I saw Mauer was taking grounders at first before the game today... hmmm...
That's really cool. I'll probably never meet any of you guys as I don't expect to be back anytime soon, but who knows? Naturally, I don't recall playing Elk River, but I know the town pretty well, I can see the downtown area in my mind and the river winding behind it as we speak. That's real nice around there.
Downtown ER got a facelift a few years ago, but the river is still there behind it. I'm just the next town west of there, and we're getting a facelift this year.. lol
WTF is with the Twins, down 3-0 to the Dodgers??
Hey guys
I had softball games to coach so I missed out on the board tonight. But anyways here is my rebutals to smoe of the things that were posted.
PC Royal rumble: Royal Rumble is still on for Sat. but I can't be there for it so it is up to you! If you are looking for FC, you can find him with the Pohlads, he will be the one drinking their beer and yucking it up with them. When the game is over he will be the guy on the field patting Gardy on the back telling him what a great manager he is. Take it to him! Enjoy the game and TF, I hope they win for ya.
Buck: did you just make a comparison with your wife to a dog on a leash? Wow, thats ballsy! I hope for your sake she doesn't read the SportsHoopla. I hope you can out run her now that she has a bum knee. LOL.
Mauer grounders at first: thats a good sign, I like watching him catch and as hard as it is to say this it looks like now is the time to start thinking about moving him. First base looks like the only real choice given his size. Give him some starts there as this season winds down to get accustomed to the change, then make it permanant next year.
Morneau: I don't think we have many options with him unless we simply give him away for not much, because no one will offer much for him right now, all this talk we are hearing on other sites of trading him for multiple players or a good pitcher is from dilusional fans. My take take what we can get, but I really don't expect much. I say this so that I am not disappointed once again when he returns.
Buck, you make a very valid point in your Kerry Wooods referance, that was bad enough for the Cubs in a larger market than the Twins have, but it could get ugly in a smaller market with two of those type of contracts.
That was one ugly loss for the Twins I hope they got it all out of their system before tomorrow. Sorry to be so long winded there, you guys just left me a lot to catch up on.
Go Twins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jrs. - Not to worry about my beautiful bride, Lena, being offended by the dog on a leash reference...she can't read. I chose her because she's got big tits.
Give him the geateen PC! LOLHey jrs; if the Royal Rumble is still on you know I'm game. I'll just need to get a little work in on my flying elbow drop.
Give him the geateen PC! LOL
LOL, Buck great post!
Hey PC
I've been pretty busy the last week or so, so I haven't been checking in on the other site for a while. I caught up on my reading today, and I gots to tell ya, very nice.
I like the quote from TyisnowPC'sbeotch "FC I do love you" Too funny man keep it up! That guy is getting out of control over there it is definitly time to take him down a notch or two! Maybe one day he will remove FC's balls, or should I say ball, from his mouth so he can get some oxygen to his brain.
PC yeer such a jerk! Your not a Twins fan! Unbelievable how sad your life must be!
jrs & PC - Even I have read a few posts from that site lately and I cannot fathom the mentality of those guys over there. FC & Hauv are "who we thought they were" but what's with this "ty" guy, jd, and some of the other "Twins-Haters?" All they do is spew the same crap as FC and Hauv. Do any of these guys have wives & families, or do they exist just to be a "troll" in front of a computer? Talk about losers!
Those guys just need to lighten up and realize they are wrong and I am right.. lol