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Fire Bevell?


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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The entire premise that they only scored x outside of y as a basis for showing there is a problem is fallacious.

Break away TD's count. Defensive take aways and scores count. Our defense is built off expecting those. We have won many games because of those.

It was a game we weren't expected to win. We came far closer than most would have expected. And they came up short. No one needs their head chopped off over it.


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Apr 25, 2013
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Our offense did not score the bobby wagner TD, they do not get credit for that. just like they do not get credit for kick returns. our offense has struggled to score more than 17 points a game so far this season. how you can find that acceptable is beyond me.

if you ahvent noticed, our defense is not exactly what it was even last year. the offense does not have the ability to make up for that. not for lack of talent though, even when our OL plays just ok they cant score more than 17 points.


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Aug 15, 2014
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What difference does it make that you don't find it 'acceptable?'


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Our offense did not score the bobby wagner TD, they do not get credit for that. just like they do not get credit for kick returns. our offense has struggled to score more than 17 points a game so far this season. how you can find that acceptable is beyond me.

if you ahvent noticed, our defense is not exactly what it was even last year. the offense does not have the ability to make up for that. not for lack of talent though, even when our OL plays just ok they cant score more than 17 points.
17 on the road isn't that unusual for that offense, even during the last two years they made it to the SB.

And the TEAM gets credit for every point. That's the point. They are built on a specific brand of ball. Don't make a lot of mistakes, create turnovers, hold the other team to low scores, and just get enough on the board to win. That's what this team has been about now for years.

No one has said there isn't a lot of need for improvement all over this team. The offense has all kinds of issues, it's just that I'd prefer to look at each one for what they are while some blame everything on one person. I'd put more of the early season woe on Cable than Bevell and it's not even close.


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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17 on the road isn't that unusual for that offense, even during the last two years they made it to the SB.

And the TEAM gets credit for every point. That's the point. They are built on a specific brand of ball. Don't make a lot of mistakes, create turnovers, hold the other team to low scores, and just get enough on the board to win. That's what this team has been about now for years.

No one has said there isn't a lot of need for improvement all over this team. The offense has all kinds of issues, it's just that I'd prefer to look at each one for what they are while some blame everything on one person. I'd put more of the early season woe on Cable than Bevell and it's not even close.

They punted 6 times in a row to close out the game. The Bengals adjusted to what we were doing but fucking Bevell just kept slamming his head into that wall. I don't care what led up to that. We looked like the worst flippin offense in the NFL to close it out.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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They punted 6 times in a row to close out the game. The Bengals adjusted to what we were doing but fucking Bevell just kept slamming his head into that wall. I don't care what led up to that. We looked like the worst flippin offense in the NFL to close it out.
And the defense was lighting it up right? Allowing 17 points in one quarter and letting the other team have second chance after second chance due to penalties on 3rd downs that gave the bengals all they needed to be able to score. The D flat out shot itself in the foot and handed the game to them on a silver platter. It's just a fact.

Anointed One

Gone Country!
Aug 29, 2014
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And the defense was lighting it up right? Allowing 17 points in one quarter and letting the other team have second chance after second chance due to penalties on 3rd downs that gave the bengals all they needed to be able to score. The D flat out shot itself in the foot and handed the game to them on a silver platter. It's just a fact.

Tough to disagree with this... The Bengals offense scored on 6 of their last 7 possessions... A top defense does not allow that - not matter how good the opposing team offense is...

Is our Defense overrated? Who knows but giving up leads in the 4th quarter in 4 of their last 5 games is a bit concerning...


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Jul 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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And the defense was lighting it up right? Allowing 17 points in one quarter and letting the other team have second chance after second chance due to penalties on 3rd downs that gave the bengals all they needed to be able to score. The D flat out shot itself in the foot and handed the game to them on a silver platter. It's just a fact.

I don't care about the D. The D has proven that it can play for extended periods of time as one of the best units in the NFL. The offense has never done that. All the fucking offense had to do was not do what they always do which is clam up and make super-predictable play calls and we would have won. And as usual, we did the exact same thing we always do with leads. Fuck Bevell.


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Aug 15, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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What we 'always' do?

So the success of the last few years has been, what? A fever-dream?

