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Gordon, Do we take a shot if he is cut/released?


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Apr 22, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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So the rumor is Gordon is going to be cut/released. If the Browns are that foolish/stupid would you want our beloved Hawks to take a flyer on him? Yes we know he is troubled ( Irvin ) we know he has issues (Marshawn ) but i believe this coaching staff mainly Pete can help him out. I think of the issues some of our players have had and they have now become non-issues. I think Gordon would actually benefit from a new start and i can not think of a better place for him to go. Seattle will get him straighten out, some place else might just push him farther into destroying a once promising career.

So "IF" the Browns cut tie's do we want to take this risk?


12 > 49
May 22, 2013
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I don't know my answer to this yet, but reading through that post I couldn't help but think of another talented WR with a lot of issues that people were sure would be ironed out by Pete and co.


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Apr 21, 2013
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So the rumor is Gordon is going to be cut/released. If the Browns are that foolish/stupid would you want our beloved Hawks to take a flyer on him? Yes we know he is troubled ( Irvin ) we know he has issues (Marshawn ) but i believe this coaching staff mainly Pete can help him out. I think of the issues some of our players have had and they have now become non-issues. I think Gordon would actually benefit from a new start and i can not think of a better place for him to go. Seattle will get him straighten out, some place else might just push him farther into destroying a once promising career.

So "IF" the Browns cut tie's do we want to take this risk?

It depends on a couple things, really. First and foremost will be the money he'd likely want and whether the Hawks will be interested in or have the ability to pay him what he wants. Having a receiver of his caliber/potential would be nice, but with at least two big extensions likely to be doled out this offseason, do the Seahawks really have the ability and/or the desire to offer a decent chunk of change to another receiver with issues after the way the Harvin experience played out? Which brings us to why he may become available to begin with.

He put up a great season last year for the Browns, clearly showing the ability to be a great receiver in the league when he's on the field, so it's a giant red flag to me for a team in need of that type of player to, first, suspend him and then, in this scenario, cut him. The issue for us is whether he'd be able to adapt to the style of offense we run or start causing problems when he doesn't see the ball as often as he thinks he should. This is a run-first, spread-the-ball-around in the passing game type of offense. If that's not something he can handle, we could have Harvin 2.0 on our hands. I know Carroll is good at handling a wide range of personalities and egos, but my sense is that he and Schneider won't be inclined to bring in another receiver capable of upsetting the apple cart, especially if it would again cost them an arm and a leg in the process.

In short, it's not a good fit in my opinion and if he gets cut by Cleveland, he'll probably end up on a team that passes the ball more than we do (which shouldn't be too difficult), is in need of a playmaker at receiver and will be willing to take the chance that he'll be available to them enough for it to be worth it.
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Apr 23, 2013
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Great athlete.


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The discipline issues don't seem to make him a good fit here, but I think there is going to be teams out there willing to pay a lot more than Seattle will.

Agree the position needs an upgrade, but I think there's a great chance that upgrade is already on the team in the form of Richardson and Norwood. Can't expect too much from rookie WRs but they gained some valuable experience this season that will help them step up next year. And they're cheap, which is a big plus when you factor in new contracts coming for RW and hopefully Wagner.


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Apr 23, 2013
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hell effing no. Especially with the friendly Weed laws in Wa state. he'd be suspended before he took a snap.

Im SOOO tired of trading/signing the big name FA. Spend our time and resources growin richardson and norwood, if there not the guy draft someone else. .


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Dude got so messed up he missed a walk through, right?

Hell. Effing. No.

Whatever you want to do off the clock, within reason, is your business. When you can't even keep your shit straight enough to show up for work you're not worth the effort.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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I would not be shocked at all if Pete went after this kid, if the price is right.

Beengay fudgepackers

Packin since 1919
Sep 12, 2013
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I think he would be great on the Seahawks and I think Seattle would be good for him. Gordon is going to be scooped up by someone on the cheap. I think he's learned his lesson. I blame his latest screw up on johnny football. If he were to go to Seattle, I doubt Russell Wilson will take him out partying at all. I think his problems are fixable where Percy Harvin's were not.


