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Series Thread: ECF: Boston Celtics vs Cleveland Cavs


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Apr 17, 2013
Key West, FL
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that says more about the shittiness of the Heat then it does about Richardson. lol

how in Gods name can you have no cap space, the least draft capital i nthe league and Josh Richardson as your best player and then defend the job Pat Riley has done? it boggles my mind.

anyway, i really gotta get shit done, lol. Ive been at this for 2 hours this morning.

And yet.......3 > 1. Psst....your team hasn't won a playoff series without Lebron since 1992. Probably not a good idea to talk about how shitty one's team is. Richardson's actually a really good player for where he got drafted.

Also, you might want to quit, because we're about to see how shitty the Cavs are when Bron takes his talents to X city this summer.


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Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
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Do you honestly believe all the nonstop bullshit you spew? It's pathetic how you're always trying to belittle Riley. Tell me again why Danny Boy fired the best GM your Cavs have ever had? Look @ Riley's resume as a HC & GM. Now compare that to what your team has done in that same time frame.

So will you vanish before the game tips off tonight like you did for game 1? That was truely a gutless move on your part a couple of days ago.
as i have said ad nausuem @Wamu --- Riley is going to be a first ballot hall of famer. He is one of the greatest coaches/gms in the history of the NBA

but since LeBron has left he has been absolute garbage and will go out a loser the last few years of his career.

plus i RARELY RARELY ever post during games. any games- whether the Cavs are winning or losing- if they are up in the series or down in the series. try not to talk out of your ass. Any cursory inspection of the Pacers or Raptors series- or any series the Cavs have ever played in- will show that i rarely rarely post during any games.


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Apr 17, 2013
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Everybody Loves Mike

During Miller’s three years in Miami, his role would often change over the course of a season, going from seldom-used reserve in the regular season to major contributor in the playoffs. Miller rained so many 3-pointers in the 2012 and 2013 NBA Finals that LeBron James was upset when Miami decided to amnesty Miller after the 2013 championship to save $17 million in luxury tax payments. When James signed in Cleveland, he asked Miller to join him on the Cavaliers. “You can put him in the starting lineup, he’s ready to go,” James said of Miller. “You can bring him off the bench, he’s ready to go. In Miami, there were times when he didn’t play at all and he was ready to go, and you got to have guys like that on the roster in order to win. You got to have guys that don’t care about ‘me’ — it’s about the team. And that’s what he’s all about.”

Report: LeBron James Didn’t Like Pat Riley’s Angry Press Conference at Season’s End

ut he also showed some signs of discomfort and even discontent this season. He wasn’t able to hide his frustration with Micky Arison’s decision to use the amnesty clause on his friend Mike Miller. Nor with Wade’s frequent absences, made worse by Miller not being around to offset them. Nor with some of Erik Spoelstra’s strategic decisions, especially during the NBA Finals.


LeBron James was unhappy with Heat decision to amnesty Mike Miller

James lamented the Miami Heat's approach, which saved money against the luxury tax, to releasing Miller in the summer of 2013. Miller had been injury prone during his time with the Heat, but he played more games in the 2012-13 season than any year prior.

Mike Miller says Heat amnesty move triggered LeBron ire

LeBron James was angry at Miami Heat for letting Mike Miller go

Yet he 100% was advised on signed off on it.

Didn’t LeBron ok Mike to Denver so he could get ‘the playing time he deserved’?



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Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
Hoopla Cash
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No, has to be a lotto pick. There's no chance they become all-stars afterwards.
theres just a much greater chance you find a franchise player in the top 5 then outside of it.

If you cant understand that then id quesiton your ability to count. Its odds. Do you not understand what odds are?

like its probably a 3-1 chance to find a true franchise player in the top 5....its probably a 15 or 20-1 chance to find a franchise player outside the lotto.

Do you need someone to explain odds to you? I am sure I can find you a website if needed.

Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
The other side of the mirror
Hoopla Cash
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And yet.......3 > 1. Psst....your team hasn't won a playoff series without Lebron since 1992. Probably not a good idea to talk about how shitty one's team is. Richardson's actually a really good player for where he got drafted.

