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Fire Bevell?


KFFL Refugee
Sep 2, 2014
Outside Buddy-ville
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And while I'm hot at Bevell, Carroll deserves a lot of blame for this stuff too. Even putting aside the defensive meltdown.


Bill Bergen for HoF!
Apr 17, 2013
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Defenses get tired. They gave you a 17 point lead WITH a TD THEY put together. Seattle's D has been on the field a TON. At some point your defense can't do everything, they were gassed towards the end.

If the defense was gassed then that's a problem, cause there doesn't seem to have been any reason for it. From 0:54 left in the first half until 9:39 left in the game Seattle's offense had the ball 12:59 of the 21:15 (giving Cincy the ball only 8:26 seconds). Throw in the 15 minutes of half time - and they should have been well rested. This was even with Seattle having a 13 second drive (Rawls' 69 yard TD) and a defensive TD in this time frame.

It was at this point that the Bengals took an 11 play, 71 yard drive for a TD that lasted 5:49. The Bengals only faced 3rd down once the entire drive. T.O.P. up to this drive was Seattle: 24:03 Cincinnati: 26:24, not exactly a blow out in T.O.P. until the last of the fourth and overtime.

I'm not saying the offense couldn't have helped more (and getting offensive holding killing both OT drives definitely didn't help), but the defense shouldn't have been gassed for the last two scoring drives for Cincy - if they were, then they need more conditioning.

P.S. how different is the game if Kam doesn't blow his coverage on Eiffert twice (we're possibly talking a 24-16 win).


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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Once again every loss is Bevell and that's that.

This loss was at least 90% on the defense. It was shitty, horrible, bad, and awful. Kam was terrible and Williams was garbage. Once again Bennett lost you over 60 yards on stupidity?
The line was a little better at times today, but not having Lynch was still a problem and given that Cable is the O line coach, assistant head coach, and entirely in charge of the running game it was his issues that still are glaring, far more than Bevell.
Sep 11, 2015
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I hear about how the NFL is a Pass happy league now. So why in the hell are We not exploiting Jimmy Graham here!?!? Stop throwing the ball to stonehands! Maybe We can pick up Zac Miller again to block? What was the goal of bringing Jimmy here again?

All teams have deficiencies, its the job of the Coaching staff to work around that. I want to see Bevell work around the Oline, come up with plays that neutralizes that opposing teams pass rush. Make them respect the Seattle Passing game. Dink and Dunk like Brady does if that's what we need to do!

I have high hopes for the oline experiment We are running. But until they are at least average in their performance, Bevell needs to cook up some plays to get that ball out of Russ's hands quickly. Have him roll out or something!

Does Russ trust the Oline to adequately protect him? Hell no! Dude probably has the beginnings of PTSD from all abuse he takes back there. So the times when Bevell calls a play that requires Russ to stay in the pocket and make a pass, its easy to see why he rather not lol


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Aug 18, 2014
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I saw numerous times that they were trying to get it to him but he was blanketed.


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Apr 23, 2013
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I have no more words to express my disdain for this guy. I just can't believe anybody defends him anymore.
He is following the HC's game plan.
You think he should be fired because he is following his HC's direction?


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Aug 15, 2014
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I saw numerous times that they were trying to get it to him but he was blanketed.

The one INTC was Wilson trying to fit it into Graham when he was doubled.


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Aug 15, 2014
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Once again every loss is Bevell and that's that.

This loss was at least 90% on the defense. It was shitty, horrible, bad, and awful. Kam was terrible and Williams was garbage. Once again Bennett lost you over 60 yards on stupidity?
The line was a little better at times today, but not having Lynch was still a problem and given that Cable is the O line coach, assistant head coach, and entirely in charge of the running game it was his issues that still are glaring, far more than Bevell.

I thought I'd just chime in on the nearly universal slamming of Cary Williams.

Yes the guy gave up some plays.

However he was in pretty good position on at least 3 or 4 of those completions. Dalton made a bunch of throws that were pretty much PERFECT. Going up against perfect throws and arguably one of the top 3 WR's in the NFL?

Wiliams didn't get roasted, he just got beat by some excellent plays.

There is a difference.

Bennett was frustrating. You see the stupid along with the sublime (the penetration and hit for the fumble TD).


Go Army!
Dec 28, 2014
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I have no more words to express my disdain for this guy. I just can't believe anybody defends him anymore.
And I can't believe you want Steve Sarkisian to come join this staff. You can't tell me the only rationale thing is to fire Bevell if Sark is the guy you want behind him.


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Aug 15, 2014
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I give him marks for at least proposing a replacement. Usually critics don't go that far.

As I've said before, I'm not the hugest Bevell fan. So can him at the end of the season. Put a plan in effect to get someone top-notch to replace him.

Don't do what horrible franchises with horrible cultures do, which is fire coaches at the drop of a hat.


