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Draft Day: Rounds 4-7


Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
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Sam, the 2013 SEC Co-Defensive Player of the Year, was not rated highly on the team's draft board. An outside edge rusher viewed as a "tweener," meaning he doesn't necessarily fit as a traditional NFL defensive end or 3-4 outside linebacker, Sam didn't seem to be a logical fit for a team that has a pair of highly regarded defensive ends in All-Pro Robert Quinn and Chris Long.

Late Friday night in Fisher's office, as the coach met with Demoff and Snead, the subject of drafting Sam came up, and it was quickly dismissed. Yet privately, Fisher was contemplating the possibility that, if Sam remained on the board in the draft's latter stages, he could simultaneously get value and strike a blow for acceptance and respect.

Looks like this was Fisher's idea.

To go from "not highly rated on the teams board" and "quickly dismissed" when brought up late Friday, to drafting him, sounds like a publicity thing to me.

The guy doesn't suddenly skyrocket up your draft board during 3 days of drafting if he wasn't already there.

I have lost some respect for Fisher and this just confirms what I thought. This also gives credence to SJ's point that somebody, and I suspect Fisher, gets man crushes on his selection decisions and it is obviously becoming a bit of detriment compared to a Pete Carroll or Jim Harbaugh. Objectivity apparently seems to take a back seat with Fisher and this draft seems to lend validity to that assertion.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
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Retro I don't know what to say. But I'm starting to lose faith in Fisher. The guy has always been a .500 coach. His players play hard, but man do we need some offense. What are the chances kenny Britt gets back to being a #1 WR and what are the chances he plays 16 games?

Now I know for a fact Snead and Demoff are pretty big idiots. It's just not good. Good thing for you is that the team will move on and it looks like they will be heading to LA.
That is my guess.


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Apr 18, 2013
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Its a long shot for any of these 7th rounders to make the team.

I really hope this doesnt overshadow a lot of the other decent to good picks the Rams made. I know from a media standpoint that this will overshadow Gregg Williams, bad press from other Mizzou players and maybe a few other things. I just hope it doesnt lead to Hard Knocks. If America meets Michael Sam, I doubt theyll like him

Im pretty sure the Giants are getting the green light on the Hard Knocks.


Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
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Retro I don't know what to say. But I'm starting to lose faith in Fisher. The guy has always been a .500 coach. His players play hard, but man do we need some offense. What are the chances kenny Britt gets back to being a #1 WR and what are the chances he plays 16 games?

Now I know for a fact Snead and Demoff are pretty big idiots. It's just not good. Good thing for you is that the team will move on and it looks like they will be heading to LA.
That is my guess.

I hear you loud and clear SJ76. I think the Rams are going to LA and hopefully after four or five straight
.500 seasons that Kroneke will find another coach. The circus I witnessed this week-end has me thinking.

If everything falls into place this year, Snisher will be geniuses, but if it all goes south because the players are fed up with the BS they got today, I don't see this version of Ram football lasting very long.


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Apr 18, 2013
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Hopefully Sam can draw some taunting fouls when he's on the field.


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Jul 16, 2013
Rochester, NY
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Furthermore. How is identifying reprehensible behavior have any connection to ignorance (bigotry)? Isn't it the opposite? In order to identify bad behavior you have to know what absolutes define bad behavior.

Love is reprehensible behavior? Better tell all those other guys kissing their gfs on camera...


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Jul 16, 2013
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Your argument has little value. "What somebody does in their own bedroom is nobody's business." Gee, guess where the Boston bombers put together the bombs that killed people and maimed boatlaods more? Nothing in this life happens in abstentia and everything has consequences and what you do in the privacy in your own home eventually effects others. Try reading some data there Shopson before you make such ridiculous claims. In your mind you equate reprehensible behavior with maturity. I can't think of a more boneheaded connection. Jeez.

This may be the biggest stretch of all time. You're equating what a loving couple does within their relationship to terrorists building bombs? There is nothing reprehensible about a loving couple of consenting adults.


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Jul 8, 2013
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While I wasn't bothered by the Sam pick at #249 at first (I even thought that it was a good value pick), I was bothered by ESPN's coverage of Sam's subsequent celebration. And this vid confirms what I thought when I saw it live. The cake wasn't an impromptu act by Sam, but it was planned by his bf and him and I'm betting the camera crew. The bf was clearly expecting the cake in the face before Sam did it. Really bad judgment by Sam and ESPN but, of course, it should be expected these days from ESPN.


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Jul 11, 2013
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Sam, the 2013 SEC Co-Defensive Player of the Year, was not rated highly on the team's draft board. An outside edge rusher viewed as a "tweener," meaning he doesn't necessarily fit as a traditional NFL defensive end or 3-4 outside linebacker, Sam didn't seem to be a logical fit for a team that has a pair of highly regarded defensive ends in All-Pro Robert Quinn and Chris Long.

Late Friday night in Fisher's office, as the coach met with Demoff and Snead, the subject of drafting Sam came up, and it was quickly dismissed. Yet privately, Fisher was contemplating the possibility that, if Sam remained on the board in the draft's latter stages, he could simultaneously get value and strike a blow for acceptance and respect.

