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Series Thread: Golden State Warriors vs. Cleveland Cavaliers NBA Finals Thread


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
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Damn dude, you are a wordy mothafucka lol
haha... i have that problem- actually- i think the problem is i am too good a typer and can type way too fast and just blurt out my stream of consciousness and before I know it I have like 8 big paragraphs, lol....oh well

its therapy right now...lol....tomorrow is gonna suuuuuuuuuuuck at work though....i have some fairly easy projects though tomorrow so thats good.


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Lebron you fuckin douche shit

The times that Steph looked liked absolute shit in the series was when Delly had the TOUGHEST assignment in this series in guarding Steph who was doubled and tripled most of the series

TT and Mozgov straight killed it that all series that the first time all season, they outplayed Bogut and Green that the Warriors had to bench Bogut

Why were the GSW especially Iggy wide fuckin open? Bcuz your lazy ass left them open

I had a lot of respect for what LeBitch did in this series on the offensive end but when his bitch gets doubled at any time in this series, he plays like shit.

Im not blind, because Im well aware that Cavs offense looks like dogshit without LeBron.

But LeBron, Brangurls and BSPN need to STOP acting like guys like TT, Mozgov and Delly didnt show up. Those two Ws losses were due to Cavs D making Ws offense look like crap.


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"This will tick off uneducated NBA fans, but no way Warriors go anywhere special if they stay this soft & 3s focus of offense. No way. Ever."

Sam Amico eat your fucking crow and shit.


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and I realize some of what I said in my post didnt make sense but GD I hate this guy

You lost with superteams you POS. WITH TWO all stars.

And 4 voters had the audacity to give him a vote for FMVP when he disappears in 4th qts and this elimination game? Smh


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Jul 17, 2014
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I think the Warriors are still the better team, as they proved throughout the whole season, but there's always next season, and with Love and Irving returning next season, the Cavs will definitely get a chance to prove themselves. We shall see.

Well- the Cavs were a mess the first 40 games- LeBron missed that stretch of games- Waiters was actng up- blatt was taking time to adjust, Varejao had just been lost for the year, Loves back was hurting him, Kyrie aggravated his knee against OKC i na game in November and never really got healthy with it until early January...

but after the 2 trades that happened within hours of eachother that brought in Smith, Shumpert and Mozgov- and afer LeBrons siesta to get rid of his nagging injuries by pumping himself up with HGH in Miami (wait what? i didnt write that! lol)- the Cavs had the best record in the league- and in the one game they played the Cavs won convincingly- admittedly one game means jack shit- but the Cavs after those trades were 15-1 against the West- the only loss I believe being an OT loss at houston where Kyrie sat out.

Obviously like i said- Golden State won and deserved it- and any team that only loses 3 home games all year - and wins 67 overall and has hte MVP has the full claim and right to say they were the best with plenty of logical backing.

I just would have loved to have Kevin Love- because he could have stretched the floor- and his rebounding along with Thompsons is potentially soul crushingly amazing----

Also- it was obvious that Mozgov was being exposed defensively when put in the pick and roll against smaller guys. Tristan Thompson was really not put in that pick and roll by Kerr because he is one of the best big men in the basketball in switching on that and doing a solid job against the guard. This is also one of Anderson Varejaos specialties. ----and- while Mozgov got most of his offense by posting up--- he is not a very good pick and roll finisher---- and Golden State was blitzing LeBron on those---- Anderosn Varejao is an amazing finisher on those pick and rolls to the basket---- Thompson is not unless its a dunk.

and Kyrie is to me the biggest loss- because he would have made Curry work on the defensive end. Curry is dangerous enough- but when he does not have to respect hte guy he is covering (which he didnt have to at all basically)- and when he does not have to put any energy into defense, and can focus solely on offense- he goes from absolutely deadly- to something super human. Kyrie would have made him work while giving 80% of the offense Curry gave his team.

like i said- its all bullshit at this point----- its just frusterating .


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Apr 17, 2013
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Honestly- i give a ton of credit to Golden State- but I sit here on my couch and I believe that we still do not know who the better team is if both teams were healthy.

