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Green Suspended for game 5


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Jul 8, 2013
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And let people still question why Lebron has haters.

I really go back & forth on this guy. I truly could not stand him after "The Decision" & the way he played & acted during his initial season in Miami. However - I grew to like the guy especially after returning to the Cavs & how he gutted it out during last year's finals. He then started to lose my respect with his apparent control issues with the Cavs, the coaching change, his thoughts on the MVP process & this latest bitching on his part.

A truly great player but one who he is kind of hard to like quite often.


Andrew Wiggin's burner account
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Anyone saying Draymond was without fault here has blinders on. Of course he has responsibility here. If it weren't for some of the dumb shit he pulled earlier, he wouldn't be in this postion.

But also anyone defending Lebron has blinders on too. It was a bitch move on his part. Smart, but a bitch move nonetheless.


Kyrie Hater
Apr 17, 2013
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Are you saying to give separate players preferential treatment?

Yes and no. Not because they are stars, but if a team sends a scrub off the bench to deliver a cheap shot, then it needs to be dealt with much more severely than a play like this, where 2 key guys just got a little heated.

Tai Chi≈Surfing

Jul 2, 2013
San Francisco -- The edge of the western world.
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Anyone saying Draymond was without fault here has blinders on. Of course he has responsibility here. If it weren't for some of the dumb shit he pulled earlier, he wouldn't be in this postion.

But also anyone defending Lebron has blinders on too. It was a bitch move on his part. Smart, but a bitch move nonetheless.

Stop playing push me-pull you.

Tai Chi≈Surfing

Jul 2, 2013
San Francisco -- The edge of the western world.
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I was being serious. I didn't understand what you meant by that. But ok.

One side of your brain thinks one way....the other side thinks another way...

Two wrongs don't make 1 right.

The league should've let the call stand that the refs initially called in the game as the final word.

Too much overseeing becomes bureaucratic.

Punishing one player for something when both players were guilty simply because one had more strikes against him is taking the bogus approach...and is tantamount to being antiquated in principle.


Nov 11, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Punishing one player for something when both players were guilty simply because one had more strikes against him is taking the bogus approach...

They were both punished. LeBron was given a tech after review. Draymond was given a flagrant 1.

The reason Draymond is suspended and LeBron is not... he has already accumulated several flagrant foul points and technical foul points while LeBron hasn't.

Tai Chi≈Surfing

Jul 2, 2013
San Francisco -- The edge of the western world.
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They were both punished. LeBron was given a tech after review. Draymond was given a flagrant 1.

The reason Draymond is suspended and LeBron is not... he has already accumulated several flagrant foul points and technical foul points while LeBron hasn't.

Why only quote 1 part of my post, and not this?

Two wrongs don't make 1 right.

The league should've let the call stand that the refs initially called in the game as the final word.

Too much overseeing becomes bureaucratic.

It was total horse shit...and you know it.
But it's water under the bridge now.


Nov 11, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Why only quote 1 part of my post, and not this?

Two wrongs don't make 1 right.

The league should've let the call stand that the refs initially called in the game as the final word.

Too much overseeing becomes bureaucratic.

It was total horse shit...and you know it.
But it's water under the bridge now.

Because I was responding to that part of it. You said LeBron should've been punished too. I was pointing out that he was.

Tai Chi≈Surfing

Jul 2, 2013
San Francisco -- The edge of the western world.
Hoopla Cash
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Because I was responding to that part of it. You said LeBron should've been punished too. I was pointing out that he was.

you should take the rest of the day off and save your laughable posts for later tonight during/after the game, when you're gonna need them a lot more.


Nov 11, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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you should take the rest of the day off and save your laughable posts for later tonight during/after the game, when you're gonna need them a lot more.

I don't post during the game.

If the Warriors win tonight I will be on either late tonight or tomorrow morning to congratulate you and the rest of the Warriors posters.


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Jul 9, 2013
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Still. I would not have had a problem with him getting suspended against OKC. Not for the nut kick, but for either of the other 2 incidents in the next 2 games.

The problem is, the league office shows extreme weakness in making this move and the timing is way off.

They chose not to suspend Green agiainst OKC because they thought it would cost GS any chance of winning the series. Now, that GS is in control of the Finals, it is okay to suspend Green. Hell, it might even extend the series a bit.

This is BS and borders on conspiracy to extend both series.

You make perfect sense to me on this issue, and I wouldn't put it past the NBA to do that...but, if the cumulative effect is in play, at some point the league needed to step in and make a call.


Kyrie Hater
Apr 17, 2013
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Here is another fact that gets lost in this. Every single Green play was controversial. NONE of them were blatant, no doubt, old school flagrant fouls. All 3 were upgraded after the fact.

Go look at the Beasley play again. There was 1 second on the clock and the Dubs were down 1. He was trying to commit the foul as soon as the ball was thrown in. He picked Beasley up, and then gently set him on the court. There was no body slam there.

The Adams kick? Maybe intentional, maybe not. Some said they did not think it should have even been a flagrant 1.

That brings me back to the way the rules are written. I have always been a supporter of taking non-basketball plays out of the NBA in order to make the game more safe. Still though, I have an issue with the wording, and interpretation of what makes a flagrant foul.

UnNecessary contact can mean just about anything. Did Green need to pick Beasley up? Of course not. But it was also clear that he was trying to commit a simple foul. Nobody was injured, nobody retaliated. THe game was simply over.

This is where the league needs to go back to the old "Intentional Foul". For the Beasley play, award 2 shots and the ball. Game over, Rockets win. No need to further punish Green. Same thing here with the LeBron play.

The league did not need to upgrade any of these fouls, but they did anyway. People can talk about the accumulation of points all they want, but rememeber that Green could just as easily be sitting on 1 point right now.


Nov 11, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 2,550.00
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Here is another fact that gets lost in this. Every single Green play was controversial. NONE of them were blatant, no doubt, old school flagrant fouls. All 3 were upgraded after the fact.

Go look at the Beasley play again. There was 1 second on the clock and the Dubs were down 1. He was trying to commit the foul as soon as the ball was thrown in. He picked Beasley up, and then gently set him on the court. There was no body slam there.

The Adams kick? Maybe intentional, maybe not. Some said they did not think it should have even been a flagrant 1.

That brings me back to the way the rules are written. I have always been a supporter of taking non-basketball plays out of the NBA in order to make the game more safe. Still though, I have an issue with the wording, and interpretation of what makes a flagrant foul.

UnNecessary contact can mean just about anything. Did Green need to pick Beasley up? Of course not. But it was also clear that he was trying to commit a simple foul. Nobody was injured, nobody retaliated. THe game was simply over.

This is where the league needs to go back to the old "Intentional Foul". For the Beasley play, award 2 shots and the ball. Game over, Rockets win. No need to further punish Green. Same thing here with the LeBron play.

The league did not need to upgrade any of these fouls, but they did anyway. People can talk about the accumulation of points all they want, but rememeber that Green could just as easily be sitting on 1 point right now.

That is a fair point about all of points coming from review's by the NBA office. That has to be frustrating for Green and for Warriros fans. (Although, the kick did receive a Flagrant 1 on the court... it was upgraded to Flagrant 2 upon review)

This is the first I've heard anyone defend the Beasley take-down or the Adams kick, though. There have been a dozen or so kicks/hits to the groin where the players were straight up suspended.

IMO, The NBA has given Draymond a ton of leash. Just so happens that he ran out of leash on an iffy play.