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Series Thread: Golden State Warriors vs. Cleveland Cavaliers NBA Finals Thread

DJ Fieri

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The Warriors are a good team.
I wont diminish their year, but a lot of things fell perfectly.

Not the least of which was the injury riddled seasons of OKC and SA.
I am not sure GS gets the #1 overall seed or even the top seed in the West without some injury luck.
SA recovered a little bit too late to undo the seeding damage....while OKC never recovered.

Then come playoff time, the only real threats in the West played each other to complete exhaustion on the other side of the bracket in the first round. And the teams GS did play were devasted by injuries to Conley, Love, and Irving.

It was still a great year.
Its not the Warriors problem that everyone else got crippled by injuries and bad luck.
Plenty of teams in history had everything fall their way AND still screwed it up.

I can agree with this.


What Me Worry?
Jun 25, 2014
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I thought that was that little weenie sitting there CL67!


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I still cannot believe at this time last year the Cavs still did not know if Kyrie Irving was going to sign a 5 year deal - or a shorter one to try and facilitate is way out of town quicker...Dion Waiters was the starting shooting guard- Mike Brown had just been fired after coming back for one season. The TT pick was looking very questionable since he looked like a solid player but not a guy who could change a playoff series. Still boggles my mind how far the Cavs went in one year.

A very frusterating way to end the season- but this last year was the start of a very nice run for the Cavs. OBVIOUSLY they will never be as vulnerable as they were this year and they got to game 6 against a loaded, heavily favored 67 win team.

The future is just so bright for the Cavs

for all the people that questioned Love's fit- on Mike and Mike on the way in this morning to work- they said that LeBron and Love had the best +- while playing together in the entire league.

To repeat that


I like James Jones- great locker room guy- but there is a reason why he barely played the last 3 years. He is not any good anymore but maybe for a game or two here and there. A valiant effort but he just didnt have it anymore.

Love is one of the bestrebounders in the NBA.

I cannot freaking WAIT to see lineups where TT plays a small ball center- which he proved he can do against all but the very very best centers in the league- with Love at PF, and LeBron at SF.

Love and Tristan just compliment eachother so amazingly. They will choke the life out of teams on the boards.


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I still cannot believe at this time last year the Cavs still did not know if Kyrie Irving was going to sign a 5 year deal - or a shorter one to try and facilitate is way out of town quicker...Dion Waiters was the starting shooting guard- Mike Brown had just been fired after coming back for one season. The TT pick was looking very questionable since he looked like a solid player but not a guy who could change a playoff series. Still boggles my mind how far the Cavs went in one year.

A very frusterating way to end the season- but this last year was the start of a very nice run for the Cavs. OBVIOUSLY they will never be as vulnerable as they were this year and they got to game 6 against a loaded, heavily favored 67 win team.

The future is just so bright for the Cavs

for all the people that questioned Love's fit- on Mike and Mike on the way in this morning to work- they said that LeBron and Love had the best +- while playing together in the entire league.

To repeat that


I like James Jones- great locker room guy- but there is a reason why he barely played the last 3 years. He is not any good anymore but maybe for a game or two here and there. A valiant effort but he just didnt have it anymore.

Love is one of the bestrebounders in the NBA.

I cannot freaking WAIT to see lineups where TT plays a small ball center- which he proved he can do against all but the very very best centers in the league- with Love at PF, and LeBron at SF.

Love and Tristan just compliment eachother so amazingly. They will choke the life out of teams on the boards.

And so it begins...
Couldn't even wait 24 hours from it ending...


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And so it begins...
Couldn't even wait 24 hours from it ending...
you are going to be hearing that a lot. There is a reason the Cavs are 9-4 favs to win it in Vegas and the next closest are the Warriors and OKC at 5-1

Cavs are stacked- and as long as Love does not pull a quick one here- they will be ridiculous next year.

70 wins is in play- I promise you it is. :)


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you are going to be hearing that a lot. There is a reason the Cavs are 9-4 favs to win it in Vegas and the next closest are the Warriors and OKC at 5-1

Cavs are stacked- and as long as Love does not pull a quick one here- they will be ridiculous next year.