Go Army!
Dec 28, 2014
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I give him marks for at least proposing a replacement. Usually critics don't go that far.

As I've said before, I'm not the hugest Bevell fan. So can him at the end of the season. Put a plan in effect to get someone top-notch to replace him.

Don't do what horrible franchises with horrible cultures do, which is fire coaches at the drop of a hat.
To add to that sentiment, you have to see how the season progresses before deciding now he should be fired. Working with a new OL, star RB absent, and still working Graham into the offense. Expecting it all to work right immediately is unrealistic. He's not getting fired in the middle of the season unless he does something unprofessional (see: Sarkisian, Steve), so he's going to get evaluated on the entire season and not just the first handful of games.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I thought I'd just chime in on the nearly universal slamming of Cary Williams.

Yes the guy gave up some plays.

However he was in pretty good position on at least 3 or 4 of those completions. Dalton made a bunch of throws that were pretty much PERFECT. Going up against perfect throws and arguably one of the top 3 WR's in the NFL?

Wiliams didn't get roasted, he just got beat by some excellent plays.

There is a difference.

Bennett was frustrating. You see the stupid along with the sublime (the penetration and hit for the fumble TD).
That's a fair point, but Williams knew he was beat on that bad PI he gave up in the 4th. Without that stupid play they punt and we probably win. And he was badly beaten on several plays. Millen graded him pretty low overall, but he wasn't the only one that didn't play well. Kam was out of it, Wagner wasn't in position and wasn't tackling well, Irvin picked this game to be one of those he's known to be absent from, Earl flat out blew a few plays, and even Sherman was beat on a couple.

It was a total and complete failure by that whole D at some point. Not the whole game, but certainly the early first quarter and all of the 4th.


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Aug 15, 2014
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Even the PI call was pretty well done by Williams, a little tug on the jersey by the lower hand close to the body. Pretty nice technique actually. He didn't haul him down or anything. And he was again, not beaten like a rented mule or anything, just knew that the throw was pretty much perfect, so he had to foul.

Ref was just in perfect place to make the call.

The matchup between Sherm and Green was pretty awesome to watch. Again, I'll point out that Sherm got outmuscled by Green twice, (not many WR's can dream of doing that) and then the slants to him by Dalton were right on the money.


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Aug 15, 2014
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To me the difference in the game was the respective QB's ability to plant their feet and step into throws. Dalton was playing with confidence and his technique showed that. Russ, not so much.


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Apr 25, 2013
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17 point on offense just doesnt cut it, defense is regressing offense needs to pick up the slack and bevell just doesnt know how to do it.

Anointed One

Gone Country!
Aug 29, 2014
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There's going to be a time where this team will begin to take a step backwards... Mainly due to players getting wear and tear and other teams in the league getting better.. Not saying this is the year it's going to happen but it's going to happen some time or another and then we'll have to retool the following season... The ONLY team that has been successful every season since 2000 is a Peyton Manning led team or the Patriots, because of Tom Brady/Belichek... We have a solid QB but not a superstar QB that will lead, carry this offense like those two did for over a decade... So we may have a subpar or down season here and there but as long as Schneider/Carroll are here, I'm confident that they'd be able to right the ship the following season... It's reality...


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Aug 15, 2014
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There's going to be a time where this team will begin to take a step backwards... Mainly due to players getting wear and tear and other teams in the league getting better.. Not saying this is the year it's going to happen but it's going to happen some time or another and then we'll have to retool the following season... The ONLY team that has been successful every season since 2000 is a Peyton Manning led team or the Patriots, because of Tom Brady/Belichek... We have a solid QB but not a superstar QB that will lead, carry this offense like those two did for over a decade... So we may have a subpar or down season here and there but as long as Schneider/Carroll are here, I'm confident that they'd be able to right the ship the following season... It's reality...

That's been my point all along, that we have the luxury of seeing what a dynamic QB can do over the long term, possibly is whole career, in Seattle.

Even if this IS the year that we regress, then we get another 10 - 12 years of watching Schneider do his thing, and Russ develop. (Carroll is going to retire in the not too distant future, we think of him as much younger than his actual years)


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May 5, 2013
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Sark is an alcoholic with marital problems going through a divorce hiring him to run this offense is not what the seahawks should have in mind


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May 5, 2013
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and why the heck would we promote cable he was the genius that put together this offensive line that we all love so much now you want him in charge of the whole offense?

I want bevell gone too but we cant fire him in the middle of the season, this was the guy that was training the offense all offseason. How many cases out there where a coach was fired in the middle of the season and the new guy took over and everything got better from that point on?


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Apr 25, 2013
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I dont want cable anywhere but gone, the entire offense needs a rebuild. Maybe not personel wise, but this system just does not work. We have too much talent to struggle getting over 20 points a game offensively.