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Fire Bevell?


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Apr 23, 2013
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This is a seahawks site and Bevell is fair game. He's the flippin OC for gods sake. Saying he isn't fair game is the same thing as saying that Britt or anybody else on the o-line isn't fair game. The point is that you couldn't do much worse than he is so there's no point keeping him. I don't care what the parameters are. We have a QB being paid like he's a top tier player and we can't move the ball in critical situations. The point is that once a guy in such a critical role is no worse than the guy off the street then he should go. The team needs a fresh look as far as the offense goes.
That is true and everyone has a right to complain when they feel the need.
I have no problem if someone says they don't like our OC. My problem is the continual bashing of the guy when it is my view that you aren't very aware of how our HC wants the team's offense ran.
We are run 1st. We are built around a strong D and a solid running game.
I have never heard Pete say the focus is on the passing game. It has always been run the ball, play killer D, don't turn the ball over.
This does not mean Pete doesn't value an effective passing game. Harvin and Graham prove that Pete knows it is important.
In the era of the passing offense, I find it extremely cool to buck that trend by playing old school football. It has worked well enough to get us our 1st Lombardi and I hope it can continue.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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This is the last response. He's the OC. If he's having these types of issues after signing that contract then it was a stupid deal. He's the OC. He's supposed to call a game that plays to our strengths. He does a horrible job of that. For whatever reason, you want to give him a free pass. I don't get that. But I'm done.
1) You aren't done with this topic and you know. You'll be right back here bitching about him again next week. You have that right and we have the right to answer back.
2) I've said many times he's less than perfect. ALL we have said is look around and put the blame on ALL of the people that deserve it. There are many issues on the offense, not just your perception of his play calling.


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Apr 25, 2013
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Let me get one thing straight here, the defense choked horribly AGAIN and this is somehow an excuse for the offense continuing to be anemic in the redzone and in key situations?

The probelm you all have is that you are stuck in the mindset that we have a dominant defense and a qb making pennies.

Its not true any more. We have a defense in decline and the 2nd highest paid QB. Its time to change the offense or be overahadowed by other teams.

Patriots did it, its time for us to do it.


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Let me get one thing straight here, the defense choked horribly AGAIN and this is somehow an excuse for the offense continuing to be anemic in the redzone and in key situations?

The probelm you all have is that you are stuck in the mindset that we have a dominant defense and a qb making pennies.

Its not true any more. We have a defense in decline and the 2nd highest paid QB. Its time to change the offense or be overahadowed by other teams.

Patriots did it, its time for us to do it.
The defense hasn't been shining yet, but with a new cornerback, Kam holding out for a couple of games and Thomas and Sherman coming off major injuries from last year it's shouldn't surprise. However this defense can still be great , all the pieces are in place.

As for the offense, don't expect major changes. Pete likes old school offense, which is run the ball has often as possible, don't turn the ball over and hit the big plays. So far they have been missing the big plays, but were oh so close. It a formula that has worked well the last couple of years and I don't see it changing this year.


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Apr 25, 2013
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If thats the case they made a huge mistake paying wilson the big bucks. Would have been better off getting a mid tier qb game manager type.

Im just not buying that stagnant and anemic is the offense that pete wants.


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If thats the case they made a huge mistake paying wilson the big bucks. Would have been better off getting a mid tier qb game manager type.

Im just not buying that stagnant and anemic is the offense that pete wants.
Mid tier QB game manager type? Like Cassell or Hoyer? Surely you jest. Maybe your thinking of Alex Smith? He spoken for. I've seen remarks from posters (not you) that seem to think it was a mistake to pay Wilson the money. Course none of them offer a alternative beyond letting him play out his contract. Which would leave the Seahawks in a bind, once he did that. This offense will get better, but it still will be old school.


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Apr 25, 2013
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I think letting wilson go would have been a mistake. Im simply saying the offensive scheme as constituted in relation to our roster makes no sense.


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Apr 23, 2013
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I think letting wilson go would have been a mistake. Im simply saying the offensive scheme as constituted in relation to our roster makes no sense.
I'm not sure I follow you on what you wrote.
To me, this offense is built primarily to run. OL is better at run block than pass pro and has been that way since Pete came aboard. A strong emphasis on power RB's. WR's that can block down field. A QB that is effective at running the ball.
However I do think our TE's are better set up for the passing game, as long as they don't need to pass protect.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Wilson is not the second highest paid QB. Since he got paid a large part of it this year, it's a 5 year deal. I'll wait while you work out how much per year that is over that 5 years. Now go look at average salaries. He's not anywhere near #2.

I'm laughing at the idea that whatever you rate his pay that his play should change to meet that value. You pay a QB what they are already playing at. Wilson has struggled this year so far and a lot of it is this worse than normal line. He's shell shocked and it's obvious.

You aren't likely to change this over to a high flying offense as long as Carroll is running this team. He was heavily criticized for being this conservative in his last NFL job, and he's still running things that way here. Defense is slipping? Yes, obviously, but his answer will be to fix the defense, not change the offense. It's not how he does things.


I love Beer.
Jul 3, 2013
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Wilson is not the second highest paid QB. Since he got paid a large part of it this year, it's a 5 year deal. I'll wait while you work out how much per year that is over that 5 years. Now go look at average salaries. He's not anywhere near #2.

