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Fools Gold


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Apr 23, 2013
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Like I said, I thought it was funny how he just 'slide' it in there, I didn't see it coming.

Seeing as you are now back on your soapbox about your boy, I wish Coug never brought him back into the convo.

Damn you @27mtrcougar !!! :gaah:

I'm not on any soapbox, I've been fine all year until Coug showed back up recently spewing his Bradford "garbage" and that's all it is, all I ever hear is well if Bradford had this or that, and if, if , if if . He supposedly was signed as a "Franchise QB " I don't want to hear that his oline sucks, his RB's suck, his WR's suck, he's had 77 different OC's, to many drops, but he's been hurt, he was never that good, he had his good games, but he has NEVER been anything more than average!

As far as Davis, he played well, there aren't to many teams that have a quality backup, you would be hard pressed to come up with 1 handful of teams with a good one!

Do I think Davis got a fair shake, no! His two best games were losses, when we gave up over 30 points, but we put points on the board when he was in there! The guy completed almost 65% of his passes with the same crappy similar oline and receivers that Sammie had, something Sammie has NEVER done in his career!

So, when someone comes on here SPEWING the greatness of Bradford, and saying how bad Davis is, I will call them out, if you think that's being on a soapbox, then what the Hell is Coug standing on, because I can barely see his toes he's up there so high!


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Weak is you thinking :bullshit:Davis and Foles are better then Sam. Now they are getting splinters in their ass from riding the bench.

Yes once they got good tape on him defenses shut him down. He doesn't have an elite arm like Sam. So his game is limited. Exactly why do you think he's not playing? He's a back up that's it.

Yep that sums it up, the ELITENESS THAT IS Sam Bradford! The guy can make all the throws, as long as they are to the line of scrimmage! Funny how defenses have figured Davis out, but Sammy gets a pass for throwing 10 int in 8 games?

Doesn't matter that Davis played against Sf and Ari twice,and Seattle, all really good defenses that shut down most good QB, and Philly and Dallas weren't bad defenses either! And it didn't help that the defense collapsed in 3 of the 5 losses the Rams had with him in there! Let's just turn a blind eye to all of that!

Maybe he isn't a good starting QB, we will never find out because Fisher is a lump, but we do know that he is a Quality backup, and we do know that Bradford is not an elite QB, and that he is an average QB at best!


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Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Coug, obviously you and Stedman are getting high once agai tonight?

I tell you what, you quit bringing up all this Bradford bullshit all the time and I'll quit having to resort to Davis tangents! Even though we would be better off with Davis right now than having Sammie here!


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2013
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Its funny that Sammy has still not signed a new contract yet! According to Coug with all of that talent he has, you would think that Philly would be all over him making new offers! Cant figure out what's going on?