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Series Thread: ECF: Boston Celtics vs Cleveland Cavs


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Jul 17, 2014
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Nice spin, but in this debate its not a matter of ‘would you’.
Nobody can predict the future.

Point is, once again, Gilbert had no great plan. He got lotto ball lucky 3x.
yup...tanking for high lotto picks was by accident.....trading for Baron Davis and paying his salary to get a lotto pick was an accident......trading for speights and ellington to get a first round pick was an accident, taking on Luke Waltons salary to get a first round pick and a pick swap was an accident, trading JJ hickson to the Kings to take on money for a first round pick was an accident....lol....


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Apr 17, 2013
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this year? taking on Hill, Hood, Clarkson and Nance ---- all guys that should be with the Cavs for years to come.

the year before they took on Kyle Korver.

the year before that they took on Channing Frye

the year before that they dealt for JR and Shumpert and Mozgov

EVEN though they were already OVER the salary cap they made every one of those moves and took on more and more salary to do 2 things--- to try and give The Cavs even the SLIGHTEST better chance to win - and to indicate to LEBron- YES- we are trying JUST as hard as you are- and we will not leave any stone unturned, no opportunity unexplored, no piece that can possibly help us on the table. Which is in STARK CONTRAST to Mickey Cheap ASs Arison.

have you not noticed that DESPITE being over the cap every single year they find a way to add a piece? to show LeBron that YES- we are doing whatever we can and spending whatever we can to try and win? That we have no intention of EVER EVER EVER even having the perception that we arent trying - like the Heat doing UNFORGIVABLE acts of cheapness like amnestying miller, leaving their mid level exception unused, trading a first round pick JUST to save money on Joel ANthony's awful contract. How can you do that when you have one of the greatest players in the history of the game in his prime on your team?

It's unforgivable. It's unexplainable. It's embarrassing.

How could an NBA owner even look LeBron James in the eye and tell him- nope- im saving luxury tax money and not using my mid level exception---- that is HUMILIATING. It boggles my mind that an NBA owner would not do every single thing in their power to give LeBron James every single ounce of help no matter HOW incremental- even if at the VERY VERY least its just pure perception and a message to LeBron that YES we are doing everything we can do.

Despite Gilbert and LeBron's personal issues- that is something that Gilbert has done every single year he has been back- he has shown LeBron that we are motivated, willing and will explore and execute every single opportunity that is out there. LeBron did not get that in Miami and its one of the reasons he left.

Well, Arison and Riley got Lebron one more title than Lebron got in Cleveland. Difference between spending money wisely and recklessly. I'll let you figure out how to decipher that one.


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Apr 17, 2013
Key West, FL
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the "bad thing" lol.....Cleveland hadnt had a TITLE IN ANY SPORT IN OVER 50 years!! lol....there will be a statute outside of Quicken Loans arena someday of the owner and player that finally brought a title to Cleveland.

And If the Cavs never tanked- LeBron would have never come back. He couldnt have- if the Cavs tried to win and get a crappy seed and a first round elimination they would have nver ahd the assets and cap room to lure him back.

I guess low expectations are a thing in Cleveland.

We expected to win multiple titles in Miami, and some consider it a disappointment that we only got 2 out of 4 years.

In Cleveland, that title could last another 50 years and you guys will always remember 2016.

I guess both fanbases have different expectations having Lebron coupled with the highest salary in the league.


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Apr 17, 2013
Key West, FL
Hoopla Cash
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yup...tanking for high lotto picks was by accident.....trading for Baron Davis and paying his salary to get a lotto pick was an accident......trading for speights and ellington to get a first round pick was an accident, taking on Luke Waltons salary to get a first round pick and a pick swap was an accident, trading JJ hickson to the Kings to take on money for a first round pick was an accident....lol....

And you do realize that these moves don't guarantee you a #1 pick, correct?

Also, as @TurnUpTheHeat pointed out, 2 of the 3 years you got the #1 pick you had around a 3% chance of winning the lotto. I believe that falls under the umbrella of luck.


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Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
Hoopla Cash
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Nice spin, but in this debate its not a matter of ‘would you’.
Nobody can predict the future.

Point is, once again, Gilbert had no great plan. He got lotto ball lucky 3x.
spin? lol

do Whiteside and Johnson not make about 45M combined for each of the next 2 years? did the Heat not get knocked out in the first round?

