the whole story. If after signing, UM comes out and says -- we just found someone better to replace him. By all means, fire away at the school. When u drop a 4 star OL and pick up a 3 star OL. It makes me think there is more to the story.


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If UM dropped Swenson and signed a 5 star OL in his place. I'd be with the rest calling him out.


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I've already said in this thread before that if there were circumstances like what you outlined, I would agree. If they actually gave him a list of conditions and he failed to meet them or just ignored them, then I agree. I also am not so much talking about Swenson as I am the other kid that said after receiving little to no communication for months now he just had the rug pulled out from under him. That's sincerely fucked up. You don't mess with a person's life like that. It's entirely different than what Texas did.

In regards to Jamel Dean, the OSU doctors (from what I read) didn't necessarily say he was entirely incapable of being able to play again, but that further involvement would more than likely result in extensive further damage to the knee, which is a perfectly respectful diagnosis. You can speculate all you want, but it's far less damning than leading a kid on for months, letting him think he has a scholarship only to just pull the rug out on the basis of finding someone better. If there was actual communication that would be one thing, but it sounds like there was none.
I agree with the two star guy who they pulled the offer from. He seems to be a guy who is a number until they find something better and I hate that practice in recruiting.
With the other, people are blowing up over hearing one side of the story. Wait for both sides before passing judgement is all I'm saying.
In Jamel dean's case. He was already on campus for a few weeks before getting told he couldn't play, but could go to OSU and not play football. I'd think that is about as bad as it can possibly get for a player. I'm guessing he must have been an early enrollee, which has to be OKd by the coaches ( I'm not sure of this, but reading how he was there for weeks, assumed he was enrolled)


Funniest SH member
Jul 18, 2013
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I've already said, I don't agree with it if it went down according to the story of the recruit. All that is being done now is accusing one side, without knowing the whole story. If after signing, UM comes out and says -- we just found someone better to replace him. By all means, fire away at the school. When u drop a 4 star OL and pick up a 3 star OL. It makes me think there is more to the story.
You asked, what would we say if it comes out that he was cut because he didn't go to q summer camp. I told you they had 6 months to cut him and they chose to wait. Then when they pull the rug out from under him, Harbaugh couldn't be bothered to make a ten minute phone call to a kid who was a solid commit for two years.


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Apr 19, 2013
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You asked, what would we say if it comes out that he was cut because he didn't go to q summer camp. I told you they had 6 months to cut him and they chose to wait. Then when they pull the rug out from under him, Harbaugh couldn't be bothered to make a ten minute phone call to a kid who was a solid commit for two years.
I agree. If this was the case. It is a shady way to do business. In the end, we only know one side of the story right now.

Across The Field

Oaky Afterbirth
Apr 21, 2015
Hoopla Cash
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I brought up Merrick because Codaxx, a Texas fan, was so vocal about UM and shady recruiting. I just pointed out that Texas is using one of the many shady recruiting tactics. (Grey shirts)
How is that shady when they offer it right up front so the recruit knows full well where they stand? That's some very faulty logic and has no place in this discussion.


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Jul 2, 2013
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Guys, guys....let's be honest. Harbaugh cut Weaver so that we could add McDoom, a move we can all agree is warranted by the name alone.


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Apr 19, 2013
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How is that shady when they offer it right up front so the recruit knows full well where they stand? That's some very faulty logic and has no place in this discussion.
It is shady because they are offering it to get around the maximum amount of recruits allowed in a single year.
Without the greyshirt, they'd have to offer him as walk on and the player would accept a scholarship from another school who does have room for him.

Across The Field

Oaky Afterbirth
Apr 21, 2015
Hoopla Cash
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It is shady because they are offering it to get around the maximum amount of recruits allowed in a single year.
Without the greyshirt, they'd have to offer him as walk on and the player would accept a scholarship from another school who does have room for him.
And he had that option. They were upfront and honest with him right from the start. He knew what his options were and he chose to go the greyshirt route. There's nothing ethically wrong with what Texas did because they had the respect for the recruit to tell him what they planned to do and they did so with 4 months left until NSD; what michigan did was exactly the opposite, offering a player a full scholarship and waiting until a couple weeks before NSD to completely pull the rug out from under him.

