books? oh, those rectangular things that I rip apart when I run out of toilet paper?

I just finished the second of six books in the James Clavell "Asian Saga." It's 6,500 pages Brock. Your worst nightmare?
books? oh, those rectangular things that I rip apart when I run out of toilet paper?
Cardinals drew four walks last night. Fucking wussies. Right Ospreys?
Maybe when the WS is over, we will get a lot of chatter about off-season moves and the boasting about how the 2014 version of the Blue Jays will somehow be better than the 2013 version.
I just finished the second of six books in the James Clavell "Asian Saga." It's 6,500 pages Brock. Your worst nightmare?
I just finished the second of six books in the James Clavell "Asian Saga." It's 6,500 pages Brock. Your worst nightmare?
Cardinals drew four walks last night. Fucking wussies. Right Ospreys?
is one of them Shogun?
The Padres '14 rotation is going to devastate the NL West. I keep saying it, so you guys listen up.
Yes. Did you read it? I finished Taipan at about 1:30 this morning.
The Padres '14 rotation is going to devastate the NL West. I keep saying it, so you guys listen up.
Worrld, I have a book recommendation for you. Read Wilbur Smith When the Lion Feeds. Best book I ever read, and I've read many. Got turned onto him two years ago and have read about 20 of his 35 books so far.