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Green Suspended for game 5


Fuck CBS
Apr 17, 2013
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For about 4 to 5 possessions in a row it gets to the point where both teams are just blatantly pushing each other across the floor.

LeBron, after getting tangled up with Green, takes a hard swing at Green’s head causing Green to fall to the ground (repeat, hand, swing, head).

Proceeds to walk over Green while he is on the floor. Commonly agreed by the brotherhood of nba players to be a bitch move. (Repeat, taunting). And really a generally unsafe play.

Green reacts by swinging at James nuts, gets suspended.

Absolute bull shit and solidifies that LeBron James is a sour grapes, pure losing, crampy, bitch. And that the league is willing to do anything to get its money for a long series.

Not only that, Lebron kept talking shit and tried to get to Green, while the refs were holding him back, and nothing happens to him. The refs should've fined him or something, if they were going to suspend Green.


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Jul 7, 2013
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Another case where the NBA's rules created a problem that did not need to be there. I understand the purpose of the bench rule that got those 2 suspended, but the flagrant foul point system is unnecessary for the playoffs.

If a player does something that warrants suspension in the playoffs, sit him down. The point system will really only hurt teams that make the Finals because everybody else doesn't play enough games to accumulate the points. I have a feeling that the league will revisit this rule in the off season, because a FInals game should not be impacted by a play like this.

Another option would be to put a smaller points limit but have it reset after each series. Things change from 1 series to the next and I am not sure how fair it is for a guy to pay now for something that happened weeks ago against another team.
Maybe they can try larger fines instead.


Fuck CBS
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Bk have no credibility when it comes to Green. He hate that guy .


Kyrie Hater
Apr 17, 2013
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Maybe they can try larger fines instead.

Fines don't matter for stars. Unless the amount is in the millions (which it would never be) LeBron wouldn't even notice it. Dude is on his way to being a billionaire.


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Should've been arrested and then tarred & feathered lol


back from the dead
Jul 10, 2014
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Let me make sure I understand this.

Green was suspended for hitting Lebron in the nutsack.

This is not possible as everyone knows Lebron has no nuts.


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Warriors are good enough to win a home game against a weak and defeated Cavs team without Green

Don't be so sure. The Warriors have struggled against the Cavs with lineups playing their big men (Bogut, Ezeli, whoever). Real +/- heavily favors lineups with Green at center. Kerr could try those bigs again but might stick with trying to play small. Which means more McAdoo. He was good in spots in game 4 but just that, in spots. He by no means has the play making ability that Green has. Hell, half of GS's possessions involve Green starting the offense. That's going to change a lot with McAdoo or Varejao in his place. Should take a big effort from someone on GS to make up for that. They're capable of it but its by no means easy or a sure thing.

As for the suspension, tlance has done a good job summing it up. It's bullshit. Green's done far worse beforehand and the league pussed on suspensions. It REALLY REALLY looks like the NBA will only suspend a guy if its NOT a series deciding situation. Warriors were down 3-1 to OKC? A Green suspension pretty much means a loss and the NBA had a heavy hand in deciding the series so nothing happens. Warriors up 3-1 on the Cavs? Suspend Green. GS still has two games to close it out, NBA looks like they care. That's bullshit. Either follow the rules or don't.

I also don't like the next day reviews, period. Trust the officials on the court and the replay official. NBA has its own replay office during the games. When they make a call, go with it. You're just undercutting them by reviewing it next day. You're telling me 3 officials and the NBA replay center couldn't see the nut "swing" during the 5 minutes they reviewed it? More bullshit. Like I said when it happened, the double foul was fine. Lebron had lost his cool and was baiting people in the final few minutes (even tried to start shit with Steph later on). He and Green got into, nothing violent actually happened. Double foul for both was acceptable. Play on.


Fuck CBS
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Matt Barnes went off on Twitter about this.