I could've sworn we had a lot of leads and closed a lot of teams out. Huh.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I don't care about the D. The D has proven that it can play for extended periods of time as one of the best units in the NFL. The offense has never done that. All the fucking offense had to do was not do what they always do which is clam up and make super-predictable play calls and we would have won. And as usual, we did the exact same thing we always do with leads. Fuck Bevell.
And I'm telling you that people who know football (I.E. are a lot smarter than both of us) point to many other reasons why the offense struggles. I'd point out the biggest one, but to do so always opens up a huge fight. You can't dare to suggest that Wilson doesn't make adjustments at the line correctly, fails to find wide open receivers, and makes other mistakes within the plays given or the defend Wilson at all costs crowd come out in full force.

They went to the no huddle for at least two of those failed drives in the 4th and in OT. You do know that no huddle means Wilson is calling the plays right? So at worst you can blame Bevell/Carroll for going no huddle, but not for the plays called and/or how they were executed. Millen and Holmgren broke down those drives and pretty much put most of the failure right on Wilson. A little on the line and a little on the receivers/graham.

Wilson is the best QB in the league (IMO) at making something out of a broken play. His mistakes seldom end in turnovers. I can give him many other praises, but he does miss many more open plays. He leaves the pocket too soon often, he's notorious for staring down his receiver, at times he's slow to even look for his second read, more or less find them, and he makes questionable calls at the line in his presnap reads.

You have a shit line, receivers that don't scare anyone, a TE that is struggling to find his way into this offense, an aging RB that the offense is built around that has been hurt, and a QB that is less than perfect. And yet all some of you can do is bitch, bitch, bitch about every offensive problem being nothing but the play calling. It is a very narrow view and really nothing more than picking low lying fruit IMO.


Go Army!
Dec 28, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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What we 'always' do?

So the success of the last few years has been, what? A fever-dream?

I could've sworn we had a lot of leads and closed a lot of teams out. Huh.
It's tough to debate with someone who features so much hyperbole, so I've pretty much taken wide turns around a couple guys lately. And when you gotta pepper it up with f-bombs, you know the substance is a bit lacking.


Oct 14, 2015
Hoopla Cash
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Bevell was there when the Hawks won the SB. Bevell didn't throw that pick (I know that's hard to hear). Bevell isn't responsible for pass protection when RW is being pressured by the defense. It's convenient to find someone to blame when things go wrong, but we can't have the "what have you done for me lately" attitude with Bevell. We can't win every year. Frankly some of you sound like Giants fans. Coughlin wins them a SB, the fans and the media get selective amnesia, then they want him gone and the same year he wins another SB.

If Bevell goes there is no guarantee he will be replaced with a better OC. Besides, we've got a long way to go before the playoffs begin. I don't see a scenario where we don't at least take the division. All of this will be forgotten in a few weeks and it begins with the destruction of CAR on Sunday.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I don't care about the D. The D has proven that it can play for extended periods of time as one of the best units in the NFL. The offense has never done that. All the fucking offense had to do was not do what they always do which is clam up and make super-predictable play calls and we would have won. And as usual, we did the exact same thing we always do with leads. Fuck Bevell.
We know you hate Bevell.
I for one do not need to hear it every day.
He is following the HC's vision.
Instead, you should start a fire Pete campaign and see how far that gets you. Maybe you hit a home run and Cable gets fired too along with Pete and Darrell!

Look at it like this. Let's imagine you are an employee. Your shift supervisor informs you to use the large mexi-fry box and fill it up regardless of the order. You perform as instructed.
Later, the GM walks by, sees you loading regular order mexi-fries in the large box and fires you for it, even though the shift supervisor told you what to do.
Should you be fired for doing your job?


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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We know you hate Bevell.
I for one do not need to hear it every day.
He is following the HC's vision.
Instead, you should start a fire Pete campaign and see how far that gets you. Maybe you hit a home run and Cable gets fired too along with Pete and Darrell!

Look at it like this. Let's imagine you are an employee. Your shift supervisor informs you to use the large mexi-fry box and fill it up regardless of the order. You perform as instructed.
Later, the GM walks by, sees you loading regular order mexi-fries in the large box and fires you for it, even though the shift supervisor told you what to do.
Should you be fired for doing your job?

