I'm just here to troll everyone
I want Zack Wheeler and Thomas Neal back.
Why do you want Neal back?
I want Zack Wheeler and Thomas Neal back.
I thought i saw before the game that Randy Wells was sporting an ERA close to 6...i guess it was just a misprint.
Maybe. This feels like the game where the team gave up on the season.
Maybe. This feels like the game where the team gave up on the season.
That is the feel I am getting to. They just opened a FedEx account to make mailing it in that much easier the rest of the way.
This is so God damn pathetic!
We cant even beat the fucking cubs!!!!!
I get that this is how we were supposed to tank after Posey went down, but why did they have to cock tease us for 2 months, then decide to suck ?
I really tried to think of a word to describe the offense that hasn't been used before here .. pathetic, futility, disheartening, unacceptable, embarrassing, you name it.
There is a sick humor to this slump - I am immediately reminded of all the deals I struck to the baseball gods if the Giants could pull off a championship. Man, are they cashing in hard this August.
Tim is the heart and soul of the club, and when he seemingly gives up...
It's like he's saying 'fuck this, we ain't got the horses this year'. Next year is a whole new ballgame.
I really tried to think of a word to describe the offense that hasn't been used before here .. pathetic, futility, disheartening, unacceptable, embarrassing, you name it.
There is a sick humor to this slump - I am immediately reminded of all the deals I struck to the baseball gods if the Giants could pull off a championship. Man, are they cashing in hard this August.
...the one time we need Cazic's input.
Is the team more lifeless tonight than they were on May 26th? It seems like they are.
I do not blame Timmeh at all for losing it tonight (assuming that is what he has done). The whole season, the offense has taken the night off EVERY night he pitches, and tonight, the defense took off as well. why should he bother "gaming it up" for these ass-holes?
This one makes me feel about 1 percent better also.
This is an unpleasant outcome so far.
I'm reminded of a Bill Simmons piece (yes he's a Boston fan but I think he's pretty entertaining in print (not so much on camera)) where he said the Red Sox finally winning it meant he wouldn't worry about winning anymore for 5 years, wouldn't trash management, wouldn't trash players...for 5 years.
He made it about 6 months into the next season and caved and said he couldn't do it...