I think Arison should hire you as his accountant---- you really care about how much money he spends.....Im definitely not counting dan gilberts money- i hope he spends evne more then he already has--- just like GSW fans hope their owners spend and spend and spend--- its not our money..lol. If GIlbert wants to treat the CAvs like his hobby because he has 6.7 billion and run the biggest payroll in NBA history year after year after year- thats awesome by me....he probably realizes you cant take it with you. lol.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
Hoopla Cash
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Well, Arison and Riley got Lebron one more title than Lebron got in Cleveland. Difference between spending money wisely and recklessly. I'll let you figure out how to decipher that one.
you could have had another one at least if Arison wasnt cheap and drove LeBron away. Well- that and the fact that I dont think LeBron liked Riley thinking Riley was more important than LeBron- but thats another conversation, lol.

I just couldnt even imagine an owner looking LeBron in the eye and saying- we are not gonna use the mid level exception since its just gonna cost me too much- when the guy is worth over 7 billion dollars. With the work that LeBron puts in to the game that kind of stuff just had to be incredibly insulting.

i couldnt imagine the CAvs, or even teams like the Lakers, Warriors, Rockets etc. ever doing something like that and squandering opportunities when you have one of the best to ever play the game in his prime on your team. You have to take advantage of every single asset, avenue to improve, opportunity at your disposal when you are lucky enough to have a LeBron James.

Arison didnt- and instead of having a blast the last few years like we CAvs fans have had- he was left with his dick in his hand and Tyler Johnson and Hassan Whiteside.

Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
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I guess low expectations are a thing in Cleveland.

We expected to win multiple titles in Miami, and some consider it a disappointment that we only got 2 out of 4 years.

In Cleveland, that title could last another 50 years and you guys will always remember 2016.

I guess both fanbases have different expectations having Lebron coupled with the highest salary in the league.

YOU said it, i didn't...

1 title for all of what WiggityWack tries to explain as "planning, maneuvering, and spending"...:whoppdeedoo:


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
Hoopla Cash
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I guess low expectations are a thing in Cleveland.

We expected to win multiple titles in Miami, and some consider it a disappointment that we only got 2 out of 4 years.

In Cleveland, that title could last another 50 years and you guys will always remember 2016.

I guess both fanbases have different expectations having Lebron coupled with the highest salary in the league.
plus you act like titles is everything...how about just watching LeBron in a Cavs jerseys? if they dont win another game this season and get SWEPT by the Celtics- how much fun was it watching LeBron hit those game winners against Toronto? How much wfun was it watching him for for 40/9/9 against hte Pacers?

are you really saying thats the equalvent of getting your brains beat in by the Sixers- and having no avenues to improve this offseason since you have the least draft capital in the league and no way to open up near enough cap room for an elite player is the same thing?

1 team wins the Finals every year---- if the fans of that team are the only team that can enjoy the season the NBA would not exist. lol.

Like i said- if the Cavs get SWEPT by the Celtics it still would have been a blast these last few weeks.

why even watch your Dolphins this year for even 1 minute? you KNOW they arent winning more than 6-7 games. Why would i watch even 1 second of a Browns game?


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
Hoopla Cash
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the bottom line is- it just sucked for the Heat that Gilbert was willing to spend at a level that Arison was never willing to spend at- and that mattered to LeBron. Its the bottom line.

I could not put it more simply or succinctly then that.


Jul 14, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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the bottom line is- it just sucked for the Heat that Gilbert was willing to spend at a level that Arison was never willing to spend at- and that mattered to LeBron. Its the bottom line.

How many rings does Arison have? How many rings does Gilbert have? All that money Gilbert's spent & they couldn't do better than 4th place in EC. But keep up your overly homeristic insanity. I always get a laugh outta it.

Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
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Hoopla Cash
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plus you act like titles is everything...how about just watching LeBron in a Cavs jerseys? if they dont win another game this season and get SWEPT by the Celtics- how much fun was it watching LeBron hit those game winners against Toronto? How much wfun was it watching him for for 40/9/9 against hte Pacers?

are you really saying thats the equalvent of getting your brains beat in by the Sixers- and having no avenues to improve this offseason since you have the least draft capital in the league and no way to open up near enough cap room for an elite player is the same thing?

1 team wins the Finals every year---- if the fans of that team are the only team that can enjoy the season the NBA would not exist. lol.

Like i said- if the Cavs get SWEPT by the Celtics it still would have been a blast these last few weeks.

why even watch your Dolphins this year for even 1 minute? you KNOW they arent winning more than 6-7 games. Why would i watch even 1 second of a Browns game?

and while i personally am a Chiefs fan and enjoy the games, when all's said and done i'd CERTAINLY love to have more than 1 Lombardi in my trophy case...