Is that bad? or poor sportsmanship? or riddled with excuses?

It was a great series, and a total blast to watch even though I felt like I was oging to have a heart attack on a couple occasions- but after watching those 6 games- I come away thinking that a healthy Cavs roster would have won this series and maybe in less than 6. I dont know what else to say- that is my honest to goodness opinion.

Do other people disagree?

The better team is the one who's holding the trophy. You're full of excuses as usual. You made the Finals with this team and ran into an even better one. You were so cocky heading into the season, and Heat and Lakers fans told you to temper your expectations. We also told you that Kyrie staying healthy through a 100 games would be a stretch. And look what happened, hobbled throughout the playoffs, and broke his knee cap in game 1 of the Finals.


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Apr 17, 2013
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very true. They are part of the game.

it was just Golden State's year. They were the best team in the regular season. They only lost 4 home games (i believe) all regular season and playoffs. Their coach did a great job and made the right adjustments and roster moves- and even raised his game when adversity struck after Game 3 of hte Memphis and Cavs series.

It was just Golden State's year. Curry won the MVP. Klay went from being a good player to a great player and likely multi time all star. Draymond Green went from being a very solid late 1st round pick to a big time difference maker (though after watching him and Tristan go against eachother- I gotta say I think Tristan compares very favorably to Draymond). Iguadala has worked his ass off for years- many of them on piss-poor teams and he stepped up huge when given the opportunity. Livingsotn/Speights/Barbosa gave meaningful contributions. Bogut re-established himself as a very good defensive center and a key piece (even if mozgov bent him over a barrel and forced him to the bench).

Golden State won fair and square and deserve to raise the title. I just hope at some point down the line we have the opportunity to match up again and BOTH teams are fully healthy.

Thompson's a more true 4. He's a great rebounder, and defender in the paint. However, Green's more rounded; he can hit the 3, decent rebounder, can guard the paint (not as well as Thompson) as well as the perimeter, and a decent outlet passer. Dude got a triple double tonight.
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Jul 17, 2014
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"This will tick off uneducated NBA fans, but no way Warriors go anywhere special if they stay this soft & 3s focus of offense. No way. Ever."

Sam Amico eat your fucking crow and shit.
what a stupid thing to say.


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Jul 17, 2014
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The better team is the one who's holding the trophy. You're full of excuses as usual. You made the Finals with this team and ran into an even better one. You were so cocky heading into the season, and Heat and Lakers fans told you to temper your expectations. We also told you that Kyrie staying healthy through a 100 games would be a stretch. And look what happened, hobbled throughout the playoffs, and broke his knee cap in game 1 of the Finals.
I said the better team is holding the trophy. The Golden State Warriors were definitely the better team when the Cavs are missing Love, and Irving. There is no doubt about that- I dont think anyone would ever question that.

You are saying that you know for sure and that Golden State is better than the Cavs if both teams were healthy? I certianly believe that is an acceptable and well reasoned opinion for all the myriad of reasons I have given why Golden State won, and deserved to win the title.

all I am saying is that I dont know who the better team is if both teams were healthy- but as LAD said- we dont live in that world- and those guys were hurt- and Golden State did win- and deserved to win.

If you can tell me that Golden State would have definitely beat a totally healthy Cavs team- i think you need to quit your job and start playing the lotto because you obviously have powers of foresight that no one this side of nostradamous has displayed.


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809 posts to go. Someone find a highly devoted and gifted troll.


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Thompson's a more true 4. He's a great rebounder, and defender in the paint. However, Green's more rounded; he can hit the 3, decent rebounder, can guard the paint (not as well as Thompson) as well as the perimeter, and a decent outlet passer. Dude got a triple double tonight.

Green is the type of player that many think is going to be the wave of the future for the NBA, while a guy like Tristan Thompson is a more traditional type. Having four guys like Green, Barnes, Iggy and Klay is about as close to interchangeable as you can get on offense and on defense. Having all four on the floor at the same time creates matchup problems on offense and gives them matchup flexibility on defense. It'll be interesting to see how NBA teams actually construct their teams moving forward.