I'm laughing at the idea that whatever you rate his pay that his play should change to meet that value. You pay a QB what they are already playing at. Wilson has struggled this year so far and a lot of it is this worse than normal line. He's shell shocked and it's obvious.

You aren't likely to change this over to a high flying offense as long as Carroll is running this team. He was heavily criticized for being this conservative in his last NFL job, and he's still running things that way here. Defense is slipping? Yes, obviously, but his answer will be to fix the defense, not change the offense. It's not how he does things.

It is kind of annoying that most fans don't get that. The reason why the offense is conservative isn't because of Bevell's play calling, it's because of how Carroll wants this team ran.

When Bevell had a 40 year old Brett Favre, Harvin and Peterson to play with that offense was pretty fucking good.


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Apr 23, 2013
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It is kind of annoying that most fans don't get that. The reason why the offense is conservative isn't because of Bevell's play calling, it's because of how Carroll wants this team ran.

When Bevell had a 40 year old Brett Favre, Harvin and Peterson to play with that offense was pretty fucking good.
Great point.


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Apr 25, 2013
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So why wasnt bevell able to translate that with willdon, lynch, and harvin?

Should we be calling for carrols head instead?

If we are supposed to be a run first offense why trade a probowl c for a wr/te with no blocking skills? Why spend almost nothing on OL? Why pay a qb $22m a year? It makes no sense.

If you are going to build a roster to be a run first then why make those moves? And better yet, why not run on the last play of the sb?
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Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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So why wasnt bevell able to translate that with willdon, lynch, and harvin?

Should we be calling for carrols head instead?

If we are supposed to be a run first offense why trade a probowl c for a wr/te with no blocking skills? Why spend almost nothing on OL? Why pay a qb $22m a year? It makes no sense.

If you are going to build a roster to be a run first then why make those moves? And better yet, why not run on the last play of the sb?
All great questions to ask Carroll. He and RS are the ones that made that trade for a guy with a skill set that doesn't match out offense, not Bevell. Harvin? Bevell was involved in his coming to the team, but as we found out later he was entirely unwilling to do what the team asked him to do. He flat out refused to run specific routes, wasn't going to block, and otherwise was just a pain in the ass.

I fully believe you can bring in any OC you like from any team in the country and this offense wouldn't change much. So little of it is in his hands. An OC here can't run their own schemes or open up offenses to their own philosophy. They are entirely hamstrung by Carroll's conservative values and further marginalized by Cable taking on the running offense.


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So why wasnt bevell able to translate that with willdon, lynch, and harvin?

Should we be calling for carrols head instead?

If we are supposed to be a run first offense why trade a probowl c for a wr/te with no blocking skills? Why spend almost nothing on OL? Why pay a qb $22m a year? It makes no sense.

If you are going to build a roster to be a run first then why make those moves? And better yet, why not run on the last play of the sb?
Run first team, but that doesn't mean they don't want receiving weapons. Not all of them work out. They got to do their thing in the framework of the offense at hand. Lockett looks like he's going t o be a real gem, Richardson was coming along nicely until he got injured . Hopefully Graham can adapt, it's always harder for a establish player to fit in a different offense. Hoping he does, but it's going to be a process.


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Following up on establish players having a hard time fitting in. Want to give some examples, Murray with the Eagles, McCoy with the Bills (although health right now is the issue) Stills with the Dolphins.

Maybe the best example is J. Jones who is excelling with his old team, yet got cut from the Raiders and Giants. Not that he was horrible with the Raiders, just not impressive enough to keep him on the roster.

J. jones is James jones of the packers.


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Apr 25, 2013
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I dont blame harvin for refusimg to run bubble screens and jet sweeps, they are horseshit highschool plays. I dont believe for one second that carroll is holding a gun to bevells head and forcing him to call those plays.

Maybe carroll determines the philosophy of our offense, but he isnt putting together the offensive strategy or calling the plays. Those are bevells reaponsibility and he is horrible at both.

It doesnt seem that there is ever a game plan tailored to what our opponent brings, its always the same game plan with a few gimmicks. Matthews in the superbowl was a gimmickm once they adjusted to it our offense stalled like it always does under bevell.


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Maybe carroll determines the philosophy of our offense, but he isnt putting together the offensive strategy

You aren't staying logically consistent even within the same sentence.


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philosophy and strategy are not the same thing.


Bipedal Sea Dog
Jul 23, 2013
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I see some other people saying it and have to echo, why do we keep bringing in pieces that steer away from a run offense if we're just going to keep being a run offense?

Carpenter, got great grades from PFF in the run (not quite the pass), we let him walk. Breno actually made sense since he was a better pass blocker than run. Bring in Harvin, who is a non blocking WR and pass offense oriented, bring in Graham, who is a WELL below average blocker and receiving threat, only to spend all his offseason working on his blocking instead of developing chemistry with Wilson? Pay a game manager QB $20M+ to hand the ball off. Trade away your center in a ZONE BLOCKING SCHEME (do you realize how important a center is for this?). Sacrifice two 1st round picks in drafts that were loaded with O and D-Line for this? Not to mention the 3rd rounder we also gave up for Harvin.

All so we can... keep running the ball. Should've just ignored Graham and Harvin and we'd have two other 1st rounders on this team, prob. able to keep Carpenter (who is playing well in NY) and Unger. With the extra picks on D we'd have more D-Line depth and probably be 4-1 right now.


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Apr 25, 2013
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The offense is a cluster fuck for sure.