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Key West, FL
Hoopla Cash
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YOU said it, i didn't...

1 title for all of what WiggityWack tries to explain as "planning, maneuvering, and spending"...:whoppdeedoo:

I remember when Lebron went back and how Wiggy was envisioning Cleveland running over the competition for years setting up a dynasty. Suffice it to say, Heat fans were right when we said temper your expectations.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Key West, FL
Hoopla Cash
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How many rings does Arison have? How many rings does Gilbert have? All that money Gilbert's spent & they couldn't do better than 4th place in EC. But keep up your overly homeristic insanity. I always get a laugh outta it.

You're a severely underrated poster.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
Hoopla Cash
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How many rings does Arison have? How many rings does Gilbert have? All that money Gilbert's spent & they couldn't do better than 4th place in EC. But keep up your overly homeristic insanity. I always get a laugh outta it.
hey you are absolutely right.

Its undisputable though that one of the reasons LeBron is in Cleveland and not Miami is that Gilbert is willing to spend on a level Arison never was. LeBron's ire at Arison's cheapness was common knowledge.

Hey im glad for it- without it i would not have seen LeBron win a title in Cleveland get to 3 straight, hopefully 4 straight, Finals

Plus I would never have got to see Riley get his shit pushed in and go out his final years as a loser. lol.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Key West, FL
Hoopla Cash
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plus you act like titles is everything...how about just watching LeBron in a Cavs jerseys? if they dont win another game this season and get SWEPT by the Celtics- how much fun was it watching LeBron hit those game winners against Toronto? How much wfun was it watching him for for 40/9/9 against hte Pacers?

are you really saying thats the equalvent of getting your brains beat in by the Sixers- and having no avenues to improve this offseason since you have the least draft capital in the league and no way to open up near enough cap room for an elite player is the same thing?

1 team wins the Finals every year---- if the fans of that team are the only team that can enjoy the season the NBA would not exist. lol.

Like i said- if the Cavs get SWEPT by the Celtics it still would have been a blast these last few weeks.

why even watch your Dolphins this year for even 1 minute? you KNOW they arent winning more than 6-7 games. Why would i watch even 1 second of a Browns game?

Your bravado certainly has changed over the years. You went from the Cavs are going to be a dynasty over the next several years to titles don't mean anything.

That's some funny shit.

When you have the best player in the game right now along with the highest salary in the league, it's about titles, homie. I don't know what fantasy world you live in. But over there in Oakland, if they don't win the title this year, that's a colossal failure. That's how it was viewed in Miami as well. 2012 and 2013 were successful seasons, 2011 and 2014 were failures.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Key West, FL
Hoopla Cash
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hey you are absolutely right.

Its undisputable though that one of the reasons LeBron is in Cleveland and not Miami is that Gilbert is willing to spend on a level Arison never was. LeBron's ire at Arison's cheapness was common knowledge.

Hey im glad for it- without it i would not have seen LeBron win a title in Cleveland get to 3 straight, hopefully 4 straight, Finals

So basically the same as Miami did, sans one more title.

Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
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Hoopla Cash
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Your bravado certainly has changed over the years. You went from the Cavs are going to be a dynasty over the next several years to titles don't mean anything.

That's some funny shit.

When you have the best player in the game right now along with the highest salary in the league, it's about titles, homie. I don't know what fantasy world you live in. But over there in Oakland, if they don't win the title this year, that's a colossal failure. That's how it was viewed in Miami as well. 2012 and 2013 were successful seasons, 2011 and 2014 were failures.

same here in LaLa land...

what's it all mean without titles...?


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Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
Hoopla Cash
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So basically the same as Miami did, sans one more title.
i do think one of the funniest parts has been watching Riley try and put together a winner without a rebuild.

Honestly if he wouldve went in the tank like the Cavs did- they could have a boatload of cap space- and at least one top tier young guy like a Mitchell or Porzingis by this point- and I would be seriously worried about them.

Instead they have no hope of adding a top tier talent, no cap room for at least the next 2 summers, and the least draft capital in the league.

Having Riley tell LeBron he was making the biggest mistake of his career- LeBron going on to win a title in the greatest comeback in NBA history, and the Heat stuck in neutral, and Riley, in all likelihood going out a loser his last few years in the NBA has been incredibly entertaining.