70 wins is in play- I promise you it is. :)

I bet you they don't win 67 games next year


Apr 17, 2013
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Good grief, do we have to be exposed to these extensive, verbose dissertations that one person continues to literally throw-up on any thread he enters? Give it a rest already.
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I think the Cavs will have an outside chance at 70 wins next year.....This is my prediction from 2 years ago- when on FN I predicted in the '15/'16 season- Kyrie, Love and LeBron would be playing together and challenge 70 wins.

From most important to least:

LeBron will turn 31 in early December and is still well within his prime as we just saw him go for basically damn near a 35 point a night triple double. He will opt out- make Cleveland sweat while he leverages them to spend oodles of cash- which Dan is happy to do since he has 4 billion dollars and is obsessed with trying to bethe one to break the streak.

Kyrie will be right about in or near his prime at the age of 23. After having the 2 high point games in the league last year at 55 and 57- the 57 being AT San Antonio in an effort that was truly one of the best I have ever seen during a regular season- and being named to his 3rd All Star team- Kyrie is primed to establish himself as one of the truly elite players in the NBA

Love will be in his prime at the age of I believe 27 (or 28)- Im not sure. AFter averagining about 17 and 10 last year and struggling early on to adapt- the full season, and a full offseason of training should get him to a spot where he is ready to roll. CANT WAIT to see Love comofrtable and TT with his leap this year rebounding together- it gives me chills just to think about. Its not guaranteed Love is back- but right now it sure seems like its 80/20 he returns.- maybe I am wrong- its just a good thing the Cavs have this next guy tot ake over if need be.

Tristan Thompson will be back. He shares an agent with LeBron- is the ultimate team guy and is going no where. He will get paid. He never gets hurt. He never gets tired. He is one of the best rebounders in the league. His defense is much improved- and he is one of the rare bigs who can switch onto a guard and hold his own which is extremely valuable. The next frontier for him is developing the offensive side of the ball.

Mozgov is back at about 5.5 million a year. A full year of Mozgov- especially now that he knows the system and has gotten comfortable playing with LeBron will be a huge asset to the Cavs. With LeBron's esteemed guidance- Mozgov absolutely flat out embarassed Bogut in that series so much so that Bogut couldnt even beon the court. Mozgov is not by any means an all star center- but he is among the top half in the league and gives the Cavs the versatility to go big.

I believe Shumpert will be back. He is a restricted free agent and proved to be an extremely valuable piece when he is not being relied on to be a primary guy. How much do you think he will get guys? I am guessing somewhere between 6 million a year and 9 million a year. Id give him a 3 year 22 million dollar deal. He is only 24 years old- and can guard the other teams best perimeter player and do a very solid job- taking that responsibility from Bron which is important to keep Bron fresh. Shumpert choked inthe Finals, but apparently he couldnt take his jersey off after teh game because his shoulder hurt so much. I feel a little bad ripping on himas much as I did last not- ha, well not really- but at least I understand a little now.

Will Jr be back? I listened to Windhorst and he thought that Jr would be foolish to decline his player option of 6M a year because the Cavs are unlikely to offer him more than that. I want Jr back- he is a damn good 4th option and can catch fire- and actually played good defense at times- he hada ton of steals. --if youwere the Cavs where do you draw the line for JR? Id give JR Smith 2 year and a max of 14 million dollars. If he wants more he can walk- but I think he will see the light and the dearth of offers from around the league and take it. Love JR as the 4th option and the floor spreader who shot damn near 40% from 3- and won the Cavs a couple playoff games on his shooting- but he wilted under the pressure of HAVING to produce.