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Apr 17, 2013
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I said the better team is holding the trophy. The Golden State Warriors were definitely the better team when the Cavs are missing Love, and Irving. There is no doubt about that- I dont think anyone would ever question that.

You are saying that you know for sure and that Golden State is better than the Cavs if both teams were healthy? I certianly believe that is an acceptable and well reasoned opinion for all the myriad of reasons I have given why Golden State won, and deserved to win the title.

all I am saying is that I dont know who the better team is if both teams were healthy- but as LAD said- we dont live in that world- and those guys were hurt- and Golden State did win- and deserved to win.

If you can tell me that Golden State would have definitely beat a totally healthy Cavs team- i think you need to quit your job and start playing the lotto because you obviously have powers of foresight that no one this side of nostradamous has displayed.

We can deal with hypotheticals all you want. Golden St. won. You said you're not making excuses, but you keep bringing up injuries. We told you this would happen with Irving. It happens EVERY. SINGLE. YEAR.


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Apr 17, 2013
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Green is the type of player that many think is going to be the wave of the future for the NBA, while a guy like Thompson is a more traditional type. Having four guys like Green, Barnes, Iggy aned Klay is about as close to interchangeable as you can get on offense and on defense. Having all four on the floor at the same time creates matchup problems on offense and gives them matchup flexibility on defense. It'll be interesting to see how NBA teams actually construct their teams moving forward.

It's what separated them from the rest of the pack this season. The sad thing is, it's hard for me to find out what type of players they can add to be better. Probably just get better as a team, that's about it. They're two deep at every position.


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Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
Hoopla Cash
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Lebron you fuckin douche shit

The times that Steph looked liked absolute shit in the series was when Delly had the TOUGHEST assignment in this series in guarding Steph who was doubled and tripled most of the series

TT and Mozgov straight killed it that all series that the first time all season, they outplayed Bogut and Green that the Warriors had to bench Bogut

Why were the GSW especially Iggy wide fuckin open? Bcuz your lazy ass left them open

I had a lot of respect for what LeBitch did in this series on the offensive end but when his bitch gets doubled at any time in this series, he plays like shit.

Im not blind, because Im well aware that Cavs offense looks like dogshit without LeBron.

But LeBron, Brangurls and BSPN need to STOP acting like guys like TT, Mozgov and Delly didnt show up. Those two Ws losses were due to Cavs D making Ws offense look like crap.

for sure. The Warriors made a great adjustment.

As you could see- the Cavs were basically blitzing Curry on those pick and rolls, and leaving the roller a wide open lane to the basket and having the help defender come over and get in his way. The roller in those early games either pulled up and took a long two off the dribble, or he took it to the hole and met a Thompson or Mozgov going straight up

Golden State made the adjustment, where that roller would take it strong, and then dish it to the guy the help defender left. It was a great adjustment by the Warriors and Kerr. --- the roller- often times Draymond Green, or Iggy, or Bogut or Ezeli- in the first 2-3 games just did not play great or shoot great. Bogut especially was awful- and Green did not shoot well as the roller..(iggy did)...


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Green is the type of player that many think is going to be the wave of the future for the NBA, while a guy like Tristan Thompson is a more traditional type. Having four guys like Green, Barnes, Iggy and Klay is about as close to interchangeable as you can get on offense and on defense. Having all four on the floor at the same time creates matchup problems on offense and gives them matchup flexibility on defense. It'll be interesting to see how NBA teams actually construct their teams moving forward.
Throw Livingston in there. I enjoyed watching this lineup in the regular season. Small ball was a joy to watch. As much as I like Bogut (who btw is excellent as a passer for a C) but our offense moved at a slow pace with him there. Hes great as a rim protector but is a nightmare to have when theres a big that can shoot.

Before the series, TTs rebounds scared me more than anything tbh (this was with me knowing that Bron AND Kyrie would get multiple chances on the offensive end)