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Do pro athletes do this regularly


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Jul 16, 2013
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So taking say $10,000 for autographs is "evil" in your eyes even though the guy gives away millions of dollars a year for charity? I mean why does this one pay check have to go straight to charity? I mean is it so bad for him to put this money in his bank account and then at the end of the year figure out where best to use his money to help others? Whether that $10,000 goes to charity now or at a later date I don't think should sower a person towards him as a person. He is one of the more giving athletes not only of his money but also of his time.

"I'm a great humanitarian; come see me in person, breathe the same air as me, and have me scribble my name on your flat item (extra for personalization) for only $300! Deal of the century!"


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"I'm a great humanitarian; come see me in person, breathe the same air as me, and have me scribble my name on your flat item (extra for personalization) for only $300! Deal of the century!"

All sorts of players do that. Kobe Bryant has a deal with Athlete Promotions for paid autograph signings and meet and greets which he does every single year. I could really care less, if you want it and are willing to pay, go for it. If not, don't. Clayton Kershaw does his paid signing trips every year for Topps and other companies.


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Deal of the century!"

Obviously there's perceived value in it for the people who do it. Otherwise, you know, they wouldn't do it.


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All sorts of players do that. Kobe Bryant has a deal with Athlete Promotions for paid autograph signings and meet and greets which he does every single year. I could really care less, if you want it and are willing to pay, go for it. If not, don't. Clayton Kershaw does his paid signing trips every year for Topps and other companies.

If you think picking names off of teams I support changes my opinion, it doesn't.


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"I'm a great humanitarian; come see me in person, breathe the same air as me, and have me scribble my name on your flat item (extra for personalization) for only $300! Deal of the century!"

Are you really going to be upset with somebody for making money? I mean this would be like me saying you taking a raise at your job is unfair and you should give all that extra money you are making now to charity. Now you can say these guys make lots more money for you so an extra $10,000 or whatever is just ridiculous on top of what else they make but would you really not do the same if you were in the same position? And like I said Manning has been one of the best in the country of using his popularity and money to help others. Heck every Bronco home game he would fly a fan out and their family that was going through a crisis. I don't know how many families with a member having terminal cancer he would not only fly out all expenses paid trip but then also go and spend part of a Saturday with them before the game on Sunday then check in on them before the game started on Sunday.

He also runs quite a few charities that have given millions upon millions of dollars to help people. So what is it then if he doesn't give this $10,000 right off the bat just straight to charity? My guess is in the upcoming season he will give millions away just in this next year. Does it really matter if he gives that $10,000 right away or if it is a few months down the road?


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If you think picking names off of teams I support changes my opinion, it doesn't.

Just saying it ins't like everyone isn't doing that.. And I could care less, guys make money off of a star's free autograph, it's a free market economy, go for it. If you think Kobe Bryant and Magic Johnson are douches who prey on other people because they decide to do it, that's fine, and that can be your opinion, just make sure it doesn't change when the jersey they wear does. I don't really think it matters.

I guess I would like to know, if Peyton does this once and is a douchebag, and Magic does this 20 times, how fucking much of a horrible worthless piece of shit human excrement is he to you?


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Just saying it ins't like everyone isn't doing that.. And I could care less, guys make money off of a star's free autograph, it's a free market economy, go for it. If you think Kobe Bryant and Magic Johnson are douches who prey on other people because they decide to do it, that's fine, and that can be your opinion, just make sure it doesn't change when the jersey they wear does. I don't really think it matters.

I guess I would like to know, if Peyton does this once and is a douchebag, and Magic does this 20 times, how fucking much of a horrible worthless piece of shit human excrement is he to you?

I think it's unnecessary and inappropriate for rich athletes to soak fans for their autograph, simple enough isn't it? Not sure why you guys are questioning this to such lengths.

Exaggerating things isn't helping your argument btw. That human excrement evaluation is yours alone.


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Jul 16, 2013
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Are you really going to be upset with somebody for making money? I mean this would be like me saying you taking a raise at your job is unfair and you should give all that extra money you are making now to charity. Now you can say these guys make lots more money for you so an extra $10,000 or whatever is just ridiculous on top of what else they make but would you really not do the same if you were in the same position? And like I said Manning has been one of the best in the country of using his popularity and money to help others. Heck every Bronco home game he would fly a fan out and their family that was going through a crisis. I don't know how many families with a member having terminal cancer he would not only fly out all expenses paid trip but then also go and spend part of a Saturday with them before the game on Sunday then check in on them before the game started on Sunday.

He also runs quite a few charities that have given millions upon millions of dollars to help people. So what is it then if he doesn't give this $10,000 right off the bat just straight to charity? My guess is in the upcoming season he will give millions away just in this next year. Does it really matter if he gives that $10,000 right away or if it is a few months down the road?

Don't confuse with athlete's charities and athlete's donations as being the same thing. "Donating time" is another false equivalency. Speaking in general, as I'm not accusing Peyton of anything in that context.

Regardless, whether or not Peyton does other great things in his community isn't at question here. Signing for personal profit (at elevated prices to boot) stinks IMO. Not expecting it to be your opinion, but you're not going to change mine.


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Don't confuse with athlete's charities and athlete's donations as being the same thing. "Donating time" is another false equivalency. Speaking in general, as I'm not accusing Peyton of anything in that context.

Regardless, whether or not Peyton does other great things in his community isn't at question here. Signing for personal profit (at elevated prices to boot) stinks IMO. Not expecting it to be your opinion, but you're not going to change mine.

But I guess my question is why do you not like capitalism? I mean people left and right are making money off the signature of these players. Heck players in the past have had to pay for say a home run ball they hit to a fan because that fan knows how valuable that ball is. So is it really fair then for others to make profit off of these players without them getting anything in return?