Varejao will be back on his 2 year 20 M deal - their were rumors he might have been even able to go in these Finals- but what would the point have been after he had not played in years. Mozgov is not a very good roller on the pick and roll. Thompson is not either unless he is catching an alley oop. Varejao is a great finisher in the pick and roll and has great chemistry with Bron and KI. The injuries are a concern- but maybe if the Cavs limit him to 20 minutes a game- which is totally feasible with Love, Mozzy, TT- they can keep him healthy. he is another very rare big like Thompson that can switch on the pick and roll and hold his own vs. guards. - REALLY could have used him in this GSW series- especially since theother team could not have blitzed LBJ on the pick and roll since Varejao can finish at the rim way better than TT or mozzy.

Delly estalbished himself as a household name somehow this playoffs- lol- who would have ever dreamed about Delly leading sportscenter after playing Curry great in the first couple games- inconceivable to me at this time last year. If some team offers him 4 million a year let him go. If the Cavs can get him back at like 2.5-3.5M a year...bring him back

Brendan Haywood. - his contract gives teh Cavs flexibility to make a move. Say some team blows away Shumpert with an offer, Delly gets way more money then he should- and Smith gets offered 3 yearse 27 million----- the Cavs would still be over the cap- but under the tax apron- and could execute a sign and trade with Haywoods 10M dollar voidable deal to bring in another teams headache that has talent like a Stephenson for example. This is the Cavs best chance to add a significant player in the offseason unless they trade good pieces (which isnt happening) - a deal I would look at would be something like a Trevor Ariza if Houston wants to clear cap sapce to sign a guy, or Gerald Henderson of the Hornets, or maybe Terrence Ross if the Cavs throw in a pick and or sign and trade Shumpert, --or maybe Evan Turner, or Jared Dudley, - id say Derrick Williams but prob not, - or if those guys leave why not Tyreke Evans, or Wilson Chandler, --- if Shumpert and Jr, and Delly leave - the Haywood deal is how the Cavs will replace one of them with a wing.

Marion is retiring. Miller is picking up his player option probably. Perkins is gone. Joe Harris will continue to be developed into a 3 pt threat. James Jones I would expect to be back after this season unless he retires-

The Cavs also ahve their 1st rounder and the mini mid level- lets just go for a quick guess at the roster

PG- Kyrie
SG- Shumpert
SF- LeBron
PF- KLove
C- Tristan

C- Mozgov
PF- Varejao
PG- Delly
SG- Smith
PG- 1st round draft pick
Wing- mini mid level vet ring chaser or guy trying to re-establish his value
Wing- Haywood deal

Now- for one year Gilbert is gonna have to pay out his ass- like the 2nd highest payroll in NBA history after the Nets- but he can weather it for one year until the cap goes up to the low-to-mid nineties.

We shall see how it all works out.

I would say Thompson, Love, Shumpert are the Cavs priorities to bring back- in that order- and its likely they draft a PG with their 24th overall pick- that will be a developmental guy. and I doubt they use the Haywood contract unless they lose Smith, Shumpert, and or Delly.

New rule: Wiggy's posts get capped at 200 words.

Black Adam

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you are going to be hearing that a lot. There is a reason the Cavs are 9-4 favs to win it in Vegas and the next closest are the Warriors and OKC at 5-1

Cavs are stacked- and as long as Love does not pull a quick one here- they will be ridiculous next year.

70 wins is in play- I promise you it is. :)

well, by dropping his win total by 3 he's actually tempering his expectations...:lol:


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Wiggy starting this 70 win garbage again.

i never predicted them to win 70 this year.

I predicted them to challenge the 70win plateua, and I think they can do it in the '15/'16 season. I have predicted this for 2 years at least - BEFORE LeBron came back- at FN

ask DJ or Mecca- DJ and a psycho named MMAFan gave me shit about it all the time thinking I am crazy (maybe) and that its remotely not even a shred possible in todays NBA.

I know that- I am just saying- if Love comes backas expected- - I called LeBroncoming back- called them trading for Love, called them losing in the Finals their first year but beating the Bulls to get there------and Next year I call the Cavs having the best record in basketball and winning 70 games and going on to win the championship against the Warriors in a rematch (orpossibly against the Thunder) .

Its down here in black and white and will for all to see. If I am wrong- I am wrong- and deserve to be called out and ridiculed for it.