Also, you might want to quit, because we're about to see how shitty the Cavs are when Bron takes his talents to X city this summer.

but don't you get it? it's all about enjoying your team simply being a participant. course if/when LeClown DOES bolt i guess they won't even be that...:dhd:


Jul 14, 2014
Hoopla Cash
$ 420.04
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as i have said ad nausuem @Wamu --- Riley is going to be a first ballot hall of famer. He is one of the greatest coaches/gms in the history of the NBA

but since LeBron has left he has been absolute garbage and will go out a loser the last few years of his career.


You really need to SHUT THE FUCK UP! You say way too much stupid shit. So Riley will be a 1st ballot HOFer? You dumb-dumb Riley's been in the HOF since 2008. Now are you done w/ your overly biased & idiotic Riley comments? Knowing you probably not.:L


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
Hoopla Cash
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Yet he 100% was advised on signed off on it.

Didn’t LeBron ok Mike to Denver so he could get ‘the playing time he deserved’?

yup...i just found you half a dozen website in about 2 minutes that all corroborate the same exact thing --- and you are just talking out your ass


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
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You really need to SHUT THE FUCK UP! You say way too much stupid shit. So Riley will be a 1st ballot HOFer? You dumb-dumb Riley's been in the HOF since 2008. Now are you done w/ your overly biased & idiotic Riley comments? Knowing you probably not.:L
hey--- so he IS a hall of famer

i would never ever dispute that--- 20 years ago i would be THRILLEd if Riley was the GM of my team or the coach of my team.....id probably take him over anyone but a small handful of guys in the history of the league! maybe 6-7 guys- if that!

the last 5 years id rather have a mumbling schizophrenic that rolled dice and consulted astrological charts to make decisions since they couldnt have done worse than the awful job riley has done which will result with him going out as a loser the last few years of his career. Simply indisputable.


Jul 14, 2014
Hoopla Cash
$ 420.04
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DAMMIT! I can't believe wiggy's forcing me to defend the HC of the Showtime Lakers.:gaah:


Thanks jackass!:D


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Key West, FL
Hoopla Cash
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theres just a much greater chance you find a franchise player in the top 5 then outside of it.

If you cant understand that then id quesiton your ability to count. Its odds. Do you not understand what odds are?

like its probably a 3-1 chance to find a true franchise player in the top 5....its probably a 15 or 20-1 chance to find a franchise player outside the lotto.

Do you need someone to explain odds to you? I am sure I can find you a website if needed.

I'm fully aware of how odds work. I'm also fully aware that my team doesn't need to go into the gutter to become a respectable franchise. You cite the 76ers (who were forced to tank once the Bynum trade fell through with the Lakers) and the Cavs (whom got historic draft luck over a 4-year period) as the templates on how to build a successful title team. Because in the end, the latter wouldn't come close to getting a title unless Lebron came back.

I'm mocking you because you keep posting the same BS about draft odds and that you essentially have no chance at a title unless you build up lotto picks over the years. Not all teams have to follow the same approach. I respect my team trying to compete, it beats my team laying down and taking it in the rear and setting historic losing streaks in the NBA like the Cavs did. So the Heat are a 1st/2nd round ceiling playoff team right now. At least Riley recognizes that the roster needs to be overhauled; it's better than thinking it's a title team. And if they get outted the next 2 years in the 1st round, so what? I've seen my team win titles before and understand that NBA runs in cycles. When my team is in prime position down the road to win a title, I'll still cheer for them in the same manner that I do now.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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yup...i just found you half a dozen website in about 2 minutes that all corroborate the same exact thing --- and you are just talking out your ass

Are those the sites that all reported he was going to OKC the night of his amnesty, when at the same time I posted here or CBS? that he was going to Memphis?

You know how I knew that?
he told me, just like he and James knew he was gone


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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yup...i just found you half a dozen website in about 2 minutes that all corroborate the same exact thing --- and you are just talking out your ass

Run your same searches and copy/paste where everyone said he was signing.

