Yankee Traveler
Well-Known Member
How many of them hit the gym harder, stayed late after practice, studied film until the wee hours only to get to the red zone on Sunday to have some other dumbass false start...AGAIN...Well if all these players wanted to win so much, maybe they should've practiced harder, hit the gym a little bit more, studied the playback, played for the team instead of individual stats, stopped with the mental mistakes and stupid penalties. A handful of these players appeared to give up prior to mid season.
I have no sympathy for a guy who gets cut. Eat or be eaten.
So many of these players have grown up in the participation trophy era. Then given everything because they were star athletes at the HS and college level.
Now it's time to earn a paycheck.
Zero sympathy
It wasn't 53 people who gave up mid season.
It wasn't 53 players who said "Yeah, we love Mayo and his easy going ways".