This is a seahawks site and Bevell is fair game. He's the flippin OC for gods sake. Saying he isn't fair game is the same thing as saying that Britt or anybody else on the o-line isn't fair game. The point is that you couldn't do much worse than he is so there's no point keeping him. I don't care what the parameters are. We have a QB being paid like he's a top tier player and we can't move the ball in critical situations. The point is that once a guy in such a critical role is no worse than the guy off the street then he should go. The team needs a fresh look as far as the offense goes.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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This is a seahawks site and Bevell is fair game. He's the flippin OC for gods sake. Saying he isn't fair game is the same thing as saying that Britt or anybody else on the o-line isn't fair game. The point is that you couldn't do much worse than he is so there's no point keeping him. I don't care what the parameters are. We have a QB being paid like he's a top tier player and we can't move the ball in critical situations. The point is that once a guy in such a critical role is no worse than the guy off the street then he should go. The team needs a fresh look as far as the offense goes.
No, the point is you have zero clue who is pulling the strings and running this team. Period.

Is Bevell the greatest OC in the game? Certainly not. Everyone can point to things that likely are his fault at some point. The key is 'likely'. No one, not even former head coaches or players, can sit at home and tell whether a play was called as is, was changed at the line due to formation, or was otherwise not what was called such as miscommunication. No one. It's not possible. But to lay people at home every play that doesn't work was a bad play call and that's that. That would be simplistic on any team, but far more so on this one. Cable is 100% responsible for the running game. The formations, the blocking, the scheme in general. It's been said he calls for runs sometimes on the headset. Pete ultimately can go with either Bevell or Cable or simply leave it to Bevell to decide. Carroll was criticized for his conservative offense on his prior teams and it's the same story here. This is HIS decision and yet YOU entirely blame Bevell.

Criticize anyone you want, but I'm going to view you as someone that hasn't taken the time to actually read how the power structure of this team is setup. It will be my opinion that you are not interested in really digging into the real problems, but are only interested in reaching for the easy answers.

Let's not even get started on plays that are called to setup later plays or other forms of plays that are low probability plays that are there for a different reason. That's way beyond football 101.


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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No, the point is you have zero clue who is pulling the strings and running this team. Period.

Is Bevell the greatest OC in the game? Certainly not. Everyone can point to things that likely are his fault at some point. The key is 'likely'. No one, not even former head coaches or players, can sit at home and tell whether a play was called as is, was changed at the line due to formation, or was otherwise not what was called such as miscommunication. No one. It's not possible. But to lay people at home every play that doesn't work was a bad play call and that's that. That would be simplistic on any team, but far more so on this one. Cable is 100% responsible for the running game. The formations, the blocking, the scheme in general. It's been said he calls for runs sometimes on the headset. Pete ultimately can go with either Bevell or Cable or simply leave it to Bevell to decide. Carroll was criticized for his conservative offense on his prior teams and it's the same story here. This is HIS decision and yet YOU entirely blame Bevell.

Criticize anyone you want, but I'm going to view you as someone that hasn't taken the time to actually read how the power structure of this team is setup. It will be my opinion that you are not interested in really digging into the real problems, but are only interested in reaching for the easy answers.

Let's not even get started on plays that are called to setup later plays or other forms of plays that are low probability plays that are there for a different reason. That's way beyond football 101.

Nice fluff piece. Point is, that the team needs someone that has the balls to stand up to him because the offense is getting run to the ground. Bevell isn't that guy. It's nothing but "everything's ok!" PC built the defense. That's why you don't get rid of him. Bevell's contributed next to nothing. We got the 2nd best RB of his generation and a guy who we're paying like he's a top 5 QB and the offense has been mercurial. That's unacceptable.

Are you guys related to him or something? PC says "I want safe plays" Bevell gives him 3 and outs to close out football games. Maybe someone else couldn't do better. But the point is that not many could do worse at this point.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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So now it's find someone to argue with Pete and see how long their job lasts? :L I mean really?

You bring in any OC in the country. Go ahead. Tell me who the very top one is right now today. I'm telling you that you can have him. Do you believe that turns this offense into NE, GB, or even the Bengals overnight? Because some of you act like that.