The two situations are in no way comparable, and you arguing it doesn't change that fact. Texas did nothing shady or wrong, while everything about the way michigan handled this recruit was shady and wrong.

You aren't doing your name justice in this instance; you're unequivocally wrong.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2013
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They have a max number of recruits per school for a reason. Grey shirts were introduced to help academically challenged or an injured recruit, to get acclimated into the school before starting on football. It wasn't introduced to offer a completely healthy recruit, because you already filled your allotment of scholarships in a year.

And stop with the comparison talk. I never said anything about comparable or not. I said there are many ways schools cheat the rules of recruiting.

Across The Field

Oaky Afterbirth
Apr 21, 2015
Hoopla Cash
$ 24,656.63
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They have a max number of recruits per school for a reason. Grey shirts were introduced to help academically challenged or an injured recruit, to get acclimated into the school before starting on football. It wasn't introduced to offer a completely healthy recruit, because you already filled your allotment of scholarships in a year.

And stop with the comparison talk. I never said anything about comparable or not. I said there are many ways schools cheat the rules of recruiting.
I know with all the preaching you have done, the university of Texas must not stoop to grey shirts to over sign when they run out of scholarships on a class.

Um, that's exactly what you are doing. You're trying to call him out for something his school did because he called you out for something your school did.

Also, there's nothing in the definition of grey-shirting that says it has to be only for a recruit who is hurt. That is oftentimes how it's used, but it isn't exclusive to that by any definition.

What is grey shirting?

At least get your facts straight before trying to call someone else out.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2013
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I brought up Merrick because Codaxx, a Texas fan, was so vocal about UM and shady recruiting. I just pointed out that Texas is using one of the many shady recruiting tactics. (Grey shirts)

Shady is pulling a scholarship from a recruit. Its not shady to tell a kid that you have no room for him in this class, but we would offer you a scholarship in the next class if you are amenable. Nothing shady about that. I do not even understand why you would call that shady. You just throwing out some ridiculous irrelevant situation in an attempt to move the argument away from Harbaugh's actions.


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Apr 19, 2013
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Shady is pulling a scholarship from a recruit. Its not shady to tell a kid that you have no room for him in this class, but we would offer you a scholarship in the next class if you are amenable. Nothing shady about that. I do not even understand why you would call that shady. You just throwing out some ridiculous irrelevant situation in an attempt to move the argument away from Harbaugh's actions.
If it wasn't shady, the NCAA wouldnt have a MAX number of recruits per team. It doesn't say each team is allowed 25-28, unless you like more than that and want to grey shirt a healthy player and count him for next year.


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Apr 19, 2013
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And both of you stop with passing off blame from Harbaugh. Do I need to make the post where I said it IS shady if it happened how they explained it?


Funniest SH member
Jul 18, 2013
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If it wasn't shady, the NCAA wouldnt have a MAX number of recruits per team. It doesn't say each team is allowed 25-28, unless you like more than that and want to grey shirt a healthy player and count him for next year.
The NCAA doesn't have a limit on the number of recruits per year, conferences do.


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Apr 18, 2013
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The NCAA doesn't have a limit on the number of recruits per year, conferences do.

NCAA Bylaw limits FBS football programs to a total number of scholarships to 85 "counters" annually including 25 scholarships for "initial counters." Counters (NCAA Bylaw 15.02.3) are individuals who are receiving institutional financial aid that is countable against the aid limitations in a sport, initial counters (NCAA Bylaw are individuals who are receiving countable financial aid in a sport for the first time. Bylaw limits schools to signing 28 NLI from NSD through May 31.
