I'm just here to troll everyone
How many pitches for Cain?
Was Tito ever RIGHT?
Only in rooting for the Giants. If you call that rooting. He liked Timmy too.
So he got the big issue right, but everything else was not.
Nice DP to calm it down. Cain showing the fortitude of a bull. Tito wrong again.
That said, Rowand fucking KILLS me. And we can't totally hate on him as he hit that RBI triple earlier.
so f'n difficult to pitch for this team. Almost forces you to be perfect. One damn mistake
and it all starts to slip away. Have to gives props to cain he's holding it together.
Correct. Also, he was ape crazy bananas.
While pretty bad, Tito is nowhere near as crazy as the old Portuguese_Water_Dog. Man, that dude was completely delusional.
That was a real bad look by Cody there....a poor game all around for him.