Looks like this was Fisher's idea.

To go from "not highly rated on the teams board" and "quickly dismissed" when brought up late Friday, to drafting him, sounds like a publicity thing to me.

The guy doesn't suddenly skyrocket up your draft board during 3 days of drafting if he wasn't already there.

No Angel,
I completely disagree. I believe Kreonke and Demoff made this pick, not Fisher and Snead. Here is the presser, Right at the beginning Fisher mentions he talked with Kroenke 2 picks prior to Sam about the possibility of taking him. He mentions Kroenke several times in this presser. IMO why in the hell would Kreonke even be on the phone that late in the draft talking to coach? Its because Kreonke told Fisher to do this, Fisher is just following orders. We dont need a DE in the first place.

St. Louis Rams coach Jeff Fisher and general manager Les Snead explain why they drafted Sam - NFL Videos


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Jul 11, 2013
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I have lost some respect for Fisher and this just confirms what I thought. This also gives credence to SJ's point that somebody, and I suspect Fisher, gets man crushes on his selection decisions and it is obviously becoming a bit of detriment compared to a Pete Carroll or Jim Harbaugh. Objectivity apparently seems to take a back seat with Fisher and this draft seems to lend validity to that assertion.

You guys are wrong here, Watch the presser, they look stunned/shocked (not happy) when asked questions on why they took Sam. They did not need a DE, and were on the phone talking to Kreonke prior to the selection. Watch for yourself......IMO...this was a full blown publicity stunt that was probably planned out by Stan Kreonke! :nod:

St. Louis Rams coach Jeff Fisher and general manager Les Snead explain why they drafted Sam - NFL Videos


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Jul 8, 2013
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Once again, given the negativity about the Rams draft from some on this board, I took a look around the interwebz and found this sampling of Rams draft grades:

From ESPN’s draft ratings:
Best move, II: Using their two first-round picks to bulk up on the lines. The Rams could have gone many ways with the Nos. 2 and 13 picks in the first round, and there were other avenues that would have been fine, but they showed a lot of self-awareness by staying at those spots and grabbing Auburn offensive lineman Greg Robinson and Pittsburgh defensive tackle Aaron Donald. The NFC West is the toughest, most physical division in football. Most games in this league are won up front, but all games in the NFC West are. It's not going to be easy to outmuscle the likes of the San Francisco 49ers, Seattle Seahawks and Arizona Cardinals, but the Rams proved capable of it two seasons ago before taking a step back last season. The first two picks are a sign they don't intend to have their lunch money stolen as often in 2014.

From Pete Prisco, CBS:
I handed out the A+ to the St. Louis Rams, who owned the draft from their first pick, second overall, to their second-to-last pick when they took defensive end Michael Sam, the first openly gay player to be drafted.
Rams general manager Les Snead, loaded with two first-round picks, landed tackle Greg Robinson and defensive tackle Aaron Donald with those picks. They are two of the top-10 players in the draft.
He followed that up by picking a bunch of quality players up and down the board. The Rams' roster is now impressive and they might be ready to compete in the tough NFC West.
General manager Les Snead killed the draft. He was loaded with extra picks the past two years, but hit on a bunch. I mentioned his first two as picks I liked, but I also liked second-round corner Lamarcus Joyner. Grade: A+
[FONT=&quot]From CBS Sportsline:[/FONT]
St. Louis Rams — And the haul for the Robert Griffin III trade is complete. Man is it good too. I mean, like, really good. Michael Brockers, Janoris Jenkins, Isaiah Pead, Rokevious Watson, Alec Ogletree, Stedman Bailey, Zac Stacy and Greg Robinson ended up being the players nabbed by Les Snead and Jeff Fisher, understanding they did lots of maneuvering in order to land those players. Robinson is a mammoth road grader who's going to turn Zac Stacy into a fantasy favorite. And Aaron Donald almost feels like an excess pick, but that means Robert Quinn, Brockers, Donald and Chris Long are going to destroy people. Terrifying defensive line.
From NFL.com:
St. Louis Rams: If Aaron Donald (No. 13) pans out, which a lot of people think the "undersized" defensive tackle will, then you can officially anoint the Rams with the best front four in the NFL. Robert Quinn, Chris Long, Michael Brockers and Donald? Come on. And Donald wasn't even the club's first pick. Greg Robinson (No. 2) has the potential to be a dominant player.
Third-rounder Tre Mason (No. 75) out of Auburn showed people what he could do in the 2014 BCS National Championship Game, and, with Zac Stacy on board, he won't be expected to carry the load. The Rams also added two corners and two safeties, addressing the needs in their secondary. Nice draft
I also checked with a couple of other Rams boards and most Rams fans seem very happy to ecstatic about the draft. I'll go with the talking heads and the above and most other experts. Very good draft by the Rams and we now reasons for optimism despite being in the NFL's toughest division.


Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
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Once again shopson, you simply are clueless about definitions of what constitutes a moral reference point within the context of psychosocial interactions. You ask the question that: "Love is reprehensible behavior?" If you don't even have a reference point to understand what love is and how it can be corrupted, not even the basics, then you would not be able to make the cognitive comprehension connections about the point I made about the limits of privacy. This is too much work and since you don't have a clue about the basics any further explanations are useless at this point. If anybody requires maturation it would be you.


Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
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Zeke, you make this statement in your post above: "Right at the beginning Fisher mentions he talked with Kroenke 2 picks prior to Sam about the possibility of taking him." This statement suggests Fisher initiated the topic of concern not the other way around. But if Fisher was following orders, then I still have lost respect for the organization for even considering this garbage. Somebody mentioned selling tickets and if Kroneke initiated this, then the dog and pony media circus everyone didn't want with Tebow is definitely coming to town.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
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Love and smooching you gf is one thing. Making out with your boy toy and having a cake party like you are married is another. And don't blame it on espn. It's just 2 guys that think they were getting married or something and smearing cake all over each other. It was disgusting and a joke.

All the negativity for the rams draft? How about reality?

1) we drafted a OT that never pass blocked in college and will play guard in the NFL with the #2 overall pick.
2) we drafted a stud DT and all we needed was a body to put on the Dline next to 3 studs. We could have used Pryor here. You will see him become a force on the Jets.
3) we traded UP to #40 overall and gave up a 5th rounder for a nickel CB
3.5) we drafted a stud RB that may need surgery
4) we drafted a safety from STL that has played safety but 1 year at Utah st after punching a teammate and serving 45 days in jail, while no one else was looking to draft the guy that early. No one was even talking about him because he was the janitor at the dome.
5) well we gave up our 5th
6) we drafted a QB and wasted that pick
7) we drafted a gay DE that loves being gay and flaunts it on national tv, will make our training camp a complete joke, and really loves cake.

Those are the facts. Rate them how u want.

But our offense is still a question mark and so is the secondary. These guys have no idea how to utilize picks and balance their team.

We will be lucky to be 8-8. Which is what fisher does best.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
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Gimme enough picks and Anyone will get talent. But that doesn't mean the rams are more balanced now.

But you don't go BPA at a position that you already are stacked at that early in the draft. You have to try to be balanced. Lol. And guess who fell to the steelers late in the 3rd? Louis nix.

Their idiots. The Michael Sam pick confirmed it for me.

It was reach city and project city as usual.
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Jul 11, 2013
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Zeke, you make this statement in your post above: "Right at the beginning Fisher mentions he talked with Kroenke 2 picks prior to Sam about the possibility of taking him." This statement suggests Fisher initiated the topic of concern not the other way around. But if Fisher was following orders, then I still have lost respect for the organization for even considering this garbage. Somebody mentioned selling tickets and if Kroneke initiated this, then the dog and pony media circus everyone didn't want with Tebow is definitely coming to town.

No....just because he had a conversatiion with Kreonke doesnt mean he initiated it. To me he was following orders. Go to the 43 mark(in the video) he Fisher states- "Um well.. that came....from.....I was on the phone with Mr Kreonke with only 2 picks away"... then Snead interupts him. Answer me this, why in the hell is Fisher even talking to Kreonke that late in the draft to begin with? Do you think Fisher was asking permission to draft Sam fearing that he would create a circus? No Way.....If you ask me, I believe this whole thing was staged with Kreonkes going after some free publicity. There's no way Fisher would even pick a DE when we already have 6 on the team now.


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Jul 16, 2013
Rochester, NY
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Once again shopson, you simply are clueless about definitions of what constitutes a moral reference point within the context of psychosocial interactions. You ask the question that: "Love is reprehensible behavior?" If you don't even have a reference point to understand what love is and how it can be corrupted, not even the basics, then you would not be able to make the cognitive comprehension connections about the point I made about the limits of privacy. This is too much work and since you don't have a clue about the basics any further explanations are useless at this point. If anybody requires maturation it would be you.

You would have no problem with the Sam pick had he been hetero, kissing and cake party included. In fact, you guys would be hooting and hollering if that had been McCarron having that cake party. I can see this is going to further devolve into how Sam's relationship is against the Bible, so I'm out.


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Jul 3, 2013
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No Angel,
I completely disagree. I believe Kreonke and Demoff made this pick, not Fisher and Snead. Here is the presser, Right at the beginning Fisher mentions he talked with Kroenke 2 picks prior to Sam about the possibility of taking him. He mentions Kroenke several times in this presser. IMO why in the hell would Kreonke even be on the phone that late in the draft talking to coach? Its because Kreonke told Fisher to do this, Fisher is just following orders. We dont need a DE in the first place.

St. Louis Rams coach Jeff Fisher and general manager Les Snead explain why they drafted Sam - NFL Videos


You need to read this: St. Louis Rams draft Michael Sam, make NFL history - NFL.com

This was Fisher's idea since Friday. Fisher is the one who called Stan to tell him what they were planning on doing and Stan said OK.


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Jul 3, 2013
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I hear you Angelakerams. That little girl in the WH just can't wait to make that phone call.And you are spot on SJ. We did nothing to help Laurinaitus out and all we did on offense is fix a bit of our O-line which we will lead us to continue to do a lot of hoping just like last year!!


Here it is Retro.