Bring that guy in and Cable still leading the same shitty offensive line and controlling the same running game with Pete telling him he's to call only as much as is needed to win, not one risk more. Calling those plays to receivers that do not demand double teams by anyone in the league so you just hope they run a good route and are open.

Changing the OC will do nearly nothing to improve this offense.

I mean did Bevell live near you at some point and kick your dog? It's as if no matter how much data or facts are sent your way you'll have nothing to do with any of it. He's the entire problem with everything on the offense.

It's time to just take some sober looks at everyone else. PC/JS and their lackluster hits and misses in recruiting on the offensive side of the ball. They have made some serious home runs on the D, but how many have panned out on the O? The line has been a disaster. That's Cable, not Bevell. Play calling? Again, go look at the film and make sure it's not Wilson once again biting on a presnap read that puts him into a run before you pin it on anyone other than his shoulders. And then hold your players responsible for their lack of execution, even when it's Russell. They aren't perfect and they make mistakes. It's ok to point those out and still be fans of theirs.


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Jul 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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So now it's find someone to argue with Pete and see how long their job lasts? :L I mean really?

You bring in any OC in the country. Go ahead. Tell me who the very top one is right now today. I'm telling you that you can have him. Do you believe that turns this offense into NE, GB, or even the Bengals overnight? Because some of you act like that.

Bring that guy in and Cable still leading the same shitty offensive line and controlling the same running game with Pete telling him he's to call only as much as is needed to win, not one risk more. Calling those plays to receivers that do not demand double teams by anyone in the league so you just hope they run a good route and are open.

Changing the OC will do nearly nothing to improve this offense.

I mean did Bevell live near you at some point and kick your dog? It's as if no matter how much data or facts are sent your way you'll have nothing to do with any of it. He's the entire problem with everything on the offense.

It's time to just take some sober looks at everyone else. PC/JS and their lackluster hits and misses in recruiting on the offensive side of the ball. They have made some serious home runs on the D, but how many have panned out on the O? The line has been a disaster. That's Cable, not Bevell. Play calling? Again, go look at the film and make sure it's not Wilson once again biting on a presnap read that puts him into a run before you pin it on anyone other than his shoulders. And then hold your players responsible for their lack of execution, even when it's Russell. They aren't perfect and they make mistakes. It's ok to point those out and still be fans of theirs.

It's Bevell's job to adjust to all these things and make something work. Who the fuck calls 4 out routes on 3rd and long in a key situation with the game on the line? Who the fuck decides to go run/run/pass with the game on the line when the QB's being paid 20 million+? He doesn't adjust to game situations and he can't call a full 4 quarters.

At what point does he take any responsibility in your eyes? If you want to keep him then fine. Just take the play calling out of his hands because he's awful at it. And the results speak for themselves in that regards. You don't build an offense around the scramble drill and we have a ton of routes that are based just on that.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Again, do you listen to anyone else? Is there any former player, coach, or insider that you will listen to? Because most say it's hard to judge how much of it is him for all of the reasons already mentioned. You want to bring up individual plays. Were they in hurry up on those? Because that means Wilson was responsible for the plays. Did Wilson audible out of a play due to coverage? Well again, that's not the play call.

All you do is bitch bitch bitch about one guy without also spreading the blame to everyone else involved in this units failures. All we are saying is spread it around to everyone that deserves criticism, not just the mostly irrelevant OC.


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Jul 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Again, do you listen to anyone else? Is there any former player, coach, or insider that you will listen to? Because most say it's hard to judge how much of it is him for all of the reasons already mentioned. You want to bring up individual plays. Were they in hurry up on those? Because that means Wilson was responsible for the plays. Did Wilson audible out of a play due to coverage? Well again, that's not the play call.

All you do is bitch bitch bitch about one guy without also spreading the blame to everyone else involved in this units failures. All we are saying is spread it around to everyone that deserves criticism, not just the mostly irrelevant OC.

This is the last response. He's the OC. If he's having these types of issues after signing that contract then it was a stupid deal. He's the OC. He's supposed to call a game that plays to our strengths. He does a horrible job of that. For whatever reason, you want to give him a free pass. I don't get that. But I'm done.