Find even one that said Memphis.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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You keep mentioning Arison's cheapness, this has become a tired argument that despite the facts and arguments thrown your way, you instead chose to ignore. There's a well known sports debater that follows the same pattern, his name is Skip Bayless.

It looks like the Heat ran into essentially the same issue the Cavs are currently faced with. They needed to upgrade the roster around him to keep him and didn't have much way to do that.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
Hoopla Cash
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Run your same searches and copy/paste where everyone said he was signing.

Find even one that said Memphis.
what hte hell does memphis or oklahoma city have anything to do with LeBron James being pissed?

I dont care if Miller was going to play with Oklahoma City, the Memphis Grizzlies, or the podunk team that Whtieside used to play for in some shit hole overseas, or if he was going to play for the Monstarz in the Intergalactic Basketball League in the Looney Toons Space Jam movie.

My point is, has, and always will be- if i am an owner i am doing everything I can to keep LeBron happy. LeBron was pissed off Miller was amnestied. Thats an indisputable cold hard black and white never going to change fact.

As I said- i dont care if Miller was only good for letting LeBron know when his shoe was untied- if LeBron cared about it I would have tried to keep LeBron happy---instead of wanting to keep LeBron happy- Arison wanted to save a few bucks.....and we all saw how that turned out.


Jul 14, 2014
Hoopla Cash
$ 420.04
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hey--- so he IS a hall of famer

i would never ever dispute that--- 20 years ago i would be THRILLEd if Riley was the GM of my team or the coach of my team.....id probably take him over anyone but a small handful of guys in the history of the league! maybe 6-7 guys- if that!

the last 5 years id rather have a mumbling schizophrenic that rolled dice and consulted astrological charts to make decisions since they couldnt have done worse than the awful job riley has done which will result with him going out as a loser the last few years of his career. Simply indisputable.

I hope someone super glue's your fingers together so you can't leave comments. When everyone is disagreeing w/ you about Riley try & get the hint.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
Hoopla Cash
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It looks like the Heat ran into essentially the same issue the Cavs are currently faced with. They needed to upgrade the roster around him to keep him and didn't have much way to do that.
my whole point is that Arison was willing to pay the luxury tax- but he was not willing to pay it at a level Gilbert is--- and that even if at the end of the day Gilbert has spent tens of millions of dollars just to prove to LeBron that he is doing everything he can, that he is not leaving any stone unturned, any opportunity unexplored, any possible edge that can be gained gone after- that is worth it for the simple fact that it keeps LeBron happy and shows ownership is willing to match the work and effort that LeBron himself puts into the game. Any owner that would not do the same with a top 10 talent of all time should be humiliated. Dr. Buss absolutely showed Kobe he was willing to do those things and its why Kobe ultimately stayed instead of leaving. When you have a top 10 guy of all time you dont pull back on the fringes to save a few million bucks and Arison learned that the hard way.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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plus you act like titles is everything...

At that level, titles ARE everything. Owners don't spend that kind of money for a bunch of 2nd place finishes. They spend that kind of money for titles.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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what hte hell does memphis or oklahoma city have anything to do with LeBron James being pissed?

I dont care if Miller was going to play with Oklahoma City, the Memphis Grizzlies, or the podunk team that Whtieside used to play for in some shit hole overseas, or if he was going to play for the Monstarz in the Intergalactic Basketball League in the Looney Toons Space Jam movie.

My point is, has, and always will be- if i am an owner i am doing everything I can to keep LeBron happy. LeBron was pissed off Miller was amnestied. Thats an indisputable cold hard black and white never going to change fact.

As I said- i dont care if Miller was only good for letting LeBron know when his shoe was untied- if LeBron cared about it I would have tried to keep LeBron happy---instead of wanting to keep LeBron happy- Arison wanted to save a few bucks.....and we all saw how that turned out.

Are you really that dense?

You are citing/quoting the same people as saying James was pissed as accurate when Im showing you those same people ran with a story that was totally inaccurate.

See if you can connect the dots.

James left cause the Cavs won the lottery and Gilbert agreed to trade Wiggins for Love.