Bill Bergen for HoF!
Apr 17, 2013
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Sure, why not? I'm not looking at Harvin money, something way south of that. He's still young, gonna be 24 next season. Some people just need a little more time to figure things out. Introduce him to Doug Baldwin and glue him there. The team needs a WR just like him (6'4" 220 LBs and can fully play the position) and his issues may make him cheap enough they can afford to bring him into the fold, and I'm sure his agent is telling him that if a second team departs with him for character reasons it could mean his career (he's no TO).


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Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I think he would be great on the Seahawks and I think Seattle would be good for him. Gordon is going to be scooped up by someone on the cheap. I think he's learned his lesson. I blame his latest screw up on johnny football. If he were to go to Seattle, I doubt Russell Wilson will take him out partying at all. I think his problems are fixable where Percy Harvin's were not.
On second thought, if you are correct and he just needs to be around the right people, he would be a superb pickup.
He is still on his rookie contract through 2015 and will make about $1M next year. UFA in 2016 and he should get highly paid if he cleans up.
No way Cleveland cuts/waives him. If they are done with him they will trade him in the upcoming off season.
What will it take to trade for him? A late 1st and 2nd?


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Apr 22, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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On second thought, if you are correct and he just needs to be around the right people, he would be a superb pickup.
He is still on his rookie contract through 2015 and will make about $1M next year. UFA in 2016 and he should get highly paid if he cleans up.
No way Cleveland cuts/waives him. If they are done with him they will trade him in the upcoming off season.
What will it take to trade for him? A late 1st and 2nd?

Yeah no thank you on a trade. If he is cut/released then i say whats it hurt to take a flyer but if The Hawks have to trade for him then i say pass. There is no denying his talent and he has never been the premadonna that Harvin was. His issues normally have been off the field, Harvins have always been on the field and locker room stuff. Two different types of Alpha males here. One seems a little lost with no guidance the other was so full of me first there wasn't much the Hawks could do.


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Apr 18, 2013
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The players and staff here would give him a shot and tell him 'Screw up your outta here fast" and Sherman would be calling him a bitch if he showed up late or anything i bet.


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If the cost was low, I could see taking a chance on Gordan. He's has problems for sure, but his problems are about growing up being responsible. Some times those problems can be fix and the player becomes more mature and responsible. These problems are way different then the problems Harvin presented, by not wanting to go back into a game, or undercutting team mates, coaches in the locker room.
I highly doubt that Gordan will end up here, someone will give more for him IMO then the Seahawks would be willing to.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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The more i think about it, I'd be surprised if they didnt take a look at him.


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I think Pete would take a shot on him if the price is right and i'd be for it. The kid has so much talent and maybe a new home would help with an attitude adjustment. If it doesn't work out, bye bye.


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Nope. Not at all. First the price isn't going to be right. Second of all, he would not like being in our offense.

Dolemite censored

Bigfoot is real
Jul 1, 2014
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So the rumor is Gordon is going to be cut/released. If the Browns are that foolish/stupid would you want our beloved Hawks to take a flyer on him? Yes we know he is troubled ( Irvin ) we know he has issues (Marshawn ) but i believe this coaching staff mainly Pete can help him out. I think of the issues some of our players have had and they have now become non-issues. I think Gordon would actually benefit from a new start and i can not think of a better place for him to go. Seattle will get him straighten out, some place else might just push him farther into destroying a once promising career.

So "IF" the Browns cut tie's do we want to take this risk?


He's a head case.

Anointed One

Gone Country!
Aug 29, 2014
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I think we have 'mature' leadership on this roster beginning with RW and Baldwin that would be provide a solid foundation for him... Gordon needs leadership from his peers, something I don't think he's had much of in Cleveland...

I'd have to see what kind of contract, years, money, etc he'd be getting before I said yes or no...