Also there are times when these players do sign for free. I went to Training Camp this last year and almost every single day Manning spent an hour signing things for kids that attended. I don't think he signed much for adults but usually teams do allow for players to have the time to interact with fans for free. So then when these adults are wanting these signatures to increase the value of a card or item then why shouldn't the player get a small piece of that money?


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Feb 5, 2016
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I think it's unnecessary and inappropriate for rich athletes to soak fans for their autograph, simple enough isn't it? Not sure why you guys are questioning this to such lengths.

Exaggerating things isn't helping your argument btw. That human excrement evaluation is yours alone.

You said the ones who do that are "Douches"... Like Magic who's been doing it for years.. You fully believe Magic Johnson is a giant douche.

I personally don't care. I've seen people wait in lines and Manning sign away at scrimmages I went to before. And not everyone got an autograph, especially adults. If he wants to earn money and let those adults who'd rather pay for the 100% chance to get it, so be it. It's a free market, there is zero scam on what the person is receiving for their money.

I guess I really don't think Magic, Kareem ($30k-$50k per signing event), and Kobe are these ultimate douchebags you make them out to be.


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"I'm a great humanitarian; come see me in person, breathe the same air as me, and have me scribble my name on your flat item (extra for personalization) for only $300! Deal of the century!"

Then don't f'ing go! Obvious solution to this "evil" you see.


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You said the ones who do that are "Douches"... Like Magic who's been doing it for years.. You fully believe Magic Johnson is a giant douche.

I personally don't care. I've seen people wait in lines and Manning sign away at scrimmages I went to before. And not everyone got an autograph, especially adults. If he wants to earn money and let those adults who'd rather pay for the 100% chance to get it, so be it. It's a free market, there is zero scam on what the person is receiving for their money.

I guess I really don't think Magic, Kareem ($30k-$50k per signing event), and Kobe are these ultimate douchebags you make them out to be.

It's a douche move IMO. Doesn't mean any player is a douche exclusively, and I don't believe Peyton is a douche either. Spin it all you like, doesn't bother me.


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Jul 16, 2013
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But I guess my question is why do you not like capitalism? I mean people left and right are making money off the signature of these players. Heck players in the past have had to pay for say a home run ball they hit to a fan because that fan knows how valuable that ball is. So is it really fair then for others to make profit off of these players without them getting anything in return?

Also there are times when these players do sign for free. I went to Training Camp this last year and almost every single day Manning spent an hour signing things for kids that attended. I don't think he signed much for adults but usually teams do allow for players to have the time to interact with fans for free. So then when these adults are wanting these signatures to increase the value of a card or item then why shouldn't the player get a small piece of that money?

Capitalism is fine, but so is showing some class and honoring your fans. If your fans decide to take your generosity and flip your signature for cash, that's their prerogative (and again, not something I support either). I don't count scalpers as fans in this context anyway.


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Capitalism is fine, but so is showing some class and honoring your fans. If your fans decide to take your generosity and flip your signature for cash, that's their prerogative (and again, not something I support either). I don't count scalpers as fans in this context anyway.

Well from the sound of it that is exactly what these guys are that are paying for such an event. They are looking at this as a possible money making opportunity by getting an item signed by this player and having it authenticated. Like I said Manning every day at training camp would stay after practice to sign autographs for kids. He was there sometimes for hours trying to sign as many things as he could. For those wanting to make money off his signature then hey I say take a piece of that pie for yourself. For those wanting something to pass through the generations as a huge moment from you childhood meeting a star like that then yeah I agree don't charge for those. To me though if somebody is making money off me after I put in extra time to be with the fans then I don't think that is fair either to the athlete.


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It's a douche move IMO. Doesn't mean any player is a douche exclusively, and I don't believe Peyton is a douche either. Spin it all you like, doesn't bother me.

My bad for thinking you thought Peyton was a douche because of that... When you said you can "think he's a douche because of it".. Talk about spinning it how you want... lol

But it is interesting how when the jersey on the back of the athlete changes, how you back off so quickly from that statement... No no no, he's not a douche anymore, it's just a douche move...


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Jul 16, 2013
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My bad for thinking you thought Peyton was a douche because of that... When you said you can "think he's a douche because of it".. Talk about spinning it how you want... lol

But it is interesting how when the jersey on the back of the athlete changes, how you back off so quickly from that statement... No no no, he's not a douche anymore, it's just a douche move...

I also said that I have been a fan of Peyton's since Tennessee. My exact words were "I can think he's a douche because of it if I wish as well", which clearly means I think it is a douche move. If Magic does it, it's a douche move on his part as well. Lots of things that Kobe does are douche moves. Doesn't make any of them exclusively dbags in my eyes. Everyone has faults.


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Well from the sound of it that is exactly what these guys are that are paying for such an event. They are looking at this as a possible money making opportunity by getting an item signed by this player and having it authenticated. Like I said Manning every day at training camp would stay after practice to sign autographs for kids. He was there sometimes for hours trying to sign as many things as he could. For those wanting to make money off his signature then hey I say take a piece of that pie for yourself. For those wanting something to pass through the generations as a huge moment from you childhood meeting a star like that then yeah I agree don't charge for those. To me though if somebody is making money off me after I put in extra time to be with the fans then I don't think that is fair either to the athlete.
After that long incoherent babble I tend to disagree. Athletes who beg for money should be ones who need it.


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Capitalism is fine, but so is showing some class and honoring your fans.

Who's to say Manning never gives away free autographs? You're not getting on his case for NOT "honoring your fans" (which apparently equates to giving away free autographs), you're getting on his case for charging for some. Those 2 things aren't mutually exclusive.

Like I pointed out, he could've just sat on his ass that day, and he wouldn't have been the target of your criticism.